Is there a study showing that Fox viewers are angry and depressed?

    A friend asked me about this, and I thought I remembered something about it. But I couldn't remember whether it was an actual study, or more of a rumor. 

    There are various Pew studies debating whether Fox viewers are well-informed or not, but on the subject of anger/depression, Google searches are so far not bearing fruit.

    jollyroger's picture

    Hey, Prez! (you worthless punk) Four steps to a fifth face on Rushmore.

    With fear and trembling we turn towards the second term agenda.

    Let's pretend that Obama has learned a thing or two besides how better to fake feisty.

    These are a few of the several crucial pivots off the recent election that will give some hope for a new House majority in 2014, failing which we will continue deadlocked and stymied.

    Prez, your mission should you choose to accept it: Lock in the components of your coalition, bring them directly to bear upon specific House repugnants rendered vulnerable by votes forced upon them over the next two years.

    CVille Dem's picture

    Wednesday, November 7, 2012: Mitt Romney's To Do List

    1.  Call accountant to amend tax returns to reflect all the deductions previously not taken to keep tax rate above 14%

    Richard Day's picture


    Colossal octopus by Pierre Denys de Montfort.jpg

    59% Obama vote women

    Ayup, looks like 59% of Obama's vote was female voters in a highly gender defined election. Women made up about 54% of the voters and favored Obama 55-45, so roughly Obama's base is 59% women, 41% men.

    So will women get some of the love back, or will they have to fight tooth and nail (oops) for basics like use of contraception, proper health care, abortion rights, and some of the less "soft" non-reproductive-related issues that women might prefer?

    Waiting for Dade

    10% of its votes are still missing and will take until this afternoon to be tabulated.

    In 08 Obama got 58% of Dade but since then there has been a shift in the ethnic mix further increasing the preponderance of immigrants.


    Still hard to see this eroding Obama's overall lead in the state

    trkingmomoe's picture

    Long Evening with GOTV Florida

    I finished up by 9 PM and was happy to get home and tired.  There was only a few precincts that had lines here when the polls closed in my county and they moved along so we were able to get everyone picked up by 8 PM to go home.  We kept hearing stories come out of Miami/Dade area with many hours wait.  I was so thrilled that the President said "we are going to fix that."  It is time for congress to add a law against making people stand in line for hours to vote to the Voters Rights Act.  Enough is enough.  We have to start holding officials accountable for targeting urban areas and just plain incompetency. I hope he follows through.

    Big Winner: Nate Silver, Big Data

    In a veer to reality-based elections, Nate's total prediction this time, 49 right last gives us hope that the effects of the chattering class will be diminished next time.

    After chumps like Dick Morris blew all credibility (did they have any left?) proclaiming a blowout to be, when any casual glance at the ground games in needed states proved it hoo-hah?

    Thank you for the fine predictions and lovely live blog!

    That's all. Just a round of applause.


    (And tomorrow we'll get back to that 2nd term agenda.)

    This Is Just To Say

    ArticleMan and Nate had it right on.  I now know who to trust, in the future.


    Friends kept whining to me about how worried they were, and I said, "Nope, no worries, Artie and Nate know what they're talking about.  We got this."


    And you know what?  Artie and Nate got it.



    Richard Day's picture





    We shall begin a new era.

    A new era with an old Prez?

    He aint old.

    He is a kid to me.

    We shall begin a new four year term!

    Let us rejoice!

    Nancy will not be with us.

    But Reid sustains.

    And the repubs are vanquished.


    Give me your tunes!



    An Election Day Wish: End Precinct Voting

    In an age where we can pull $1000 out of any ATM worldwide, it's absurd that we're stuck in an age-old tradition of going to a particular precinct on a particular day to stand in a pretty retro booth to vote.

    There's no reason not to have voting places where everyone can vote if we can't just do it via our mobile phones (yes, there are considerations for voting fraud, but as new last minute software for Ohio machines shows, we have this to contend with anyway).

    A difference.

    George W. Bush, former president. War criminal it has even been asserted at times. While individual tellings may differ in detail and specific focus, the point of these assertions usually revolve around a global network of secret prisons set up by Bush's national security apparatus - and the unfortunate actions that took place in them.

    Richard Day's picture





    We are already hearing (or seeing or reading) many reasons why Barack Hussein Obama has just been awarded a second term by American Voters.

    We repubs must stand together and denounce the new Administration with an understanding that THEY never earned its stay!

    The zinger I should have thought of 6 months ago

    "As you walk into that voting booth remember:

    The only thing we know for sure that Mitt Romney can change, is his mind."

    Feel free to share, now at the 11th hour.


    Why to Vote Against Obama


    Alan Grayson catalogs: “a socialist nightmare hellscape.”

    WHEN $5.00 IS WORTH MORE THAN $5000.00

    Much has been written about the Citizens United debacle, but it’s usually either based in the abstract or focused on the huge amounts of money being dumped into the dark abyss that is campaign financing.  As too often happens, the spotlight is on the big money shadow donors, seldom on how this travesty effects those of us who are middle income and below. 

    Today, this post is about only one of the ways it negatively impacts the largest segment of our citizenry.  Some up, close and personal examples of Citizen’s United elementary truth and consequences include:

    Richard Day's picture

    JACKASS '12

    Jackass: The Movie


    jollyroger's picture

    Desperately Seeking Saviour: Heroic IRS agent, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

    "Where am I going?". This was my cousin Tracy's charmingly naive response to my question :"What do you pack?" (.a Glock as it turned out). I had just learned that her recent accountancy degree had brought a job with the IRS, specifically the C(riminal) I(nvestigation) D(ivision).

    coatesd's picture

    Behind the Republican Rhetoric: The Misleading Appeal of Free-Market Capitalism

    Basic belief systems, if regularly reinforced by carefully orchestrated advertising campaigns, are enormously difficult things to shift. Paradigms of thought, once established in dominance, are hard to get rid of. We have just lived through 30 years of an orchestrated consensus on the wonders of free-market capitalism. No matter that the business deregulation it served to legitimate triggered the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Facts don’t necessarily have to get in the way, when the defense of dominant belief systems is at stake; and in vast swathes of the Republican Party, facts visibly are not doing so now.

    Media will not expose voting machine tampering

    Media will not expose voting machine tampering

    Today I talked for a short time to a bureau head today (Friday, Nov. 1)
    in the Southeast of a nation leading newspaper.
    The bureau head said, “we have numerous reports of voting equipment irregularities
    from all over and we still do not know what to do with them!
    You know space is so tight leading up to the election.”

    Richard Day's picture


    Five days to go folks and we are just a KISS AWAY.

    Obama Unjumps Shark?

    Perhaps like Katrina was a turning point for Bush's presidency, Sandy will be a turning point for Obama's.

    After 4 years of 11-dimensional chess, this one's curiously a no-brainer - get help to people quick, get the power back on, get the payments in, streamline response.

    I was ready to write a column about how we could get resources in *before* the storm, since we knew they'd lose power, subways would be flooded - and there's Brownie criticizing Obama for acting too quickly. Well that's a good side of the fence to be on.
