The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Pug Puppy Porn

When you have access to a pug puppy, you take advantage of said access. So I present, with no further delay:

Alfredo the Pug Puppy

William K. Wolfrum's picture

William K. Wolfrum's Morning: Toke of the Town

God. Just chill.


Marijuana in Calif.: Arnold Schwarzeneggger decriminalizes an ounce or less.

Bin Laden Speaks:

Al Qaeda leader may be desperate as he makes latest video wearing a meat suit.

Afghanistan: Death.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

James O'Keefe and Dildo Journalism

It seems James O’Keefe’s latest attempt at revealing the news deserves it’s own phrase in the lexicon. Perhaps, “dildo journalism?”

From CNN’s Abbie Boudreau:

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Just suck it up and read my blog, letharg

Lately, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend here at the Web site – fewer and fewer people are coming by. And this trend must come to an end.

Now mind you, this site gets hundreds of thousands of readers per week* but I will accept nothing but blind allegiance and losing any readers wounds me. So let me just release this statement:

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The time has come for a Socialist America

My friends, it is time we all accept a universal truth – the U.S. economy is dead. It is now being kept alive only by the exceedingly rich throwing money at things. This too shall end. And capitalism will be no more.

William K. Wolfrum's picture

William K. Wolfrum’s Morning: Getting Lit

Big Lighter
Here’s to lighting a fire under your ass on a Monday.


Peace Between Palestine & Israel: Well, not quite yet. Feel free to hold breath.

There Hugo: The opposition takes another small bite out of Hugo Chavez’s hold on Venezuela.


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Personal Information

William K. Wolfrum is an American journalist and writer residing in Brazil. Wolfrum's experience's consist of being a bartender, bouncer, carny, amateur boxer and commercial fisherman, which he talks about all the time, thinking it makes him some sort of tough guy. Wolfrum has been published or mentioned in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Toronto Star, and a bunch of other newspapers and magazines. Wolfrum is a two-time Alaska Press Club Award winner who hopes to someday win other awards so he doesn't have to talk about those two anymore.


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