wws's picture

    Dear Josh

    Josh:  I just read your notice that you may shut down the Cafe.  On the one hand, I would be among the first to acknowledge that you have provided a welcoming resource for left-minded, armchair policy makers. The Cafe has become...
    oleeb's picture

    Ancient Malignancy Metastasizes Anew

      "When facism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."                                                                            Sinclair Lewis         David Duke (above) circa 1979-80              ...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Lights and Mirrors on The Mall

    I have no idea what I watched yesterday. I felt a creepy feeling as I watched.  I recognized many of the faces.  I recognized the words, the place, and even the backdrop felt familiar.  But all put together, in the...
    amike's picture

    Are all Advertisements Created Equal?

    I carped about this once before, but that was a year ago or more.  I know that TPM is, among other things, a commercial enterprise.  I know that means it has to raise money.  I wish it would do this...


    Marginal Revolution: *The Tenth Parallel* Economics: No, there is a shortage of safe assets | The Economist TheMoneyIllusion » Deconstructing Bernanke's speech An Autopsy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - NYTimes.com A Nice Sentence, Arnold Kling | EconLog |...
    Richard Day's picture


    File links                      WITNESS TO TODAY'S FESTIVITIES IN DC"For too long, this country has wandered in darkness," said Beck, a Fox News host. He said it was now time to "concentrate on the good things in America, the things we...
    Barth's picture

    The Same Old Thing

    Well, this was not easy---finding out how to post under the secret identity I have established for myself.  As I have explained elsewhere this assumed identity is necessary only because of how and by whom I am employed, and the...
    Richard Day's picture


                                LATEST ENHANCED INTERROGATION TECHNIQUESA flying saucer orbits the 1950s Earth. It lands in Washington, DC, on the Mall. The lone occupant steps out and is shot by a jumpy soldier. Gort, a large and very powerful robot appears...
    ClosetLuddite's picture

    Identity blogging

    So why is this system using the information from my FaceBook account (like my real name) for comments attribution but showing my ClosetLuddite avitar?  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to log in as my TPM identity and keep...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                  BECKERHEAD, RUSH AND BILLOHere I am, minding my own business, attempting to look for a nonpolitical slant on things for a change and I find this gem at Mediamatters:   Beck praised constitutional provision...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage    THE 2010 GRAND MASTER OF THE NEW ORLEANS GAY PRIDE PARADEKen Mehlman, who headed the Republican National Committee between 2005 and 2007, has come out in an interview with the Atlantic's Marc Ambinder: Mehlman arrived at this...
    we are stardust's picture

    What's Your Sign?

    Ruta's yesterday-blog was one of his best, IMO.  He called it Sand, and featured a photo of a sign on a road in the middle of a desert of sand.  If I can paraphrase, he said its impact was such that it...
    amike's picture

    Festschrift for Pseudocyants: I. Thomas Paine and the Rights of Minors

    When I learned the sad news that PseudoCyants had died, I wrote a comment as many did.  He was a giant in the Cafe.  Generous in giving his time and insights, scrupulously fair and always thoughtful, his voice is missed. ...

    I Am Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf

    I am ashamed of those fellow Americans of mine who are twisting the words and life's work of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf into a fanatical caricature for the purpose of stopping the Cordoba House project. Fellow Americans like Rick Lazio,...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                       LEFT HAND TURN ISSUES IN MOSCOWVirginia, Minnesota claims 22,000 residents.  It is partially enclosed by a deep, deep pit on the west and north sides. On the south side it runs into a freeway that brings 80%...
    we are stardust's picture

    New Ratchet Effects and Class in America

    We've become accustomed to the Ratchet Effect in American politics, the idea that our politics keep moving to the Right.  (Thanks, Ellen.) Loosely speaking, some other Ratchet Effects are occurring. One huge one concerns the migration of wealth upward; recent...
    Richard Day's picture


    global file usage                 Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Ladenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqowmHgxVJQ Well now, that wascal Brer Fox hated Brer Rabbit on account of the fact that Brer Rabbit always seemed to win. Meanwhile Brer Rabbit was receiving accolades and victorious...
    stillidealistic's picture

    As Long As We're Depressed...

    Warning: Don't watch this until you have put all the knives, guns, ropes and prescription meds somewhere safe...Okay, well, maybe it isn't quite that bad, but I've come across a  very interesting video depiction of the unemployment data by county...
    Richard Day's picture


                                                              THE HOSTELUnder the Poor Law systems of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, a workhouse was a place where people who were unable to support themselves could go to live and work. The Oxford English Dictionary's earliest reference...

    Why Park51 must rise and stand

    The construction of the Muslim community center originally called Cordoba House and now known as Park51--but always as the "Ground Zero mosque" by its vocal opponents--was never subject in the first place to a debate about its propriety. For the...
    we are stardust's picture

    My Songs Have Gone Missing

      My songs are missing, and I don't know where to find them.  For so long they were just there; I took them for granted.  I feel as though I should, or at least want to apologize to them; and...
    Richard Day's picture


    File links                   GREAT THEOLOGIANS AT WORKCuriouser and curiouser!I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But...
    wws's picture

    Fear Knot

    FEAR Knot: Rebuilding Bridges To Achieve a More Perfect Unionhttp://www.bellsofkendal.co.uk/Ireland2006/images/05RopeBridge.html A person would have to be an automaton if he, or she were not currently experiencing some serious levels of fear. For one reason or another, all of us...
    Barth's picture

    Our Country

    So many of the people with who we commune said it that we allowed ourselves to at least consider the possibility that the election of President Obama marked the end of the racial politics that had bedeviled the nation from...

    Historians Discover First Draft of Bill of Rights

    Fast on the heels of this summer's revelation that Thomas Jefferson erased the word "subjects" while writing the Declaration of Independence and replaced it with the word "citizens," another team of researchers announced this week they have discovered the first...
