The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Genesis 3: With helpers like this...

    So God finished his business and left for vacation. Adam and the woman hung out in the garden with a particularly clever snake. When Adam was off doing something (don’t ask), the snake asked the woman about what fruit she was allowed to eat. The woman explained what God had said about the toxic properties of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The snake, who was apparently smarter than the people, told the woman that what God had said was false.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Genesis 2: Adam gets a "helper"

    As I said, God took a day off. It’s not clear what he did on his day off, but we hope something fun and relaxing. But before he called it quits, God made a pretty garden for the first man, Adam. The garden had some nice trees, including the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which is a long name for a tree. Before heading out, God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree with the long name for “the day you eat from it, you will definitely die.”

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    News From the Future: U.S. Passes "Straight To Scrap" Auto Subsidy

    May 6, 2029

    President George Prescott Bush signed into law a ground-breaking automobile subsidy that will pay the United States' last remaining automaker, General Chrysford, to build cars that will be shipped straight to the scrapyards. The Automotive Repurposing Act is designed to help the Big One survive a global glut of automobiles that has driven the price of cars below the break-even point. Lisa Lemmon, the CEO of General Chrysford, has lobbied hard for the bill and argued in a recent USA McNews editorial that the auto company could not survive without assistance:

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Genesis 1: God’s first week of work

    At first, there wasn’t much of anything. Well, there was God, and there was some water, so maybe that’s a lot. But there wasn’t anything else, that’s my point. Then God decided to make some other stuff probably because he was bored of the water. So first he made some light so that he could see what he was doing. He thought that was a pretty good accomplishment for the first day and congratulated himself on a job well done.

    The second day, God made a hole in the water and called it the sky.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Heretic's Bible - Introduction

    Last summer, a team of archaeologists excavating a Roman-era latrine outside Jerusalem made a remarkable discovery. Buried beneath centuries of silt and fecal matter, the archaeologists discovered an ancient manuscript. The manuscript appears to be an abridged version of the Old Testament with commentary by the infamous heretic, Joseph the Latriner of Lokshen.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    News From the Future: Canada in Negotiations with Internet Virus

    May 1, 2029

    Canadians suffered a fifteenth day without computer access as the the Canadian government negotiated with a malicious software virus for release of its nation's computers. The virus, known by its nom de guerre, Evil LOLcat, has demanded ¥10 billion, freedom for 25 quarantined viruses, and a "cheezburger."

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    The Republican Party of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    The Puppet Master

    Primary power:
    Bending lesser minds to his will

    Secondary power:
    Manipulating intelligence data

    The Fulminator

    Primary power:
    Controls zombie army

    Secondary power:
    Feeds on hate

    The Brain

    Primary power:
    Devious brilliance

    Secondary power:
    Unhindered by conscience

    The Human Newt

    Primary power:

    Secondary power:
    Cannot be killed

    The Black Sidekick

    Primary power:

    Secondary power:
    Familiar with hip-hop terminology

    Captain War Hero

    Primary power:
    Righteous irritation

    Secondary power:
    Earmark disintegration ray

    Ice Girl

    Primary power:
    Emits patriotic-sounding nonsense

    Secondary power:
    Sentences of unusual structure

    Up-and-Coming Boy

    Primary power:
    Not an old white guy

    Secondary power:
    Dull speech of death

    Dr. No

    Primary power:
    Legislative sabotage

    Secondary power:
    No secondary power


    Primary power:

    Secondary power:


    Primary power:
    Wreaks global destruction

    Secondary power:
    Blessed cloak of invisibility

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    News From the Future: Holds Record-Breaking IPO

    April 27, 2029

    The world's most popular search engine,, set a new record with its long-awaited ¥8.3 trillion IPO on the WongDaq stock exchange in Shanghai.'s unusual IPO process, a reverse double-blind Flemish auction with a half-somersault, left analysts scratching their heads but did not prevent a buying frenzy that drove the share price up to ¥1279 by the end of trading. is now worth ¥74.8 trillion, approximately four times the GDP of the United States.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Cheese Bread Jesus

    Once again, Jesus Christ has exposed himself to mortals though a tasty snack. This time, his vehicle of choice was toasted cheese bread.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Oklahoma Governor saves Flaming Lips - Rep cites Constitutional right to be offended

    Governor Brad Henry of Oklahoma decisively resolved a major battle over the official state rock song today. I bet you didn't realize that states had official rock songs, least of all Oklahoma.

    Well it does now. In an online contest, a majority of Oklahomans voted for Do You Realize? by the weird psychadelicish band, The Flaming Lips. I bet you didn't realize that the Flaming Lips came from Oklahoma.

    DF's picture

    Things I Have Seen on the Internets, Part 1: A Separation of Church and Sanity

    I'd like to take some time to address something that I have seen on the Internets.

    Please watch the following video.  It will take about two minutes.

    Orlando's picture

    Dear Dag Boys: Please Don't Make Me Tweet

    Dear Dag Boys:

    I am writing to express my concern with a new development that has very recently come to my attention. I am referring, of course, to the invitation for readers to follow Dagblog on Twitter. 

    Being, as I am, ever so slightly behind the curve when it comes to internet advancements, I write to suggest--nay, implore--that you not require your bloggers to in any way engage in this new endeavor.

    I believe that, should you make the tweeting an imperative, I would be able to master the techology. However, I simply do not want to.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    How to Break Up with Your Girlfriend

    My girlfriend sent this to me. Do you think it's a hint? Pretty funny in any case.

    More animations at Tales of Mere Existence.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Woody Harrelson Invokes Zombie Defense

    After breaking the camera of an aggressive paparazzo who was photographing him with his daughter, Woody Harrelson explained that he mistook the photographer for a zombie:

    "I wrapped a movie called 'Zombieland,' in which I was constantly under assault by zombies, then flew to New York, still very much in character. With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie."

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Earth Hour is the New Black

    Happy Earth Hour, everyone! In a gesture of appreciation for our beautiful planet, which if all goes according to plan will slowly simmer to death sometime this century, dagblog is joining the stampede of environmentally concerned municipalities and other organizations turning the lights off major landmarks for one hour this evening.

    Deadman's picture

    MOFT: Episode 11 (McDonald's Filet-O-Fish commercial)

    Every Tuesday night after my weekly basketball game, I pick up some Mickey D's for me and Filet O Fish cartonMs. Deadman (or Deadwoman, if you prefer) to eat at home. It's a classy tradition in the Deadman household, one that we both totally look forward to, with the main source of our enjoyment being the Filet-O-Fish sandwich that always makes up the entree portion of our meals.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    Help Wanted: De Facto Leader of the Republican Party

    Seeking qualified candidates for leadership role with a top American political party who will:

    DF's picture

    You Down With GOP?

    So, I'm assuming that plenty of people have seen this gem by now:

    Newly elected Republican National Committee Chairman Michael S. Steele plans an “off the hook” public relations offensive to attract younger voters, especially blacks and Hispanics, by applying the party's principles to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings.”


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