More important than blackberrys

    While the quote from Douglas Holtz-Eakin about McCain inventing the blackberry was pretty funny, it kind of sucks that everyone ignored the rest of the economic discussion to just focus on that.NYT's Michael Cooper gets momentarily distracted, but in a...

    Colin Powell Can't Find Reason To Endorse McCain; Waiting For the Debates

    That comment was from "a source close" to Powell. Powell has made his own comments, saying he wants to see what happens when they "get into issues." It should be interesting, and I do think that what he says when...
    MrSmith1's picture

    McCain want to set up a commission

    "McCain proposed Tuesday to create a commission to study how the economic crisis came about. McCain compared it to the Sept. 11 commission established to investigate the 2001 terrorist attacks."Gee, and will his administration totally ignore the commission's recommendations too?!Is...

    Today's speeches (the good ones)

    I never paid much attention to Joe Biden before his nomination.  I must say, he's really grown on me.If anyone's in the mood for some Biden speechifying ... it's a pretty decent one.  Has some great lines I never heard...
    wws's picture

    Time Out from Palin for Your Fellow Americans Who Need You

    ".....when some cars containing multiple families finally arrived at the head of the line, only then did they learn that each vehicle was limited to two bags of ice, one case of bottled water and a single 12-pack of ready-to-eat...
    Barth's picture

    Our future is at stake this week

    If the Democratic Party is unable to elect a president under these circumstances, it will be hard to consider it a legitimate factor in any future election. As a barometer of how the executive is doing, or a check on...
    oleeb's picture

    Americans don't want a Professor: they want a strong leader!

    It is appalling to me to see the limp-wristed manner in which the Obama campaign is allowing the election to be taken from them even as they amass extraordinary amounts of money that OUGHT to be used to destroy not...

    Category and Brand

    Why is liberalism traditionally considered "bad" but conservatism is seen as "good"? Why are Democrats quickly tagged as "tax-and-spend wimps" but Republicans labeled "tax-cutting protectors"? All of the above description are unfair, but they hold sway in some quarters, particularly...
    MrSmith1's picture

    Obama staffers sing Les Miz!!

    I don't know if anyone's posted this before, but in case you haven't seen it, here's some of the Obama staffers singing about the long, hard hours of working on the campaign:
    CVille Dem's picture

    The Myth of Sarah Palin's "Experience"

    I won't blame John McCain for floating the idea that Sarah Palin has more experience than anyone running; in a campaign of lies it is just one more.  But please, TPMers, don't fall into that bear trap!Please stop perpetuating this myth:...
    acanuck's picture

    OK, so let's make the campaign all about McCain

    Earlier today, I read Kos on DailyKos and Ben Smith on Politico. Both offered interesting second-hand quotes, which happened to converge on crucial one point. Kos, citing a pre-conventions Bob Novak column (all bold-facing by me): I asked one of the...
    CVille Dem's picture

    The File You're Looking For Has Not Been Found

    Thought I'd save you the trouble of clicking on the title....

    Why Palin IS Relevant (Temporarily)

    With all due and considerable respect for those who urge us to forget about Sarah Palin and focus immediately and exclusively on John McCain, they're wrong. In the long run, yes, we must focus on McCain exclusively. That time is...
    wws's picture

    Red Cross Low on Funds

    Given Ike's path, I just read a disturbing article about the Red Cross and its current lack of emergency funds. No one expects a contribution on par with that of Eastside93, who contributed $600 after Gustav. But please contribute what...
    MrSmith1's picture

    What do you like best about Obama?

    In solidarity with the idea someone suggested for a McCain/Palin-Free Blog Day,  I was thinking about what it is that I like best about Obama.  For me, his thoughtful, nuanced approach to interviews and press conferences makes me feel he is...
    acanuck's picture

    Thank you, Josh

    We're either running on a new server, or a whole lot of archived stuff has been shifted off this one.Breathe that air!It's like Nov. 5 morning in America....
    wws's picture

    Red Cross needs you now

    Given Ike's path, I just read a disturbing article about the Red Cross and its current lack of emergency funds. No one expects a contribution on par with that of Eastside93, who contributed $600 after Gustav. But please contribute --...
    MrSmith1's picture

    An Obama rallying song

    (To the tune of  "Oklahoma")Ohhhh-Obama, he’s our charismatic nominee …He’s the guy to trust, to fight for us, A leader for the 21st century …Ohhh, Obama, Ev'ry time he speaks it’s qualityHe won’t just fudge it when he cuts the...
    acanuck's picture

    McCain: I'd run a clean campaign if I weren't desperate

    On The View, McCain was confronted about the lying, gutter-level approach his campaign is now taking.His excuse: The campaign's tone would be better if Obama hadn't rejected his proposal for an endless string of townhall meetings.Huh? What's the connection?Well, the conventional...

    Doesn't Obama Realize This Is WAR? McCain and Palin Do!

    "In war, truth is the first casualty." Whether you credit Aeschylus or Republican Senator Hiram Johnson or someone else with that famous quotation, John McCain and Sarah Palin have brought it new meaning and to a new (low) level....

    KiSLAW: Kick Sarah's Lying Ass Week

    Let's try a coordinated approach that takes major Palin issues one at a time, devoting a day to the major problems with McCain's running mate. If we stay on message each day, maybe someone will notice. The week after this,...

    The Dim Bulb of Foreign Policy — REPOST

    The McCain campaign's support for Sarah Palin's false credentials seeks to elevate another oil-centric view of defense and foreign policy to the White House. Not what we need. Yet both McCain and Palin now put forward their new argument that...
    Barth's picture

    The history quiz

    David Kurtz' post, rightly questions Governor Palin's assertion that Vice Presidential candidates are not expected to have met any foreign leaders.  (I suspect the current president might have had thin experience in this area, but he should hardly be a...
    MrSmith1's picture

    'Smart' is a bad thing?!

    I know a lot of people like to complain about how America has become stupid and that intelligence has become a liability in politics.  What they're saying is, that in effect, if you're smart, you're somehow 'out of touch' with the electorate.  Dear God, how...

    The Dim Bulb of Foreign Policy

    The McCain campaign's support for Sarah Palin's false credentials seeks to elevate another oil-centric view of defense and foreign policy to the White House. Not what we need. Yet both McCain and Palin now put forward their new argument that...
