Michael Maiello's picture

    Muslims Need To Speak Up!

    I don't usually care what Marty Peretz of The New Republic has to say.  I just usually dismiss him as a crazy old coot and perhaps some one past his intellectual prime.  So, whatevs.

    Ramona's picture

    Liberals for Obama: What a Concept!

     Yesterday Maureen Dowd devoted an entire column to why her Republican sister is angry that she voted for Obama:

    tmccarthy0's picture

    Words to Live By

    Nine years and one day later, maybe we all need a break of the politicization of 9-11. It is always easy to reflect, when reading anything by Ms. Angelou

    In and Out of Time

    Maya Angelou

    stillidealistic's picture

    I'm Not a Part Of This America

    I stayed away from the 9/11 coverage today, well, now yesterday. The mosque controversy has left me feeling disgusted, and I just didn't want any part of it. But I did see a few pictures on the front page here...
    Richard Day's picture



    File:Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981.jpg
                             HAPPY HANDSOME MAN




    I was thinking about this today as I listened to old FOX rantings.

    Oh it is magic!!! They say

    stillidealistic's picture

    I Don't Feel Connected To This America

    I stayed away from the 9/11 coverage today, well, now yesterday. The mosque controversy has left me feeling disgusted, and I just didn't want any part of it. But I did see a few pictures on the front page at TPM a few minutes ago. The hateful people at the rally...the ignorant signs...I just don't feel connected to this America.

    I mean it wasn't supposed to be a celebration, so it's not like they spoiled the fun or anything like that. But they spoiled something.

    oleeb's picture

    It Was Tragic But Did Not "Change Everything" At All

    The morning of the heinous attacks on New York and Washington I was struck by many things, but beyond the horror of the carnage, what really leapt out at me as I was watching CNN (like everyone else I...
    Barth's picture

    Days of Awe

    It seemed impossible to post here yesterday, and I thought that was curtains for Barth at TPM Cafe.  Today, I find that I continue to exist, so here is what you would have seen here yesterday, if I could have...
    Barth's picture

    Nine, Eleven

    quinn esq's picture

    The Other Catcher In The Rye.

    One year - back when we had the combine - Dad decided to plant rye in the big field that ran between our house and the rest of the farm. Beautiful stuff, rye. You may not think kids notice when things...
    Elusive Trope's picture

    Koran Burning and Other Performance Art

    Just like about everybody else on this planet, I am at the very least thoroughly disgusted by Pastor Terry Jones and his followers.  Now there seems to another in Tennessee who thinks burning Korans is an idea whose time has come.  I have to remind myself that these whackjobs don’t represent our country, or even the region in which they live.  Yet for every one that actually carries out or talks about carrying

    stillidealistic's picture

    Religion, Fornicating, and Beheading

    I am a Christian woman. I used to be pretty proud of that. Not so much these days. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed of my Lord, but I am ashamed of what is done in his name.

    Take burning Korans, for instance. I'm pretty sure there is no place in the Bible where it says this is a good idea. But it does say that adulterers and fornicators should be stoned to death...Now here's an idea. Let's take all the fornicators and adulterers in congress and stone them to death. We can't seem to get rid of them through the ballot box, so why not use their weapon of choice, the Bible?

    Richard Day's picture


    File:Tea bag.JPG


    Okay, so it appears we find ourselves in a new era.

    Here is a sampling from a speech given almost half a century ago from some politician:

    The Decider's picture

    Bush Speaks Out About Former Presidencying

    President George W. Bush spoke at a fundraiser for community college scholarships this week in downtown Fort Worth.

    On avoiding talking about Obama's policies: "I don't think it's befitting the office of the presidency to go out and be criticizing my successor," he said. "I didn't like it when some of my predecessors -- a predecessor -- criticized me."

    [translation: Clinton was a schmuck]

    oleeb's picture

    Hi Diddle Dee Dee! An Ode To John Boehner

    John Boehner has always reminded me of the Disney character above name J. Worthington Foulfellow from Pinnochio.  Take a moment to click on the link below and enjoy a video I dedicate to him on the last day of...
    oleeb's picture

    Parting Shots

    I've enjoyed being able to blog here at TPM Cafe.  I hope reader blogs come back here soon.  But in case they don't I want to share a few thoughts with you and I want to say thank you to...
    oleeb's picture

    Time For Leaders To Call Silent Majority To Action Against Bigotry On Saturday

    Like every American with any sense of decency I find the idiot minister in Florida and his hateful and bigoted plan to burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11 repulsive and sickening. There's been way too much pointless jaw...
    Michael Maiello's picture

    What Is Going On Out There (A Koranamania Post)

    So I try to take a little break from politics and what happens?  A Radical Christian Cleric decides to throw himself a Koran burning in Gainesville, Florida.  Actually, he announced it a long time ago and when I first saw the headline about it on Gawker I was absolutely livid because I misread it as "Korean Burning."  Burning Koreans is just wrong.

    we are stardust's picture

    The Storm Breaks at Last

    This is for Libertine and the others who have admitted how sad they are; and for those who haven't, but are, as well... She walked out onto the porch.  For three days now, the sky had been every possible shade...
    jollyroger's picture


    Richard Day's picture


                                                       THE CAFE PARTICIPANTSI have all these thoughts. I think of Mr. Seaton informing me that I may get toooooooooo sentimental, a long time ago. I go up and down. Right now I don't care about my archives. Ha. Who...

    Religious tolerance

    First Amendment:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition...
