Richard Day's picture


    ile usage                                 Eli Eli lama sabachthani?My friend Ken died. I am crushed. One song I cannot get out of my mind: I pulled into Nazareth, was feelin' about half past dead; I just need some place where I can lay...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Who Am I

    Sometimes I think I am Donald Draper.  Sometimes playing it cool and knowing more than I actually do gets me through a few moments, until I realize that nothing is actually ever certain.    Sometimes a church is a...
    Ramona's picture

    The Holiness of Burning, Burning Hate

    So let me get this straight: A "church" called Dove World Outreach Center, 50 members strong, followers by their own admission of the Christian bible, reaches out to another faith by threatening to burn their sacred book. Is that they way it looks to you, too?
    Richard Day's picture


    File links        MANAGER OF MAJOR EGG PRODUCTION FACTORYThe huge recall of 380 million eggs is causing some to question of whether American poultry farms should adopt new practices to keep salmonella out of food. Hundreds of people have fallen...
    oleeb's picture

    Note To Dumbass Democrats: It's Not An Issue--It's A Tactical Distraction

    Once again our dumbass Democratic officials get snookered by the cheapest and most rank tactics GOP strategists can come up with on, of all things, a local zoning matter in New York City.  That's all this really is and all...
    SleepinJeezus's picture

    "The Only Thing We Have Is Fear Itself"

    "Don't call for help, no one will heed you!"We have the Republicans who peddle hatred and xenophobia and racism as a way of avoiding the shame of taking responsibility for the abject failure of their thirty year experiment in Reaganomics....
    Joe Wood's picture

    Afraid Of A Building

    (This was written in response to a post about poems.  For those who missed it, I repost it here:) In arabic and persian, I want to rite out: America, is the hope of the world.The schoolhouses, domes and pillars are...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage           JOHN BOLTON IN HAPPIER DAYSFormer UN envoy John Bolton said Israel has just "eight days" to launch a military strike to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions before such an attack would be too risky. With Iran's first...

    Blinded by the Right: How Democrats Can Win

    My high school classmates and I loved Manfred Mann's cover of the song "Blinded by the Light," and not just for its energy. We listened to it over and over partly because we were certain that no lyrics played on...
    we are stardust's picture

    UN Changes Gears on Gaza Flotilla Investigation

    On August 2, 2010, Israel yielded to calls from the US and the International community to participate in an independent investigation of the May 31 attack on the Mavi Marmara in which in which Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish pro-Palestinian...
    Richard Day's picture


    File links                  SHAWN BELL AT EASEBehind Closed Doors: Cast of Characters: Brian Nieves: GOP nominee for some State Senator's position that nobody cares about. (Some seat in Missouri where they are still fighting the Civil War) Welcome to our...
    Barth's picture

    Right and Wrong, an addendum

    It is unclear to me exactly what the White House is trying to say in the face of Peter King's blustering and other sad sacks impugning the comments the President made last night. There is no reason for him to...
    amike's picture

    Why Even the Healthiest Need Affordable Health Care.

    I'm feeling the need to get away--have a little vacation.  My temper is running shorter than  it usually does, and  that's a very good sign.  Laughter is the best medicine, as I've been told more than once.  This made me...
    Barth's picture

    Right and Wrong

    There are few independent economists (that is, someone who has not singed up as a partisan for any of the political arguments we have) who do not look at the situation we are in and does not see the need...

    yahoo acc

    I too have had my yahoo acct used for spam mails to my entire address book. after numerous requests & angry statements all I got was change your password lol like that might really help so I've done it & hope it works any more help would be appreciated. yes it was the infamous viagra fron Canada



    we are stardust's picture

    All Around the Mulberry Bush, the Monkey Chased the Weasel: Afghan Time-clocks

    (Yuri Cortez/Agence France-Presse -- Getty Images...American and Afghan soldiers on a joint patrol last week in Kandahar Province. Military officials say the counterinsurgency strategy needs time to work.) The Obama White House is getting a wee bit nervous that...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                                 GLENN BECK PEACE RALLYWhat was the best song ever written in the 60's? Oh damn. We can argue all day. But I am writing this blog so I get to choose. Hahahahahah FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH Steven...
    Joe Wood's picture

    This, Be Our Land - By Joe Wood

    "This, Be Our Land" A poem by Joe Wood (2010)   I had a memory, of a land a'plenty The men a'working, the women talking I had a nightmare, the world was ending This land was made for you...

    Politics for Dummies

    Each time I see the video of Linda McMahon, the WWE owner and Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Connecticut, delivering a swift kick to an employee's testicles as she fires him, I can't help thinking of the movie "Idiocracy." In...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage                               A MEMBER OF WHITE CITIZENS UNITED just wished to speak about anonymity. I don't care, personally. I think you could spend some time and brand me as a no nothing. It's okay. I did more than...
    amike's picture

    Mr. Smith appears in your living room on his way to Washington

    Maybe it's the August heat which makes it especially hot inside the "big tent" that the left populates.  But I'm seeing a lot of calling for this and calling for that which strikes me as representative of that frustration.  Two...'s picture

    Help us Robin Hood

    This just might be one of the most important documents that you have ever read. You don’t have to agree with everything that I say. All I ask is to read this. If it makes sense to you also then do something about it. Do you remember watching the movie Robin Hood and feeling like Robin Hood was doing something that was really good, right and just because of the evil, corrupt political power there? I remember feeling that way, but more than that I feel that way today.

    we are stardust's picture

    Elizabeth Warren Uncovered What the G Did to 'Rescue' AIG, & It Ain't Pretty

    Based on an article by this name by William Greider, The Nation  (published at Alternet by this blog title)  Most of us at the Café are Warren fans; she minds The People's business in a most spectacular fashion.  What...
    Richard Day's picture


    Global file usage      THE FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESNewt was once an important force in American Politics. The news of the day not only underlines his hypocrisy but his most evil of intents. Today, The Newt pronounced that...
    Joe Wood's picture

    Why Vote?

    After a certain amount of time, almost everybody who loves politics or government or social causes loses not interest--but faith in the system.  At some points we have believed in our lives that this guy was "our guy"--that he would...
