The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Michael Maiello's picture

What They've Wanted To Repeal For Seven Years

Ever since the Affordable Care Act became law, Republicans have sought to repeal it. In the most recent failed attempt, I've seen numerous references to the difficulty of repealing an "entitlement" once people have grown used to having it and the use of that word mostly reminds me of just what a paltry entitlement the ACA is for most people.

Michael Maiello's picture

Donald Trump Jr. Really Is Patrick Bateman

Josh Marshall remarks that the Trumps are not really "political," by which he means that they are not actually interested in policy as an end to itself:

Michael Maiello's picture

The War on New York: State Medicaid Director on Trumpcare

No commentary from me here, just a signal boost for a caring public official.



As New York's Medicaid Director, I couldn’t be more appalled by House Speaker Paul Ryan’s health care plan.

Michael Maiello's picture

David Brooks Does Not Understand How Wages Work

Today, David Brooks made the absurd claim that the construction industry is experiencing a labor shortage because Americans won't take construction jobs:

"Construction is hard, many families demean physical labor and construction is highly cyclical. Hundreds of thousands of people lost construction jobs during the financial crisis and don’t want to come back. They want steadier work even at a lower salary."

Michael Maiello's picture

Identity Politics is Actually Important

Since the election numerous critics of the left, some from the left and some not, have identified "identity politics" as a culprit in Democratic political failure and the election of Donald Trump.  Identity politics is a great term for this because it, ironically, covers up more than it reveals.

Best I can tell, identity politics just means that religious, ethnic and sexual minorities, largely through the Democratic party or left of center political movements, make the case for equal and dignified treatment in society.  This should not be controversial, but it apparently is.

Michael Maiello's picture

Donald J. Trump: Beyond the Thunderdome

I guess I missed it, somehow... the ruination of America, the collapse of society, the onset of post-history.  I thought Donald Trump didn't read much and was not a reflective man, but he does seem have to a taste for Cormac McCarthy:

Michael Maiello's picture

The Actual Reason Markets Do Not Work In Healthcare is... Pain!

Today, David Brooks asks whether or not markets function well in the American health care system and he seems to think that, when it doesn't, it's largely because health care providers know so much more about health and wellbeing than health care consumers:

Michael Maiello's picture

The Rage and Outrage Economy

The Daily Beast asked me to write about the relationship between Carl Icahn and Donald Trump.  I responded with a piece about how Icahn's decades of shareholder activism are the foundation for Trump's corporation-focused Twitter rants.



TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryRecord Levels of Median Income (Not What It Seems) Michael Maiello256 years 11 months ago
Reader blogJoe Arpaio, Trump's Kind of Lawman, Pardoned librewolf106 years 11 months ago
Reader blogRift between Environmentalists and Unions Highlights Clinton's Weaknesses HSG126 years 11 months ago
Blog entryAmazon Should Go to H-- Michael Maiello86 years 11 months ago
Reader blogThe Democratic Race - What We Know Now HSG616 years 11 months ago
LinkBernie Backers Attack barefooted666 years 11 months ago
LinkWhat the Rich Won’t Tell You HSG26 years 11 months ago
Reader blogDo Not Mix: Chemical Plants and Natural Disasters librewolf56 years 11 months ago
Blog entryTrade Policy Reality Check - neither Scrooge nor Sucker PeraclesPlease586 years 12 months ago
Reader blogTrump's Dream is The Wall NCD236 years 12 months ago
LinkShould the ACLU defend racist speech? Michael Wolraich207 years 1 day ago
Blog entryBirth of A Myth, Death of A Dream Danny Cardwell217 years 2 days ago
Reader blogDemocratic Opportunity HSG137 years 5 days ago
Blog entryThe Necessary Anachronism of The Presidential Pardon Michael Maiello97 years 5 days ago
Blog entryTaking Care With Language, Part II Michael Maiello677 years 1 week ago
Blog entryYes, Confederate Statues Are Racist Symbols Danny Cardwell207 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryTrump Does Not Care If People Get Hurt Doctor Cleveland147 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryTaking Care With Language Michael Maiello137 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Three Myths of Reverse Racism in College Admissions Doctor Cleveland547 years 2 weeks ago
LinkWWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair in Hospital: rep asks for support AmericanDreamer27 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryThe Gravity of the Office Cannot Change Character Michael Maiello37 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryWar and Words and Words and War Michael Maiello117 years 3 weeks ago
LinkKool Kidz & Politics of Resentment PeraclesPlease117 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryLil Duval, Non Binary Genders & Questions About Rape Danny Cardwell1077 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryWhat They've Wanted To Repeal For Seven Years Michael Maiello227 years 1 month ago


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