The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Tiberius: No investigations in Jesus Christ ‘Advanced Crucifixion Techniques’ case

ROME (April 28, 1) — Emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus has announced there will be no investigations into the purported torture and crucifixion of convicted heretic and enemy of the state Jesus Christ. In a statement from the Emperor’s office, Tiberius stated that Christ’s crucifixion did not meet the empire’s definition of torture, and that it was time for Roman’s to begin focusing on the future.

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Koch Brothers donations give them final say on the Rapture

HEAVEN – Following a staggering donation to the Heaven Fund, the Koch Brothers will now have final say on who gets Raptured. sources tell this reporter.

David and Charles Koch – who combined are worth $43.5 billion – recently made headlines when it was learned that they had essentially taken control of the economics departments of such public colleges as Florida State University. In the FSU case, the Koch Brothers donated $1.5 million to the economics department, but with the caveat that the money could be taken away should the brothers disagree with any new hires.

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Wolfrum's Morning: Oh, that Arnold

By law, all bloggers have to post some version of this song today.

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The Yes Men & Coal Cares to Peabody Energy and Coal Industry: Stop Killing Kids

Since my previous post on the satirical Web site, there have been several interesting developments. First off, the infamous Yes Men have been outed as the masterminds behind the site.

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What's in a name?

Over the course of the day, I've come across three stories from major media outlets that shared two things in common. First, all three stories were trivial. Second, all three of these trivial stories were based on comments from anonymous sources.

First up, Derek Thompson at the Atlantic:

GOP Aide: Republicans Not 'Intellectually Honest' on Taxes

William K. Wolfrum's picture

Are U.S. Veterans freeloaders? John Stossel will be the judge of that

If you need more proof that Libertarianism is an ideology of the soul-less, let John Stossel finish the deal:

After my FBN show last week, where I let critics of my FREELOADERS show talk back, I got this e-mail:

Dear Mr. Stossel,

I am a veteran who is rated and compensated as 100% disabled.

Do you, and Libertarians in general view me as a “freeloader;” and should I not be compensated according to your views of this situation?



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Personal Information

William K. Wolfrum is an American journalist and writer residing in Brazil. Wolfrum's experience's consist of being a bartender, bouncer, carny, amateur boxer and commercial fisherman, which he talks about all the time, thinking it makes him some sort of tough guy. Wolfrum has been published or mentioned in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Toronto Star, and a bunch of other newspapers and magazines. Wolfrum is a two-time Alaska Press Club Award winner who hopes to someday win other awards so he doesn't have to talk about those two anymore.


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