by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Follow the Occupy Bohemian Grove PDX Committee and Bohemian Grove Action Network this July to Monte Rio California and tell the global elite their party's over.
(Edited by VVV PR for format but not verified as to content.)
It was barely a year after the fall of Wall Street, in February 2010, when I penned the first SOTCU ADDRESS. I was literally stranded on the Treasure Island of Pyrate Lore, licking my wounds in Florida, hopelessly treading water amidst the utter decimation of the American economy.
My secret tropical island paradise had frozen to record low temps – black ice slicked the pavement, palm trees were brown. I was working 15 hours a week at minimum wage for one of the most evil corporations in America, only because there was no other way out. Even hustling like a Crackhead Spainjer was ironically useless, because here I was in one of the biggest tourist traps of The South and it was an absolute ghost town. This venerated rich kid Spring Break Hallelujah Town was Arctic as the ICE PLANET HOTH. Even the homeless bums migrated like sparrows.
OBAMA had still yet to completely turn heel and was still struggling to pass "ObamaCare." There was still a thread of hope attached to this man, even if saturated by mainstream DNC influence. After all, he wasn't Skull and Bones or a Freemason; he wasn't quite tied to old money or The Hidden Hand. Surely he had a corporate stooge streak (he was a Capitalist President, after all) – but he wasn't one of "them." OBAMA seemed to know that by proxy he was setting an example as a historical figure and tried to live up to that pressure as humanistic as possible. When I met the man, long before he was president, I did not get the vibe of pure evil. To be honest, he had an aura like a powerhouse. I knew he was going to significant.
But then he pushed through the health care plan, and for the GOP it was like smashing a hornets nest with a baseball bat. He crossed the line and the propaganda flood was totalitarian in its vengeance. Exactly as I'd said – the second OBAMA gets in, the avalanche of doom the Neo-Cons manifested would plow him right under.
And then poking around online, in the dead of frozen night, I found a video with Obama and John Walsh (of "America's Most Wanted" fame). Obama explained how he was trying to put through legislation that would require every cop to take DNA Samples from anyone they pulled over in traffic without requiring a warrant or just cause. That this DNA would be logged in an international database in which all branches of the FBI/CIA/Interpol/ISI would have unquestioned legal access.
That's when my extremely cautious and shaky honeymoon with Barack Obama ended. Soon after that I arrived in Portland, Oregon, the day of the BP Oil Catastrophe. That's about the time Obama went gray, when he started looking as haunted as Mussolini in 1945. Most assumed The Illuminati just flipped the remote control of a Manchurian Candidate-like microchip in the back of his head and rendered him a human robot. Or perhaps the Aliens came down and replaced him with a genetic CloneSlave. Surely that would make more sense then the incoherent enigma that is his presidency.
Nothing he does adds up, and with the severity that the Lusitania or Gulf of Tonkin doesn't add up. Which is to say it isn't supposed to "add up," but rather only to contribute to that old world scheme residing behind that all too familiar curtain of Oz. He's just another stooge, as they all are. This is why the Federal Reserve has gone on without penalty or oversight. This is why the Patriot Act was passed once again without dissent. This is why he's aggressively furthered pointless wars which like all American wars are never meant to be won, only sustained to line the pockets of Dow Jones profiteers.
As is why he's filled his cabinet with the same wrecking ball economists that are behind the switchboards of this blatantly phony "recession" just as they were during "the great depression" or any other similar pyramid scheme of "economical calamity." How are we in a great depression when every Fortune 500 company is making record profits? When we are besieged with a period of historical, staggering abundance?
We've reached a point where their hands are so far into the cookie jar they don't even feel the need to mask it anymore. They went whole-hog for the grand burglary and no one said a god damned word. The people just took it, buying the careful matrix of propaganda built from the leverage and participation of the reigning media tycoons. It really isn't much more difficult than that. They sunk the Lusitania, they forced the Japanese to attack us, they fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin, they framed the Bay of Pigs, they killed 1500+ people at The World Trade Center. The clear evidence does not support any other view and I cannot even communicate with anyone who doesn't see through this.
