by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Ezra Klein, from the NY Times today, linked to at WashPost online.
Here's a good one to share with all your Tea Party/GOP BFFs and acquaintances railing about "Obama's deficits", letting them know you don't recall hearing them say anything about the debt when Bush was in office and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress.
I remember reading something last week where many of the tea-bagger's were of the opinion why should they vote to increase the debt ceiling to support legislation enacted by those who they defeated in the last election.
While the 14th Amendment is a warning shot across the bow to Congress the debt is not to be ignored, it doesn't say who's responsible to keep them in check if there are enough of them to force a default. If they're ambitious enough to thumb their noses at the Constitution, then who is the responsible adult to rub their noses in the mess they create?
by Beetlejuice on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 6:50am
I have thought that confrontation, rather than continuing appeasement, with the extremists in the GOP, necessary for awhile now, on certain issues which I believe cannot be defanged through compromise. I don't think it can be avoided. I say this as someone who is by temperament much more of a conflict-avoider than conflict-relisher or seeker, although over the years I have come to accept the greater discomfort level that goes with necessary confrontation I would otherwise prefer to avoid, mostly on account of being the father of a couple of strong-willed teenagers who I sometimes have to say no to.
As a political party the GOP for decades trashed and spat on those--notably its domestic political adversaries--it accused of being "weak" and "appeasers". They asserted the only thing the Soviets understood was strength. Likewise I believe the same to be the case with today's national GOP. At some point you just have to face them down. Doing it the right way, in smart ways, of course. Clinton, also playing defense on budget fights, did this with the Gingrich Congress.
Of course, having realized they could not win the battle for public opinion with Clinton so as to whip him at the polls, being the authoritarian thugs they are, they impeached him in anger. So this is a very dangerous crowd, deeply unpatriotic in my view, willing to repeatedly do, or threaten, great damage to the country whose flag they never hesitate to wave so proudly.
It is a fight between irreconcilable visions of our country's future, on some issues. This GOP will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing, to destroy what is left of the New Deal and progressive taxation. They simply don't care how much damage they do to the country in pursuit of that goal.
Some may want to think that compromise is attainable on terms acceptable to them and most Americans. Many who liked him were wondering exactly what about Obama made Obama and many of his devotees, apparently, believe that they would somehow change their destructive MO with him in office. As I've also written, directly contrary to the MSM narrative the White House is pushing of Obama as the adult in the room mediating between two equally childish sets of partisans, I believe the adult response to a bully is to, first, recognize that he is a bully, and second, stand up to him. Otherwise he will keep coming back for more--count on it.
I happened to see the movie "Captain America" with our son this weekend. The main character spends his teen and early adult years as a prototypical 98 pound weakling. But he has a strong spirit. He scraps repeatedly with bullies--getting his clock cleaned for many years, instead of running from them or thinking he can reason with them. Later, in describing his motivation to enlist in World War II he says he doesn't want to kill anyone, even Nazis--he just despises bullies.
by AmericanDreamer on Tue, 07/26/2011 - 10:17am