Michael Maiello's picture

    Telling Stories

    "Those are Chechen names," said my wife, upon first seeing the Tsarnaev brothers identified in print.  "Interesting that Putin offered his assistance to Boston."

    Richard Day's picture





    I knew it!

    I knew it when I first viewed the damage!




    There's this thing about the king's trousers......


    An excerpt from  Dean Baker in yesterday's Guardian

    Just to remind folks, Reinhart and Rogoff (R&R) are the authors of……………..(a) history of financial crises, This Time is Different. ....…the main conclusion…….. is that high ratios of debt to GDP lead to a long periods of slow growth.

    jollyroger's picture

    Four Dems Throw Down

    Begich, Baucus, Heitkamp, Pryor.

    They have made clear their party affiliation.

    The appropriate, indeed, sole remedy is available in the next primary.

    If any of these four escape a primary, we on the left can occupy the toilet. Outcome, notwithstanding. They must be primaried for the sake of minimal cred.  BTW Obama has to endorse the primary challenge

    Richard Day's picture





    We as a nation have so many dire issues facing us.

    The 21st century has presented us with a new Boston Massacre.

    And there has been little news presented of late that even touches upon other dire issues that effect this country.

    Hero in Cowboy Hat, Lost a Son, Saved a Life

    His name is Carlos Arredondo, and he lost two sons in the war in Iraq. He came to the US as an 'illegal' in the early 80's. He has since gained citizenship.

    After he lost his son Alex to the war, he participated in anti-war protests, and was beaten to the ground and assaulted in Washington, DC during one demonstration in 2007. Link

    Colin Small voter registration form disposal: Late update


    Info regarding upcoming trial. (Tomorrow.)

    If I were the prosecutor, I'd want to know this. But you never know....:^)

    Elusive Trope's picture

    still...nothing to be done

    Best wishes on your birthday Mr. Beckett:

    Samuel Beckett 1973 © John Haynes

    It may be because of the particular climate of mind around my eyes, but these days seem to be more aligned with your sensibilities than any time in recent memory.  The lingering Zeitgeist makes one come to the conclusion "you're on earth.  There's no cure for that."

    Conspiracy is in the details, but nobody likes details.

    I’ve been following the story of Colin Small, a young Republican who was seen throwing out completed voter registration forms in Harrisonburg, VA, and got arrested for it. Turns out Small was employed by the oft-renamed firm sometimes and formerly known as Strategic Allied Consultants, sometimes and formerly run by disgraced Republican consultant Nathan Sproul.


    Allegations have been made, predictably, that Small’s act was part of a larger Strategic Allied conspiracy, but no solid proof has emerged. Small’s bosses fired him and offered the usual “bad apple” explanation.

    In addition, a rather weak explanation for Small’s behavior was offered up by an “unnamed source close to the story” who said Small panicked because he couldn't file the forms by the deadline, and solved his problem by ditching them.

    If you're going to offer marshmallows to a bear

    be sure you have a big bag.

    Obama was wrong to put the chained CPI on the table. I'm fully aware that the Social Security fund will be exhausted in 2000 something or other . And it won't make any difference . The then current contributions from payroll taxes will cover some large % of the requirements and the balance can bloody well be contributed by the public. After all,by then there would have been around 100 years during which the public enjoyed lower taxes because of the subsidy from the social security surplus it'll be time for the public to return the favor.

    The Decider's picture

    How NOT to negotiate

    Hello my liberal friends.  I hope you will forgive me and not think me arrogant if I suggest that I know a bit more about negotiating than your hero, President Obama. As you probably know, Obama has offered a budget that seeks to find "smarter cuts" in spending than the sequester, "close tax loopholes" to generate very minor amounts of additional revenue, and (of great interest) use the chained CPI to adjust spending on social security benefits over time.

    The first point that I would make, and have made many times, is that you don't begin giving away your position before negotiations even start. The President should have suggested a budget with huge tax increases and very large spending increases tied to his major constituencies. In other words, exaggerate your position and then work back towards your realistic expectations through the negotiating process. Right now, all the Republicans need do is to wait until he offers up more and more compromise.

