The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    Now it is Dog Days in August and it is time for a fun vacation!

    Okay, so look we have a real chance to turn things around here!

    I mean the entire economy is tanking again.

    Standard & Poors (emphasis on poor) has begun a process to destroy our farms, our manufacturing enterprizes (we still manufacture more things than China), our road side hot dog stands and my savings account ($237.54).

    Ask the Dollar Diva!

    Now we are aware of S&P's previous sins.

    Now they will remark that they have rights, they have rights to an attorney, they have rights to remain silent, they have rights with regard to protection from torture they have rights to be brought before a magistrate, they have rights to a speedy trial.....

    Well bring your goddamn protests against Bybee & Yoo & Feith and the rest...

    I mean they would gladly 'TripleA”  junk bonds and stuff as the mortgage bundling hedge funds raped our fiscal daughters.

    But I have a plan.

    The Feds invite S&P's management to fun vacation in the Caribbean.

    We promise what all politicians do:

    Free buffets presented by beautiful women dressed in bikini bottoms; a free bar; special homosexual seating arrangements; family values comedians; all the Russian roe you can eat; free access to the most important committee chairmen in Congress; a promise to pursue the biggest wars ever seen by our defense industry; and the ultimate destruction of the EPA and the SEC!


    Now we get them into the boat and while we seem to be cruising towards Jamaica we just keep heading for that South American center of Communism and land at GTMO! Ha


    Now we lead these animals in shackles to their accommodations in GTMO after tasing them during the hot tub specials and....

    After making sure that these corporate magnates have seen decent toilet accommodations we strap them to a chair with just enough arm freedom to dictate their thoughts into a PC.

    Then we start cutting off their toes. One by one at first till we get the codes right and such.



    And after this debriefing, America receives the first AAAA+ rating in the history of ratings!

    And we are given a triumphant cheer from all of Wall Street.

    And the management of S & P is never heard from again.





    and you will have successfully shot the messenger...

    because, you really agree with S&P...

    the political atmosphere is toxic--they can't agree on anything other than the fact that Obama will capitulate...

    and, as S&P said...our country is in danger because the right will not allow us to generate the revenue we need to pay our debts (not their exact words, but it's what they meant)...

    That's why Eric Cantor is out coaching his troops to double down...corporate America is starting to realize that their boys are gonna drive this truck of a country right over the cliff.

    at least, that's what I'd tell you if I wasn't a God fearing Republican, Dick.


    This messenger is a communist/Sariah/antiAmerican insurgent. hahahahaha

    I like the plan, but why not include all hedge-fund managers and Wall St. executives?  Oh, and while we're at it, all Fox News employees ... and Republican members of Congress!  Man, we're gonna need a bigger boat. (I know. But a line from 'Jaws' is appropriate when dealing with sharks, financial and otherwise.)

    It’s hard not to feel a certain contempt for Standard & Poor’s in the wake of its downgrade of American debt. Its sole job as a credit-rating agency is to gauge the creditworthiness of bonds, yet like its competitors, Moody’s and Fitch, it has consistently fallen short. It downgraded Enron days before the company went bankrupt. Its willingness to slap a AAA rating on securitized subprime junk was the foundation upon which the entire financial crisis was built. And now, to show that it’s got some spine, S.& P. decided to downgrade the United States? From a purely economic standpoint, the likelihood of a U.S. default is nil. As my friend Daniel Alpert, a founding managing partner of Westwood Capital, put it: “The size of the U.S. economy, the wealth of its inhabitants and the assets of the sovereign entity itself are unquestionably more than adequate to repay, with interest, all of the $14 trillion or so of the nation’s debt.” He added, “Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of finance and economics can figure that out.” On Monday, with the market collapsing, where did investors rush to put their money? In the one security they still considered safe: U.S. Treasuries