And people wonder why we are so angry. Why we're marching in the streets. Why even after they beat, torture, paralyze and terrorize us we refuse to give up or go home. Somehow we've reached a point where even the most fever-pitch kook calling in to the Alex Jones show is probably right about everything.
Most still have no idea about COREXIT 9500, even in the Age of Occupy. In April 2010, to combat the BILLION GALLONS OF CRUDE OIL that shot from the Earth's Crust, Obama allowed BP to dump 50 MILLION GALLONS of Corexit 9500 into The Gulf, which is a chemical 4 times more toxic then the crude oil itself. Corexit’s function is to literally eat the oil, instantly obliterating it into minuscule particles. In theory, these particles are biodegradable and mix into the ocean currents like loose grains of sand. In reality, Corexit had never actually been used on anything larger then 1000 barrels of oil – which is why all of these globules have accumulated into a massive jelly blob which is crawling along The Gulf floor.
Furthermore, the chemical immediately releases the most deadly, latent properties of crude, causing the surrounding water to soak up 3,500% more of the toxic properties then it would in its natural state. This aquatic Corexit landmass – this oxygen-deprived, toxic vacuum – has already killed millions of fish, altering the eco-system and supposedly mutating the genetics of all ensnared life forms. As this Blob lingers off the coast of Florida for the next few hundred years, smaller chunks continue to wash ashore in Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Florida, etc. At a microscopic level, it's been continually ingested through skin contact of any and all swimming those same beaches. Having never been tested at length on human subjects – and quickly banned in the UK – a 2011 investigation determined that Corexit is a confirmed carcinogen in all probability worse then Agent Orange itself. It literally makes red blood cells hemorrhage when ingested. When the EPA refused to test the seafood for months, Walmart threatened to pull out of selling any seafood from The Gulf. Then the EPA panicked and said 300 PPM of COREXIT 9500 on food was fine – and ever since then people have been devouring this neurotoxic poison en masse. Furthermore, this mix of Corexit, crude oil and methane gas has for some time been evaporating and, in turn, raining down upon the region – supposedly all the way into Canada. This precipitation was (and still is) affecting plant life like an acidic pesticide. One search on YouTube will bring forth hundreds of amateur videos of these events throughout 2010, as well as testimonials from people dizzy/vomiting after heavy rains, sick for days – their homes covered in oily residue and streets slicked with that distinctive "rainbow film."
I wrote about this crisis extensively and worked closely with journalists who traveled to New Orleans/Florida to cover this when OBAMA signed an executive order stating that any journalist or new agency caught filming the "clean up effort" (i.e. criminal cover up) would be sentenced to 15 years in prison with a federal felony and charged a $40,000 fine. If you don't believe me, they shut down Anderson Cooper live on CNN. And then the story went away. Read my report here:
Obama has knowingly murdered tens of thousands from chemical poisoning and given millions more crippling defects which will not be apparent for many years.
Which brings us to the next point – FUKUSHIMA. When that 9.2 earthquake rocked Japan on March 11th, it crippled three nuclear power plants in one blow (the entire Fukushima Diachi complex). All three plants experienced total nuclear meltdown and have since released staggering amounts of radiation that are so unfathomably high the highest-tech equipment mankind possesses cannot gauge it...
These aren't nuclear meltdowns – they are melt-throughs. Something, you must understand, which has never happened in all of history. The radioactive ooze inside the broken reactors is so uncontrollably hot that it's burned through the containment units. Just imagine the blood splatter from James Cameron's Aliens and insert Mother Earth into the equation. If these volatile streams of toxic ooze burn their way to underlying volcanic activity, then the chain reaction could make the entire complex explode - thus sending a portion of the world into a sort of nuclear winter, rendering significant parts of Japan/Indo-China uninhabitable...
As the guts of Fukushima hollow their path through Terra Firma, all groundwater and soil it connects with will be coated with lethal radiation and genetic mutagens that will last for 12 billion years. In response to this problem, Tepco (the Corporation which owns these reactors) has admitted that they cannot in anyway coat these plants with concrete and forge a makeshift band-aid of lead and cement like the Russians did at Chernobyl.
