The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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TRUMP: Planning US Invasiion of Syria


Washington (CNN)The Defense Department might propose that the US send conventional ground combat forces into northern Syria for the first time to speed up the fight against ISIS, CNN has learned."It's possible that you may see conventional forces hit the ground in Syria for some period of time," one defense official told CNN.

Scalia Rises from the Grave, Age 49

Only took less than 2 weeks and the Republicans have risen Scalia from the grave.

Not only alive, but 25 years younger. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Son of Anne Gorsuch Burford who tried under Reagan to gut the EPA.

Gorsuch, ready and eager to guide America to the right for 30 or more years.

DHS Border Agents Defy Court Orders

The spineless one, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY), as might be expected, tweeted everything is OK.  He talked to DHS head John Kelly and Kelly said so.

Senator Schumer needs to get out to JFK or Dulles airport and start taking names, specifically the name of who is in command of border control.

Apparently court orders are NOT being followed. 'Official resistance' to court orders is reported across the nation and in NYC.

The situation is described as 'Kafkaesque'.

Trump, Franken vs. Senate GOP

Forget for a moment all the issues surrounding the Keystone pipeline legality, that it will likely create few permanent jobs or that it may serve solely as a way to export Canadian oil and is not moving dirty tar sand oil for US use.

Look at the hypocrisy of the Senate GOP in 2015 on where the steel would come from, and how Trump takes the 'not rocket science' use US steel side of Democrats on this today. 

Obamacare: Never was about Health Care for the GOP

Obamacare was never about health care for Republicans. That's why they still don't have a health care plan of their own. Republicans don't do health care, because the 1% doesn't need one. For Republicans, it was always about Obamacare taxes, on the rich. Taxes which fund health insurance subsidies for the poor and the middle class. Eliminating those taxes is job one this week. And don't ever believe the GOP will ever pass any tax to replace those funds. The health care industry is in 'disarray' with how this comes out.

Traits of Despotism, Republican Party and Venezuela

I was reading about the collapse of the Venezuelan health system here, and noted almost all the comments were gloating right wing Hillary, Obama haters who had no grasp of how similar the methods of the totalitarian Chavez/Maduro government of Venezuela are to those of the GOP.  And how dissimilar they are to the actions of the 8 years of the Obama administration. Including his in rescuing this nation from the last Republican engineered US economic collapse in 2007-8. Obama's actions, which were unambiguously opposed by the GOP, the Party that brought on the 'great recession' on their watch.

Trump:Restart Atmospheric Atom Tests-off Mar-a-Lago

Recent Trump decisions on nuclear weapons:

The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes. @realdonaldTrump  cheeky

Loose Cannon Overboard on SS Trumptanic

A deranged Hillary hating fake news reader's gun blazing assault on a Washington DC pizza restaurant has shaken the SS Trumptanic and caused a man-overboard alert - even before the ship is cut loose from Trump Tower:

Obama: Pardon Hillary-Stop a GOP Distraction Ploy

Time to skip the happy talk about how things will be OK under our lying sex predator fraudulent ignoramus narcissist, and preemptively pardon Hillary to avoid another distracting partisan witch hunt, on the email server nonsense and Clinton Foundation 'favoritism'.



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