by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Ignored by corporate media, Wikileaks has exposed a CIA-linked Orwellian thoughtcrime surveillance network that goes far beyond "suspicious activity reporting".
"Hacked emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor shed light on a global suspicious activity surveillance system called TrapWire that is reportedly in use in locations around the world from the London Stock Exchange to the White House. The emails [released by WikiLeaks] provide information on the extent and operations of a system designed to correlate suspicious activity reports and other evidence that may indicate [a potential crime or terrorist attack]."
A TrapWire white paper describes their offering as "a unique, predictive software system designed to detect patterns of pre-attack surveillance. As such, TrapWire represents the basis for a paradigm shift in the methodologies traditionally applied to securing critical infrastructure and personnel; a paradigm shift from the currently accepted and widely adopted philosophy of damage mitigation through increased physical security to a new and proactive approach of attack prevention through the identification and disruption of pre-attack planning and surveillance activities."
In other words, TrapWire is for all intents and purposes an Orwellian thoughtcrime detection system. As their website explains, "TrapWire detects, analyzes and alerts on suspicious events as they are collected over periods of time and across multiple locations. Through the systematic capture of these pre-attack indicators, terrorist or criminal surveillance and pre-attack planning operations can be identified... There are currently three different TrapWire systems available for public and private sector clients:
* TW-CI (TrapWire Critical Infrastructure) focuses on the identification of pre-operational surveillance activities occurring around specific sites within the TrapWire Network
* TW-CM (TrapWire Community Member) supports the online reporting of suspicious behavior by community members, such as the iWatch programs in Los Angeles and Washington DC, and See Something Say Something in Las Vegas and New York
* TW-LE (TrapWire Law Enforcement) provides the ability to gather, analyze and disseminate information about surveillance and logistical activities occurring across an entire geographic region, including information gathered via TW CI and TW CM deployments"
TrapWire Inc. is a subsidiary of Abraxas Corporation, which founder and CEO Richard Hollis Holms claims to be the "largest aggregate of analytical counter-terrorism capabilities outside of the U.S. Government." A former (?) company man himself, Helms may be implying here that only the CIA has more CIA operatives on the payroll than he does. TrapWire is no exception, as former (?) CIA operatives on staff there include among others:
Robert Daniel Botsch, President
Michael Thomas Maness, Director of Business Development
Michael K. Chang, Director of Operations
TrapWire took down their Who We Are and Management web pages after the Wikileaks disclosures gave them apparently unwanted public attention, but here are some screenshots and supplementary information:
Speaking of being taken down, Wikileaks suffered a major DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack shortly after the TrapWire releases were posted. According to one observer:
'Now we have something new a group called AntiLeaks has popped up and managed to drop a 10GB/s + DDoS attack on WikiLeaks, their affiliate sites and mirrors. This is something pretty spectacular when you think about it. The group claims to be a group of "young adults, citizens of the United States of America and are deeply concerned about the recent developments with Julian Assange and his attempt at asylum in Ecuador", but their tactics and capabilities seems to indicate something more is going on here... Some of the emails leaked indicate that Trapwire has extended beyond its original scope of threat prediction and mitigation into more intrusive areas. This is the type of information that Stratfor, the US Government and of course Abraxas would not want to be public. Some of the data the system is collecting could actually be in violation of privacy laws (as well as potentially violating a few other surveillance laws). You can imagine that with the connection to Stratfor and the US Government Abraxas has there would be some high-level interest in keeping these emails from the public eye. Again this would seem to put the attacks outside the realm of "young adults" and more into the state or corporate sponsored arena.'
I agree. I think Ben Doernberg would as well:
TrapWire and/or "unknown parties" may have taken down Wikileaks in reaction to Julian Assange's fearless and peerless team shedding the light of Truth on their dark activities, but sadly what they DIDN'T take down is the "TrapWire ThoughtCrime Detection Network" itself. If you work for one of fascist Amerika's 16 national security bureaucracies or their myriad "intelligence contractors", or if you're one of the thousands of LEOs and collaborators participating in the DHS National Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) - or "Nasi" for short - you're probably logging in right now:
)( ( | @VVVPR )
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Tag: #trapwire, #abraxas, #stratfor, #cia, #bigbrother, #policestate, #surveillance, #sheeple, #corruption, #greed, #fascism, #fascists, #kleptocracy, #wikileaks, #anonymous, #ows, #revolution
Key: trapwire, abraxas, stratfor, cia, big brother, police state, surveillance, sheeple, political corruption, corporate greed, fascism, fascists, kleptocracy, wikileaks, anonymous, ows, revolution, Richard H. Helms, Richard Hollis Helms, Dan Botsch, Robert Daniel Botsch, Michael Maness, Michael Thomas Maness, Michael K. Chang, Paul Chadha, John J. Reis, John Jack Reis, Daniel V. Johnson, Stephen B. Coffman, Ted Crocker
Original Post:
You know, Trapwire has basically been public since 2006, right? And, no, it's not the Orwellian Thought Crime mechanism that you think it is. It's just data mining of formerly unmineable data.
by Michael Maiello on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 12:33pm
You really, really should follow the links in our reports before you comment. If you did, you would know from this one...
...that (a) your 2006 date is wrong and (b) so is the rest of your "all is well, nothing to see here" Sheeple-feed.
Hiding in plain sight does not make a crime right. And the fact that the NYT dutifully marched out evidence that there are others doing what TrapWire does and worse does not somehow automagically make TrapWire innocent or a non-issue.
I do not believe you are as stupid or naive as your comments suggest, Destor123. And if you are neither stupid nor naive yet still consistently post pro-regime spin, then we may not know WHO you are - yet - but I assure you we know WHAT you are...
by ironboltbruce on Thu, 08/23/2012 - 5:40pm