You may have heard the plant workers were dumping seawater inside the reactors with fire hoses to keep them from exploding, and this part is true. What they haven't explained is that every time they stop, 50 years of spent uranium catches on fire and releases about 1000 times the amount of radiation the Hiroshima bomb let off.
At this point, in June, Japan has been coated by an estimated fallout that is equivalent to 20,000 atomic bombs and that the rain coming down on the Japanese people clocks in the same as a highly targeted dose of aggressive chemotherapy. The sewers of Japan are now clogged with raw sewage on par with near-identical levels. You ask: "Where does radioactive sewage come from?" Well, from people shitting pure radiation...
What you also don't know is that the Japanese government – at the behest of the Obama administration – has dumped this radioactive seawater (which registers at 7.5 million times the legal limit) directly into the ocean. This factoid comes from the Chinese government's official website, who recently posted this as a warning to their citizens. Their discovery is that a 250,000 kilometer slick of radiation is now floating in The Pacific (aka 100,000 square miles). And this lethal, eternal sludge is on a time frame to coat the beaches of Hawaii and the entire West Coast of the United States by 2013...
One speck of these radioactive properties (like plutonium or cesium) will absolutely kill you and could easily be ingested in a piece of fish, seaweed or rainwater. Once you have one of these particles in your system, this mutates you a cancer-radiating death totem for all those surrounding you. When you die the particle lives on, buried with you forever; eventually flushed out through decomposition into the soil/water supply that in turn finds its way back into the population...
Researchers are pulling car filters out of vehicles in Seattle and said filters are setting off Geiger Counters – the data shows everyone in the Northwest has been inhaling 5 hot particles of radiation a day; the Japanese 30. The data also indicates that the evacuation levels of Chernobyl are now permanent life in the soil and water supply of Tokyo – in some cases registering 30 times higher then the Russian calculations...
The US government's answer has been to stop testing the rain and raise the "safe levels" of radiation intake by 300% (the Japanese raised it 2000%). In reality, the rain in San Francisco recently tested at 18,000 times the normal level, and particles of Plutonium have been discovered in milk as far East as Vermont. It's being found in the tap water of virtually every major USA city and where it's been strongest the death rate of newborns and infants (including miscarriages) has shot through the roof...
Amidst this murderous, negligent rampage we view the true face of Barack Obama – withered and gray, unhinged and desperate, simmering with destitute hypocrisy. No other character in literature comes so close to representing his abhorrent duality than Harvey Dent. For the man who once promised the most transparent administration in history has now sustained and illegally launched more wars and draconian police state laws then any other President in USA history. BUSH II was so horrible that he made Ronald Reagan look good by comparison – but OBAMA somehow making BUSH II seem tame by comparison? OBAMA beefed up the NDAA, thus making the military and the police one in the same, rendering the USA a legal battlefield in which anyone can be assassinated, black-bagged, tortured, erased without a warrant or even just cause. He extended "Homeland Security" to over million employees, manned the FEMA camps with armed MP's, launched the ICE centers, sold himself wholesale to the Bilderberg mob. He shredded the constitution, eliminated Habeas Corpus, filled his administration with the same criminal political mafia that has haunted our country forever. And when the Occupy Protests started, the Federal Government (under executive directives) launched a Cointelpro operation where they were coordinating raids against dozens of our camps throughout the nation and sending Homeland Security en masse to stalk us, arrest us, beat us, wipe us out. From BUSH nothing changed – it only got worse.
The recently passed dictatorial order "National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order" does to the country as a whole what the NDAA did to the Constitution - completely evaporates any form of due process or judicial oversight for any action taken by the Government in the interest of "national security." This new Executive Order gives supreme power to the president and his cabinet. The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources; The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials; The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation; The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment; The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources; The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy. Don't believe? Read here:
What is the alternative? No challenge from the left, and the Republican role call of candidates is symbolically as disgusting as the reality at hand. Romney (the Bilderberg stooge), GinGrinch (the Bohemian Grove puppet), Bachmann (the Tea Party ignoramus), Cain (the Federal Reserve implant) and Santorum (the anti-gay nut-job literally named after sloppy queer buck-shot ass-froth).