    Richard Day's picture



    Saline County Commissioner Jim Gile (R) used the term "nigger-rigging" during a commission discussion April 2 about hiring an architect to work on a county building, the Salina Journal reported on Saturday. Gile apologized for the comments, but residents called for his resignation during a commission meeting Tuesday afternoon...


    "I am not a prejudiced person," Gile told the Salina Journal. "I have built Habitat homes for colored people."


    There are other punch lines, believe it or not, to this story. See also:


    More compare and contrast

    When nuns puked nails
    by Josephine Livingstone, Prospect blog, April 5, 2013
    {a review of Brian Levack’s new history of demonic possession in the Christian West, "The Devil Within" (Yale, £25)]


    The D.S.M. and the Nature of Disease
    by Gary Greenberg, Elements @ newyorker.com, April 9, 2013

    MrSmith1's picture

    Beach Blanket Iron Lady ...



    Margaret Thatcher ... Annette Funicello.     Compare and Contrast.




    The truth and nothing but the truth


    “It goes without saying that Republicans oppose any expansion of programs that help the less fortunate-along with tax cuts for the wealthy, such opposition is pretty much what defines modern conservatism”


    Krugman today.


    Thank you, thank you, thank you.


    Orion's picture

    Tumultuous Times

    I do realize there is alot of projection here, which you guys have accused me of alot here. Nevertheless, take a peek at these newspaper headlines and imagine, for a second, the serious anxiety and horror one would have of being stuck on a tiny island - Guam - of 180,000 people in the middle of the Pacific that could very well become subject of a nuclear attack:

    It gets more intense:

    The Pauline doctrine

    • Paul Krugman: The Urge to Purge: "When the Great Depression struck, many influential people argued that the government shouldn’t even try to limit the damage…. Andrew Mellon…. Joseph Schumpeter… “artificial stimulus leaves part of the work of depressions undone.” Like many economists, I used to quote these past luminaries with a certain smugness…. How naïve we were.

    Richard Day's picture



    Oh I wish to be anti-liberal today. Well kinda!


    I do not know exactly why I feel like this. I mean my cervical problems went away recently following two months of upper back pain.

    The Peculiar Mind of Rand Paul

    From McClatchy:

    -Less government means more 'economic liberty', so why are rich tycoons spending billions on electing these guys? If government is drown in a bathtub, does Senator Rand Paul get the Golden Ducky? Why not start with liberating Kentucky?

    Are Gays the New Seniors?

    Ok, this question has been burbling around in my mind for awhile, especially now with actual Senators coming out in favor of same sex marriage.

    Are LGBTs and their supporters the new senior citizens? And by that, I mean a block of people who will reliably vote as predicted, and moreover work for their candidates of choice, encouraging their many friends to come out and do the same?

    Orion's picture

    War Games

    A note to Dagblog readers - this is one of my first attempts since college to do analytical political writing of some kind. Given having lived the Guam experience for several months, I thought I'd try to use my experience and apply it to the current North Korean crisis. I am posting it here instead of trying to sell it to a print publication because I am very open to constructive criticism at this point. Thank you.

    Richard Day's picture


    Karl Rove.jpg

    I am in the middle of The West Wing series again on Netflix. For some reason the stream quit after the first three years and out of the blue, the rest of the episodes appeared, magically last week.

    Anyway I have Adult Deficit Multipersonality whatever and I watch golf and read blogs at the same time I 'view' my stream.

    Well, we now have PCTV.

    No not politically correct TV which will always be with us.

    We have for sometime seen the likes of bigger blog sites like Huffpo and Beast and Salon providing video interviews.

    So I run into a 61 minute HUFFPO special interviewing Phil Donahue of all people.

    And what HUFFPO was getting into involves our ten year venture into Halliburton's War.

    Electric car gets good review

    Okay, this isn't a big post, but after some electric car company called an NY Times reporter a liar last month for the road test review, it was nice to see a very positive review of a practical shipping car, the Renault Zoe (no, I don't own stock or work for the company).

    How Not to Rape My Daughter

    So....fair? Unfair? Effective? Dumb?  What would you change?

    This material would probably be better performed by comedian Louis CK, but you have to do what you can in this world.




