The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture




    What a Christmas!

    I see my son four days in a week. And he stays over two nights.

    I see my granddaughter and her mother the future Mrs. Day and I am in heaven.

    My son is Dad and I am granddad. Hahahahah

    The first night he wishes to watch Christmas Story with me. hahahahahahah

    I was so very shocked that he wished to watch Christmas Story it is not within my powers to express this shock.

    I have to narrate of course!

    In the old days you had two wall electrical sockets in the entire house. Haahaha

    There was one bathroom and if you had two bedrooms....well everything was copacetic.

    (Seany reminds me that we had one bathroom in our first home. hahahah)

    Tires always went flat and changing them was a bitch.

    The furnace or the steam radiators were always on the fritz.

    The radio was the focus of our amusement with B&W TV on the way; of course the TV could only bring in half of the channels available anyway because rabbit ears do not work!

    Children were the automatic dishwashers.

    There were shovels and no snow blowers!

    Kids were idiots of course; so we think there have been some real changes IN OUR SOCIETY?

    I dunno, I was just surprised that instead of watching obscene comedians he wished to view Christmas_Story

    The next morning he takes off to his in-laws and calls me two days later.

    We have fish and chips at Grandmas and shop at Target and his lady gives him another night off—so to speak.

    At Grandma's I am playing with Noela and this is nirvana. Hahahaha

    This 7 month-old stares at me like I am an alien from outer-space and every time I squeeze the little doll I had hidden away she cries. Hahahahah

    I told her:

    You have two parents with college degrees who are en-rapt by your very presence and you have an extended family that think you are a goddess!

    You have it made.

    You are moving into your own home with this gigantic back yard (1/3 of an acre for chrissakes!) and you will never want for anything. Hahahahah

    She still looked at me like I was an alien.

    I am beginning to think I am an alien—which makes a lot of sense when you think about it!


    Seanny was ranting about corporate whores and such; HE IS MY SON AFTER ALL! HAHAHAHAHA

    Don't get me wrong; I mean at least half of the time he was ranting about this new home he just bought and his impending marriage and his baby—my God he has to keep showing me more and more pix and praising the mother of his baby and....

    Anyway the second stay-over brought to the fore one of my favorite films.

    And it turns out he saw it once and had been attempting to find the damn thing!

    Here, turn off the TV, I have this favorite film I have to show you.

    The film begins...


    You ever 'link up' with someone and the link is perfect? He and I kept pausing the Netflix presentation and we were remarking back and forth...


    Here is Stanley Tucci, one of the greatest actors of my generation, being 'sent away' by his Wall Street bosses.

    It is August/September of 2008 and this mathematician has discovered that:


    The powers that be discover what 'project' Tucci is working on. Tucci is a cog in the machine of fraud and discovers that the entire economic world is about to fail through pure mathematics! And the powers that be are disconcerted as it were. hahahah

    Tucci loses his job (with 6 months severance at half pay hahahaha) and his computer and his phone and his....well everything.

    Spock shows up at the elevator greeting Tucci as he enters the elevator (going down of course) and hands his chief tech a 'flash drive' and heads off into Hades!

    Spock is strange.

    Spock is one of those guys whom you know has to shave between his eyebrows in order to look 'corporate' and he was headed for NASA at one time but discovered that he might find economic nirvana by entering the Wall Street decadence. And Spock was right!

    Anyway, Spock uses the flash instead of frequenting the bars with his cohorts at closing time and begins playing with Tucci's numbers.

    And all of a sudden, Spock adds a number of logarithms and VWELLA!--the end is near!

    This entire exercise is about the fraudulent packaging by hedgefund felons from 2002-2008 following the end of the separation of powers legislation that had ruled Wall Street for a hundred years!

    The 'head' of the division—what the hell does head mean anyway—is portrayed by the star of the Mentalist which is one of the worst written dramas TV has to offer.

    Simon Baker is an Aussie and he had really made his mark with an American accent in a series prior to the Mentalist entitled The_Guardian

    He is a good actor but one could never surmise this watching The_Mentalist

    In this movie, Simon Baker is superb!

    Simon orders the top people in his felonious organization to THE BOARDROOM.

    Simon hates Kevin Spacey and ignores him and begins asking questions directed toward Spock.

    Spock tells Simon that he is a mathematician who is an engineer and majored in physics with an aim toward friction analysis and...


    (Seany and I are laughing hysterically and it is wonderful! I tell him this is one of the greatest lines in cinema and Seany agrees!)

    Jeremy Irons shows up as the CEO; the big kahuna. HahahahAHA

    Irons is the perfect prick; like the perfect storm.

    I pause the stream.

    Seany, Irons studied this character; Irons incorporated his nose touching; oh yeah dad and he keeps playing the piano on the boardroom table....



    Irons shows up in a helicopter on top of the building

    Irons eschews Baker and goes right to THE ROCKET SCIENTIST! Hahahahahahah



    Ah, yes. This is the end.


    Seany and I are laughing so hard.....we look back more than four years and this is ridiculous. This is the definition of 'ridiculous'.

    Following this tete-a-tete between the corporate ignoramuses, Irons chooses one man to work with.

    Irons gives one goddamn about Baker and he ends up with Spacey!

    I stop the stream.

    Seany, this scene represents the difference between status and prestige.

    Irons could never trust Baker; he must ignore corporate status and go for corporate prestige; and thus he must converse in isolation with Spacey!

    The last meeting of the Wall Street Mafia occurs with Irons running the show.

    All of us shall be directed to sell every goddamn share we can (relating to these bundled mortgages) to our clients!

    I paused this segment of the film in order to impress upon Seany that this is where THE FELONY commenced!

    Irons is directing all of his operatives to use inside information and make the best of it!

    Obama told us to:

    resolve to not look backward but to look forward.....

    Irons sends Paul Bettany to find Tucci in order to bring him back to the fold for a few hours in order to make sure that Tucci says nothing to nobody; as it were.

    Bettany meets Tucci on Tucci's front stoop.

    I pause the stream.

    Seany, you were about four years old.

    I come back from work, it is winter, it is dark and you are sitting on the stoop.

    Seany you were the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in film or up close and you looked at me and covered your face with your hands in shame.

    Mom is always mad at me!

    I spoke with you and took your hand and we went to the corner store half a mile away (there are no corner stores anymore and that is a sad sad thing) and I most probably purchased a candy bar and a pack of cigs and we spoke as we walked. HahahahahA

    I could go on and on about this film.


    This film had nothing to do with fiction.

    Fiction is zombies and romantic love and selfish women on reality TV and nationalistic pretend patriotism and ….

    But, if you ever have a chance catch:

    A Christmas Story


    Margin Call

    with your son.




    the end



    Wonderful!  How is it that your stream of consciousness stories always make perfect sense to me?  P.S.  I've got a story from this Christmas, which I think you will enjoy.  I'll post it later.

    Oh Good!

    I have been working on a Haiku that I forgot about! hahahahah

    I look forward to streams!

    Sometimes there is truth to be found in discussions, as it were, between friends!

    Okay, that was just plain masterful.  It brought tears, okay?  And now I have to see that movie, even though I'm bad with numbers, I don't understand even an inch of economics, and I don't know hedge funds from hedge hogs (which is what they should call hedge fund managers, come to think of it.)

    I'm happy for your son and the new life ahead, but Richard, I'm so very proud and happy for you.  heart

    I still do not understand why you are so kind to me!

    I certainly would not be kind to me. hahahahaha

    Anyway I am glad you enjoyed my stream of consciousness or unconsciousness...whatever! hahahahaha