You know you are absolutely f**ked when Ron Paul is the last true beacon of hope and rational sanity. But when a situation this critical arises, you better pray to whatever deity you subscribe that the crazy guy from Texas whose spent 50+ years ranting about the Orwellian Conspiracy makes it into office. In terms of Paul, he has as many goofy views as he does legitimate ones – and as a third party can fairly much give the Tea Party AND Occupy essentially what they want, or launch us in the direction of clarity. All Ron Paul really needs is 24 hours in office and he'll wave his crazy old man magic wand and undo everything the Bilderberg/Grove mob put into play through one savage pen stroke.
But reality is reality, and Ron Paul is not going to win. Even if he won the popular vote (as he actually might in Texas and California – something no one in the establishment media wants to ponder) they wouldn't let him take office. And Romney is not going to win either – there's no way. A Mormon will not be allowed in the White House. So get used to it – it's going to be 4 more years of Barack Obama and his raised-chin, resurrected Egyptian Pharaoh bullshit.
And I still haven't even gotten to my main point – BOHEMIAN GROVE. An old CIA guy once told a friend of mine: "Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see." Damn skippy.
When the OCCUPY Protests began – when legitimate dissent was under constant threat from gangs of riot cops in storm trooper gear – I kept telling people that we would eventually reach this point. When the charge was led against the obvious, fathomable targets (banks, corporations, corrupt politicians) it would eventually lead down the path I was assured it would. Chiefly, that long, winding road of inescapable conspiracy involving all those scary esoteric fraternities and royal bloodlines. I knew Occupy would soon find itself mired in OCCUPY BILDERBERG, OCCUPY FREEMASONRY, OCCUPY AGENDA 21, OCCUPY GOLDEN DAWN, OCCUPY THULE SOCIETY, OCCUPY SKULL and BONES, OCCUPY FEDERAL RESERVE – all the way down the line, to OCCUPY HOLLOW EARTH. Which is why I've gone whole-hog to try and maneuver the Occupy zeitgeist at one target in particular – OCCUPY BOHEMIAN GROVE.
Never heard of this? It's because you aren't supposed to know. They've flexed all their muscle to bury this from the public for 123 years, but you can't stop a revelation thats time has come. So imagine if once a year the grand puppetmasters of the 1% all gather together for their own clandestine Burning Man gathering deep in the redwoods of Northern California.
Bohemian Grove is a super-exclusive encampment/party for the most corrupt of "The 1%" whose attendees have included every Republican President since 1888 as well as Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffet, Colin Powell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Karl Rove, Norman Schwarzkopf and the Rockefeller Family. Other names include high-ranking members of ALEC, NATO, NAFTA, Stratfor, Haliburton, The United Nations, Bilderberg Group, CIA, FBI, Federal Reserve and the 9/11 Commission report committee. The list continues to spiral with a laundry list of major players in world politics, big business,the banking industry and the military industrial complex.
Those involved are either guests or members of "The Bohemian Club." Formed in the 1870's as something resembling an artists' retreat, this 2700 acre campground (dubbed "Bohemian Grove") exists 75 miles north of San Francisco. This camp was slowly bought out and became an annual, clandestine party.
Every year from mid-July to the beginning of August, these men hold secretive "Lakeside Talks." This is the cause of concern – secret seminars involving unbelievable concentrations of wealth and power. One can ask "if it's secret, how do you know about this?" Because while the contents of these talks remain a mystery, we know for a fact they take place. Also, program guides which have been leaked contain dubious speeches involving everything from reshaping the Middle East through NATO involvement, nuclear energy, prison systems, war strategy, banking cartels, etc.
But here's where it gets weird – it's not just a normal camp. You have entire sectors of industry and government camping together by occupation – 118 of these different camps. A major sector of the worldwide banking structure have been secretively, annually and historically camping together as "The Lost Angels." It's like a virtual world in itself that's a cross between an Ewok Village of Endor and a pseudo-mystical, closet queer "Illuminati bathhouse." They even have "camp valets" which are male prostitutes who accompany guests for both weeks.
Does that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Or that the campground is lit by torches, has a mock pagan altar surrounded by a giant pentagram and an "eternal flame" genie lamp in the middle that's been lit since the 1930's?Or that there's even a 30 foot high Buddha shrine thrown in for good measure?
