The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    we are stardust's picture

    Think you are in favor of the "public option?" Not so fast...

    Last night on Bill Moyers Journal, two helathcare journalists,Trudy Lieberman and Marcia Angel, M.D., discussed the current plan, and expressed great skepticism about the true results of a plan based on the current system.  Angell's position was that throwing money at the current system is wrong, and that in the end any public plan will just be a dumping ground for the sickest patients, won't control costs, and is doomed to failure.  If you factor in that everyone will be mandated to get insured, either publicly or privately, a public plan won't be able to negotiate drug prices, etc.:  look out!  It sounds as though in order to placate a few Republicans and some Blue Dogs (woof!), the plan may be not all that beneficial.  If it costs a lot, then doesn't work well, single payer will be shelved forever.  Oh--plus, the public G-plan wouldn't even start until 2013 or something??

    Here's the link


    Here is former insurance exec Wendell Potter critiquing the public option...



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