The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

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Enthusiasm Gap leads Race Card, Lady Gaga in new Rasmussen Poll

WASHINGTON – In a new Rasmussen poll today of people who may or may not vote in November, more than ever are now saying that the “Enthusiasm Gap” is what they are watching for as the mid-terms approach.

“I think that’s what matters most to me,” said Tim Johnson, of Tupelo Miss. “What this country needs is more enthusiasm. Enthusiasm!”

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Anti-Muslims protest Mosque to be built on top of Mosque

SEATTLE – “Do I need honor these people and pretend that they are worthy of the privileges of the First Amendment which I have in my gut the sense that they will abuse?” cried out Marty Peretz.

“Where are the peaceful Muslims?! Where are the peaceful Muslims?” wrote Sarah Palin on her Facebook page.

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Welcome to DagBlog! Have you learned the 'Wolfrum Rules' yet?

I see that Dagblog is getting a diverse group of new voices via Readers Blogs. As a regular  contributor, I'd like to say hi and tell you a little about myself:

1) My name is William K. Wolfrum

2) DagBlog is my bitch.

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Sarah Palin inks new deal to sell Sexual enhancement products on QVC

Always quick to pounce on a big opportunity, political entertainer Sarah Palin today announced she has signed a $5-million deal to hawk sex enhancement products on QVC.

“If you’re tired of being limp and impotent, I’m here to help,” said Palin. “Why, I’ll make millions just from the lamestream media.”

The deal comes after Palin’s recent comments on the Sean Hannity Show:

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God shoots himself in Wynn Las Vegas Hotel Room

LAS VEGAS – The age old question – could God create a shotgun big enough to blow his own brains out? – has finally been answered. And that answer is, yes. Yes he can.

God was found dead yesterday at the Wynn Las Vegas of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

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William K. Wolfrum’s Morning – The Danger Zone

Tommy Maddox
Tommy Maddox turns 39 today. He may not have been one of the better quarterbacks in Pittsburgh Steelers history, but he never raped anyone, and that’s a good thing.


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Potential Incident Could Be Result of Violent Left-Wing Or Right-Wing Maniacs!

NEW YORK — There has been a recent discovery that an unidentified person walked into an unidentified establishment between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. sometime between Tuesday and Thursday this week. The person, reportedly between the age of 23 to 57, was possibly carrying “zero to four" bags, sources were unable to confirm.

The incident was originally reported at the Web site Drudge Report, under the headline “LIBERAL BAG-TOTING ACTIVIST REIGNS TERROR ON AMERICA.”

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Ayn Rand & Objectivism - Everything you need to know

Born in 1792 in Monaco, Aynamal "Ayn" Rand was a divisive figure from her very first day. Born with a twin sister, Rand consumed said twin out-of-utero, leaving little left but rib bones and patches of hair from the twin. This incident was inpirational to Rand, who was often quoted as saying "the weak, like my twin, must be used for food by the strong."


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Personal Information

William K. Wolfrum is an American journalist and writer residing in Brazil. Wolfrum's experience's consist of being a bartender, bouncer, carny, amateur boxer and commercial fisherman, which he talks about all the time, thinking it makes him some sort of tough guy. Wolfrum has been published or mentioned in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Toronto Star, and a bunch of other newspapers and magazines. Wolfrum is a two-time Alaska Press Club Award winner who hopes to someday win other awards so he doesn't have to talk about those two anymore.


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