by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
So a young lady on a talent show says she doesn't agree with LGBT lifestyle, but
Although all of us may not agree with that particular lifestyle for religious reasons, whatever the reason is, you still treat each other with respect. Everybody is a human being. We should be able to coexist with one another.... I am one of the people who don’t really agree with that lifestyle. I wasn’t brought up that way. It wasn’t how I was raised. [But] a lot of friends and a lot of people that I love dearly who are gay and homosexual and they’re such sweet, nice people.... We should just respect each other’s differences and opinions and move on.
Apparently moving on was not in the cards or psychological makeup of the Huffpost and other crowds. La'Porsha instead was attacked as an "idiot" and "bigoted" and a host of other non-complimentary qualifiers.
Where do we get these attitudes, that everyone has to think exactly like us?
Or maybe exactly like us on hard complicated stuff, but they can choose the color of their car and favorite flavor of syrup?
You'd think that La'Porsha expressed tolerance in every way she could, and obviously if she already believed with a position, it's not "tolerance", it's agreement. She didn't insult LGBT's, she complimented them. She didn't ask for a wall - she said we should coexist and respect each other. And yet that's not enough - for many many people, not just 1 or 2 flamers. Somehow diversity always falls short of a diversity of ideas.
What hope is there for us to move forward? Why do we need such a rigid definition of taste and perception to accept anyone else? Rodney King didn't say "why can't we all just think alike?" - he asked "why can't we all just get along?" And it still bears repeating.
It is not surprising that some one raised in a fundamentalist church would consider homosexuality is a moral choice and defect. The basis for this belief if found in the story of Sodom and Gamorrah. The fundamentalist interpretation is that homosexuals are rapists and therefore wicked. The Sodom story is again related in Jude1:7 with references to sexual perversion and going after strange flesh.
The Biblical story says that every man and boy in Sodom was in the crowd demanding that the foreign men be raped. This would mean that the men in Sodom were 100% homosexual. However, the story tells us that Lot offered up his daughters as sacrifices to be raped instead of the men. Lot would have had to be insane to offer women if the men were all homosexuals. The fact that the offer was made suggests that something other than homosexual sex was at the core of the crowd' demand for the men. Arguments have been made that sexual humiliation was a common form of punishment of military foes. This humiliation may have been at the core of what was described in the Sodom story in Genesis 19 and the rebelling in Jude 7
The recent focus on transgender people using bathrooms also can be linked to a Biblical passage. Deuteronomy 22:5 says
A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.
There were some churches that felt that women wearing pants was a sin. Today with transgender surgery, domes churches cling to the sex being defined as the sex at birth rather than the sex as a result of surgery. Jesus never said a word about homosexuality.
The church is blamed for the high level of homophobia in the black community. Times are changing. Attitudes about homosexuality in the black community are improving. When GW Bush ran on a pledge to ban Gay marriage , he failed to receive the majority of the black vote. The best that he did was 20% of the black vote in Ohio.
Black voters were blamed for the failure of Prop 8 in California, when the truth was that older voters were the major source of the problem.
The majority-black DC city council approved Gay marriage on an 11 to 2 vote.
Over time, blacks have accepted homosexuality in dramatic numbers
The young American Idol singer will hopefully gain insight with age. For now, she will have to deal continued question from the press and lower record sales.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 9:36am
In the Biblical chapter Ezekiel, the destruction of Sodom is blamed on the arrogance of the rich who treated the poor with disdain rather than any fault of homosexuals.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 9:53am
I'm not worried about her - i'm worried about the supposedly tolerant crowd that cant accept anything different. She passed her exam, they didnt.
by PeraclesPlease on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 12:21pm