The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

Blog Posts

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White Nationalists: Just Part Of Coalition Building

That's the sentiment of John Tanton, an anti-immigration activist that award winning journalist Terry Greene Sterling has opened the lid on:

Even today, John Tanton sees nothing wrong with associating with white nationalists. He says he doesn’t necessarily agree with them, but reaching out to them is part of his “coalition building.”

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Propaganda Flashback: The Enemy - Japan The People

This flashback from 1943, sixty eight years ago, gives a taste of how different (and similar?) cognitive melding has shifted from the days of World War II America to now.

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Testing Freedom: Wikileaks and Filesharing

The phenomenon of Wikileaks and the mass retribution Julian Assange and his organization have recieved from governments throughout the world is indeed unprecedented. It does, however, contain elements of situations that have been created by the anarchic and almost totally free world of the internet.

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Effectively Skewering The Tea Party Movement

It was David Frum's The Right Man, especially the chapters on education policy, and Christopher Hitchens' various writings that made me shed the stereotypes and preconceptions of conservatism that I had from growing up in a liberal mecca like Seattle, Washington. It's Glenn Beck's movement that is making me take those preconceptions back.

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Rupert Murdoch Cares About The Bottom Line

This shouldn't come as a shock, but Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp., only cares about the bottom line. I've often heard him spoken about by progressives and other critics as someone who seeks to push a conservative ideology that matches his own.

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Emeralds - Candy Shoppe

Sooth the chaos of the world from your mind.

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Isolating The Insanity Virus?

From Discovery magazine, by way of Disinformation, comes a revelation that could turn how we view schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses on its head: 

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Music Break: Johnny Crawford - Cindy's Birthday

It sounds like Cindy's having a pretty good birthday.

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Taking A Full Color Look At The Great Depression

On November 30, Glenn Beck pulled out some color photos from the Great Depression, just recently released by the Library of Congress. As he says, the photos do indeed make the people of that time seem much more real. The photos he picked, however, showed a family that seemed self sustaining amongst what would be to us poverty. There were other photos from that collection, however, that he didn't put up, perhaps because the men and women in them didn't look as "proud."


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