That's just the tip of the iceburg. The reason The Grove has been so infamous is because the "Cremation of Care" ceremony. You might have heard something in passing – some weird shit about an owl statue, some occult talk before shrugging it off. Well, this centerpiece has been infiltrated and filmed by Alex Jones of Infowars and twice by the BBC:
While many conspiracy types have bought this claim as if this is some literal black magic rite, the more plausible answer is the one given to us by the Bohemian Club itself. Once they couldn't hide it anymore, they released a statement following the BBC infiltration. Basically, this weird ritual I will describe was part of a larger play that went on in the late 1800's. The ritual was eventually separated from the larger play and used as a party-initiating spectacle on the big first night.
So while these people look terrifying in their robes, this is more a "Fred Flintstone in the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes" sort of thing. At least theoretically, until you see some of the more disturbing photographs. In fact, even in a cartoon vaudeville context, it's extremely creepy.
To kick-start the two-week party, our leaders gather around a man made lake in the middle of The Grove. At the shoreline of this lake is a 40 foot stone owl, which is the mascot of Bohemian Club. Dubbed "Moloch" by conspiracy types (but actually called "The Owl of Bohemia" by club members) this owl statue is terrifying looking – ominous, huge and half covered in moss like some pagan black magic god. While the rest of the clubwatches from wooden bleachers, about two dozen Grovers march out in druid-like outfits holding lit torches.
They are cloaked in red KKK-like outfits and are carrying a funeral coffin that is dubbed "care." Inside this coffin is the dummy of a human that represents the Club's pent up "cares." It is placed under this monstrous and gigantic owl statue. The show then begins. The owl speaks from recording equipment rigged inside the hollow statue andrecites a creepy sermon, laughing a mad laugh. Those in the druid hoods then set this coffin on fire with their torches in what appears to be a mock human sacrifice. Pyrotechnics then explode everywhere.
Now, perhaps it really is a "Water Buffaloes" thing, but that's not really important. They can start wars, destroy the economy, crush our civil liberties and the general populous expects it. But this thing? If we convince even a small portion of the Right Wing, God-Fearing, Tea Partyin' Christian masses that this is real, we have a wildfire on our hands. As always, they'll see only what they want to see – namely, Satan incarnate, or what have you.
Bottom line is it's freakish and damaging beyond all belief. And once this thing gets entrenched in the national dialogue in a serious way, the GinGrinch's of the world simply cannot talk their way out of it. No way - it's the ultimate skeleton in their closet and we've built an international coalition to relentlessly expose this.
Everything Bohemian Grove represents is in one microcosm all that is inherently wrong about these individuals we've collectively deemed "The 1%" and this is clear evidence of clandestine monopoly through 1% brotherhood. Until these people are removed from power - until we finally cast off the ancient, lingering chains of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, the World Bank and the NWO in the broadest sense possible – we will never know peace. Your children will never have a future. Natural time will never be restored. The wars will not cease, because they are only meant to be sustained and never won. They are not for the issues of terrorism or national security, but rather highly crafted products of an international criminal cartel. OBAMA and ROMNEY are the same person and to vote for them is to vote for the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bushes.
Please join us this July:
c/o The Occupy Bohemian Grove PDX Committee ( @occupybhgrove )
Dr. Ryan Bartek ( [email protected] | )
The Anomie PR Team ( [email protected] | [email protected] )
IronBoltBruce via VVV PR ( | @vvvpr )
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Or... not so much?
And, c'mon... the President as Harvey Dent? Weren't people drawing pictures of him as the Joker just four short years ago? Why so serious, IBB? And, on a related topic, Jack Nicholson was a better Joker than Reese Witherspoon or whatever his name was (there, I said it, and I called Heath Ledger Reese Witherspoon, too).
As for Bohemian Grove, it has all the makings of a Dan Brown conspiracy, or a pre-emptive Robert Anton Wilson parody of one, but how powerful can these men be when they get pushed around by the freaking Sierra Club?
Though I doubt that setback will stop them from their ultimate goal of using the collected DNA samples from people stopped for traffic violations in order to fashion ever more efficient hearts of Dick Cheney.
by Michael Maiello on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 1:55pm