The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Stand Up for Obama

I don't have anything to say about the election today. It's crunch time.

If you're ready to knock on some doors, makes some phone calls, or dig deep for one last donation, the Obama campaign could use you. Just follow the link.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Reality Is the Enemy: Romney's Foreign Policy

So tonight Mitt Romney is going to try to outflank President Obama on foreign policy. Romney doesn't know much about foreign policy, but both Romney and Obama represent long-standing traditions of American thought on international security. The President represents the practical tradition designed to guide policy by the party in office, whichever party that is. Romney speaks for the strand that is designed only for opposition figures.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Affirmative Action for Unqualified Whites

The Supreme Court may forbid any use of race in college admissions in the case of Fisher v. University of Texas, being heard today, because the conservative wing really wants to overturn previous rulings and because Justice Kagan has recused herself. If that happens, the winning plaintiff will be a classic poster child for anti-affirmative-action litigation: a white kid who got 1180 on her SATs.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Why Hate PBS? Because It Works

Let's get one thing out of the way. PBS's educational programming is the most successful distance-learning effort in history. Nothing else comes close. Every conservative should love it. But many of them don't. When a conservative starts hating on PBS, they're telling you why they're a conservative, and it's not because they hate government programs that don't work. It's because they hate government programs that do work.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Romney Stinks, and It's Not Funny

Here's the thing about Mitt Romney: he's a pretty terrible politician, and he always has been. His presidential campaign has verged on malpractice almost every week, and tonight's debate is not going to turn that around in a significant way.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

The Big Keep (Or, Intellectual Property Blues: Hard-Boiled Edition)

   Raymond Chandler’s legendary private eye, Philip Marlowe, will be back in bookstores next year. Chandler’s estate has authorized a new Marlowe novel from John Banville, alias Benjamin Black. But the real news is not that Banville gets to write the book. It’s that no one else is allowed to write one.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Do PhDs Expire?

Last week the annual job list for college literature professors went live, in an annual ritual I've blogged about before. And it looks like the worst list for Shakespeareans in history.

Two years ago, I used this space to explain how the 2008 crash had killed the already far-too-small job market for new PhDs, and how poor the rebound was two years later:

Doctor Cleveland's picture

The Romney Meltdown

I was writing a post earlier this week, arguing that Romney was increasingly likely to panic as the election approached, trying to find a "game changer" to help him catch up with Obama, and that these gambles would put him further and further behind. But I held off, because I didn't want to post that kind of political horserace stuff on September 11. Then, before midnight on September 11, Romney had done it.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Student Loans: Dems vs. GOP Made Easy

One thing that Barack Obama has done absolutely right for education is change the student loan program. Romney and Ryan have made it clear that if elected they will switch things back to the old way. This small policy difference demonstrates the larger difference between today's Democrats and Republicans.

Doctor Cleveland's picture

Labor Day Link: The Bread and Roses Strike, 100 Years Later

Labor Day is a great day to remember some of the history of the American labor movement. Of course, our leading American newspaper is using the day to lionize Henry Ford without mentioning how fiercely Ford hated the labor movement. So, a little counter-programming:



TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryWhat's so Funny about Rush Limbaugh? Ramona1812 years 11 months ago
Blog entryTeaching by the Numbers Doctor Cleveland1012 years 11 months ago
Blog entryWhy Evangelicals Love Santorum, Hated JFK Michael Wolraich2512 years 11 months ago
Reader blogGROUNDHOG DAY Richard Day1912 years 12 months ago
Blog entryPrime Time Persecution Doctor Cleveland813 years 2 days ago
Blog entryAbout that Contraceptive Controversy: If it's phony and you know it, clap your hands Ramona2113 years 6 days ago
Blog entryBirth Control Makes Catholicism Work Doctor Cleveland1313 years 1 week ago
Blog entryThe GOP's Drunk-Dad Primary Doctor Cleveland1813 years 2 weeks ago
Blog entryWhat's the Matter With Mormons? Michael Wolraich12713 years 3 weeks ago
CreativeNewt Gingrich - Warlord of Mars Donal413 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryWhy Tenure Exists, Part 1 Doctor Cleveland6213 years 3 weeks ago
Blog entryGingrich and "Protecting Barack Obama" Doctor Cleveland1213 years 4 weeks ago
Blog entryIt's Our Anniversary, Barack's and Mine. I Hope it's not our Last Ramona1613 years 4 weeks ago
LinkShakespeare's Tempest Banned in Arizona Schools Doctor Cleveland1313 years 1 month ago
Blog entry"Meh" Is for Mitt Doctor Cleveland413 years 1 month ago
LinkMITT WINS! Richard Day1713 years 1 month ago
Blog entryNo Love in Iowa, No Hope in Iowa Doctor Cleveland1913 years 1 month ago
Blog entryFlicks Watched Over Xmas Break Donal513 years 1 month ago
LinkBachmann to announce she's quitting at 10 AM Verified Atheist613 years 1 month ago
Blog entryIt's 2012 and the nuts just keep on coming. Ramona1713 years 1 month ago
LinkIn Iowa, Romney has 24%, Paul 22%, and Santorum 15% Verified Atheist4613 years 1 month ago
Blog entryNew Year's Resolution Generator ™ Michael Wolraich1313 years 1 month ago
Blog entryThe Other Shoe Dropping Doctor Cleveland2713 years 1 month ago
LinkTotal and Complete Chaos in Iowa Elusive Trope313 years 1 month ago
Blog entryNostalgia for Hypocrisy (and the War on Christmas) Doctor Cleveland3913 years 1 month ago
