The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Who Can't Get a Gun in This Country?

    Norman Leboon, who has threatened to kill Congressman Eric Cantor, has been found unfit to stand trial for psychiatric reasons. This is not a big surprise; last year Leboon was arrested for threatening to have the Archangel Gabriel kill his roommate.

    acanuck's picture

    Hey, Queen's University PC Nazis: Sumo suits are not racist instruments of oppression

    The Alma Mater Society at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont., has just cancelled a campus fundraiser for a local foodbank. The problem: the event would have involved students donning sumo suits and wrestling each other. A few similar events have already been staged at the university. Here are photos:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    The Business of Universities

    A lot of people who talk about reforming American universities like to say that they should be "run like a business." Those people seldom explain what they mean by that, because they take their "like a business" phrase as self-evident and self-explanatory. But American universities, even if they're non-profits, already run like businesses. In fact, they are businesses. The only question is what kind of businesses they should be.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    It’s your own damned fault if you get murdered

    While murder is still considered a grave crime, today’s enlightened society tends to see it as something more than a black & white issue. Because more often than not, a murder victim has every opportunity to avoid being murdered.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Against the Crocodile: Amy Bishop, Joseph Stack, and the Press

    Reading some of the news coverage about the murderers Amy Bishop and Joe Stack over the last two weeks, and some of the responses to them by internet commenters, I've had the nauseating feeling that Bishop and Stack have gotten what they want. Not what they purport to want, of course, not a promotion or a revolution, but the things that their violence was actually aimed at getting them. I've had a hard time putting my objection into clear words, so I'm going to resort to a story from history:

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Andrew Joseph Stack: Pauper with a Private Plane

    So, Andrew Joseph Stack was angry at the IRS for his financial problems. So he got in his plane....

    Stop. Stop it. Stop right there.

    Do people in the media ever listen to themselves?

    We have a person who, aside from being a murderer, feels he's being unjustly treated by the taxman. And that person, who considers his woes so unbearable that he's willing to take human life, has at least one personal aircraft. I know what you're thinking: The poor man. It's like something out of Steinbeck.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Amy Bishop, Collegiality, and Debates About Tenure

    Amy Bishop's murder of three colleagues, and attempt to murder three others, looks to be even less about tenure than I originally claimed ... but it's still university tenure that people want to talk about. It's become clear that Bishop would eventually have been fired under almost any conceivable system of review, and that Bishop would almost undoubtedly have responded violently to some other setback sooner or later.

    Doctor Cleveland's picture

    Not About Tenure. Seriously.

    Friday, at the University of Alabama, Huntsville, a biology professor named Amy Bishop murdered three of her colleagues and wounded three others. Two of the people she wounded are still in critical condition, and I offer my sincere hopes for their complete and swift recovery. The murderer had been denied tenure in the department, and media coverage has centered on the question of tenure. Tenure, that strange and exotic academic rite, is obviously the hook for this story, and the resulting coverage is appalling.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    A Jack Johnson pardon awaits only a signature from Barack Obama

    It seems the moment that Barack Obama took over the Presidency of the United States, his overall message changed. “Change We Can Believe in” morphed into “Bipartisanship: Now and Forever.” Like Bill Clinton before him, the need for Republican acceptance has become a an almost fetish for Obama, with the results thus far quite predictable – the U.S. government is now radically partisan.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    New Chuck Norris Google Trick! Very Cool!

    This is fun. Go to Google and type in – Chuck Norris Homophobic Prick. Then hit “I’m Feeling Lucky.” Trust me, I won’t be sorry.


    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    It’s time to declare War on the Poor

    My friends, the United States is at a difficult place in its history. More difficult than the Civil War when brother fought brother. More difficult than the Great Depression and its 25 percent unemployment. More difficult than the turbulent 1960s with its hippies, communists and rash of assassinations. More difficult than the years we were tortured with the knowledge that Bill Clinton received oral sex. Ok, maybe not that difficult, but I’m on a roll so bear with me.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    The Day I Decided to Stop Being Straight

    Originally Published in the UK Times Online

    A minor incident in a barber’s shop last week has helped me to realize that I may no longer be straight. Not a fully fledged straight guy, anyway; perhaps not even a part-timer who helps the team out when it’s busy. It appears I may be going Gay.

    Michael Wolraich's picture

    5-Year-Old Philanthropist Raises Money for Haiti

    Last Thursday, I received a phone call from my friend, Lily, a San Francisco native halfway through her kindergarten year. In truth, we are more than friends. We married in an unofficial ceremony during the summer of 2008, and over a few brief hours of marital bliss and several cups of imaginary tea, we were blessed with four or five children, one of whom resembled a furry red monster.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Tim Tebow’s mom didn’t get an abortion so no woman should have choice – a Super Bowl Special

    While the team’s are still undecided, this Super Bowl XLIV promises to be a truly spectacular event where all Americans can come together and be thankful – for the fact that Tim Tebow’s mom didn’t abort him.

    From the Denver Post:

    Focus on the Family will air a 30-second “life- and family-affirming” television spot, featuring University of Florida star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mother, Pam, during the coverage.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    You can’t spell “Halliburton Professional” without “Rape”

    Today, the job market is in turmoil. Hard-working, clean-living Americans are finding themselves out of work and on unemployment lines. Families are suffering. Life is more of a struggle then ever.

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Report: Everyone to be Comically Tasered by Year 2015

    PORTLAND, Maine - A new report from the Wolfrum Alpha Resource Center states that every man, woman and child will be tasered at least once by the year 2015. Most of the taserings will be quite comical.

    “Soon, we’ll reach a point where everyone will have their own taser gun,” said Portland Sheriff Calvin Jarmen. “Then, just sit back and laugh.”

    William K. Wolfrum's picture

    Gay Equality will help make "Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness" less of a joke

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

