we are stardust's picture

    How Badly Do We Want Liberal/Progressive Values?

    Some here at Dagblog are big on saying that ‘all of us want the same things’, and sometimes it’s been a little more plaintive than others.  I’ve found myself resisting that in any but the most shallow meaning of the phrase, and over the past few days I’ve been coming closer to why I don’t think that it’s altogether true.

    Decader's picture

    (Sigh) It's Over When It's Over

    So the White House is saying they don't really know when exactly they or the military will stop enforcing Don't Ask Don't Tell...

    since there are a few congressional reviews and what not to go through before it ends.

    Way to get ahead of the curve - they've only been on this study since what, February, and couldn't foresee that if there were a vote, they might need to implement it?

    Hey, we just killed Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Anybody notice?

    This is a great achievement. Where's the applause?  Where's the commendations for Barack and Harry and Nancy?

    We are in full throat here when expressing our disapproval of some Administration fault or failure. And rightly so. But this great victory seems to have been welcomed with a resounding ho hum.

    Is it more fun to punish someone?  To write a stinging post dwelling on Barack's failure(s)?  Or some other targets?

    Don't ask, don't tell is in the process of being repealed

    Wonderful. Finally  joining  the world's other normal countries. "Exceptional" no longer in this regard.

    The vote to limit debate was 63 to 33 with six republicans joining 57 democrats: the 4  announced before :Collins, Snowe, Brown(Mass) and Murkowski plus two additional ones Kirk and Voinevitch.

    The formal vote on repeal  is to come later, sounds like this afternoon.

    It's a good day.

    Barth's picture

    The Road Ahead or Barth Wants to Ruin Family Get Togethers

    There is nobody on "our side" of the political gulf who did not cheer, feel vindicated, or thought of the many people in their lives who just have to read the University of Maryland study of the misinformed viewers of what is laughingly called "Fox News." When we calm down a bit, it might occur to contemplate that a) what is being done is a deliberate political strategy and b) is working.

    Elusive Trope's picture

    The Season For A Purge?

    As a lead up to my next blog which explains why I accept that I am defeatist liberal, I offer today’s blog by Charles Blow in the NY Times:  Whose Party Is It?  He begins:

    The near-apoplectic level of agita within the liberal screeching class over President Obama’s tax-cut compromise has exposed a seismic crack in the Democratic monolith — outspoken liberal Democrats on one side and barely audible moderate Democrats on the other.

    Richard Day's picture


    George Carlin



    Congratulations, Destor

    It's just come to my attention that the Dag Blog masthead now has a new addition.  I can't think of a better one.

    Destor covers the economy and politics like no one's business,  has a great sense of humor and an approach to blogging (and commenting) that I've truly come to love.  I think we've all come to love him....even though he likes to smash folding chairs over unsuspecting victims' heads while showing off his orange-tanned pecs.

    Destor -- congratulations.  A well-deserved spotlight is now upon you.  I know you'll wear it well.

    When Is A Story Not A Story?

    From Google News today:

    EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin Rides With Robin Roberts

    ABC News - ‎1 hour ago‎
    Sarah Palin told "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts in an exclusive interview that h
    Decader's picture

    Repealing DADT - Obama bets on the home stretch

    Yeah, Barry - we get it. You count votes. You know repeal's going to pass, so you get your army of eunuchs (former campaign munchkins now denatured) to start hitting the telephones.

    Nothing like having the bill barely get to vote, having all of the President's hopes relying on the Log Cabin Republicans, of all the absurdities (will Republicans carrying Obama's colostomy bag be our image for the rest of his presidency, all 22 remaining months of it?)

    AFL-CIO's Trumka: Yes, Virginia, There Is A Tax Deal

    For all the conjecture about whether the tax deal struck between the president and Republicans was a hollow victory or represented passage of something real and vital to the working class, organized labor has an answer: Of course it did, but "at a terrible price." And the larger battles of the new 112th Congress are still to be fought. Without further ado or comment, here now a mass email from AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka to my Inbox on Dec. 16th, retaining original emphasis:



    "Make em beg for more, and then don't give it to them": Mama Rose's advice to Louise.

    You can uh, you can uh, you can uh...uh...uh

    I have been uh uh uh frustrated with the messaging from Obama, let alone what he is actually doing as President. While the Republicans have the single message of "cut taxes" Obama seems to be all over the lot in his effort to be bipartisan. Progressives are baffled and/or angry. What does the President stand for?

    Richard Day's picture




                                    TEN YEARS AFTER


    we are stardust's picture

    Pvt. Brad Manning: Seven Months of Solitary So Far

    Private Manning has never been tried for a crime.  He has never been convicted of a crime.  Yet he has spent the past five months in solitary confinement at the Marine brig in Quantico, VA, and the preceding two months in prison in Kuwait.

    There are no sheets or a  pillow on his bed.  He is not permitted to exercise in his cell, and closed circuit television monitors him to make sure he doesn’t sneak in a prohibited push-up or sit-up. 

    Tea Party: You're Not Going to Ban my Cul de Sac

    After the 'ballots or bullets' midterm elections, Tea Party activists looked around and discovered that while they had been saving Americans from health care reform,  a global demon (second only to Soros) had infiltrated their local communities.

    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "Which Side Are You On, Boys?"

    Looks like the White House won the messaging wars.

    Here's the lede to the tax cuts for the rich story as presented by MSNBC:

    Watt Childress's picture

    Two Santa Clauses or none?

    There are some things Americans know about ourselves without having to hear it from pollsters. We know we love Santa Claus, for example. When offered a choice between having no Santa for Christmas, or having twice as much Santa, we’ll grab the latter.

    My cardiologist has a patient who's

    chief of staff for a well known  Congressman  . Told him  she supported Obama and wanted to root for Obamacare , and had read the bill.

     And couldn't understand it.,

    He replied, neither could he.

    MrSmith1's picture

    Mitt Romney wants to privatize Unemployment benefits!

    Just when you think they can't find another way to siphon money out of your wallet, some GOPer comes up with a new and even crazier idea.  This time, it's 'Catcher's' Mitt Romney.  Instead of those poor, put-upon, over-taxed, and overly regulated employers paying into the Unemployment Insurance fund, Mitt wants you, the potentially future unemployed, to pay for your own unemployment insurance!!  Just think of how NOT paying all that money into the system will free up corporations and allow them to create more jobs!

    Red Planet's picture

    A Coda to the Death of Ambassador Holbrooke

    Most readers of this blog will not require an introduction to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. And most are probably aware that he died today, following surgery for a torn aorta. 

    It is reported by the AP that Ambassador Holbrooke's final words were "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan." (h/t HuffPo)
