by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Get the popcorn ready ...
The pushback war room has been outsourced because West Wing peeps are ascared. And unlike their boss, they probably listen to their lawyers when told by them to shut the fuck up:
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 8:23pm
Comey’s Political Shrewdness Is on Display in Tussle With Trump
By Peter Baker and Glenn Thrush @,, June 7
Also recommended:
James Comey’s Intellectual History
By Nicholas Schmidle @'s News Desk, June 7
In Comey’s view, Donald Trump’s behavior repeatedly crossed the line, making him "an obstructor"
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:05pm
Reading Between the Lines of Comey’s Prepared Testimony @, June 7
New York Times reporters analyze prepared remarks by James
B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, that were published
Wednesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee. Mr. Comey is
scheduled to appear before the committee on Thursday
Two-column arrangement with yellow highlighting of Comey's, makes an easy and helpful read.
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 10:53pm
Also read in text further down and it seems subpoenas to banks being issued re: possible Trump money laundering?
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 1:26am
Peracles... Did you watch this today?
Relating to Trump money laundering? The things that Andrew McCabe knows..
Before the Senate Intelligence Committee. June 7, 2017 from TPM DC.
Acting FBI Head: Comey-Trump Talks Could Be Part Of Special Counsel Probe
Now... Let's go back to March 27, 2017 at WhoWhatWhy . . .
Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia
Now let's jump to May 15, 2017 at WhoWhatWhy and see where Andrew McCabe fits into this...
Felix Sater Links Trump to Comey’s Replacement (snippet)
Money Laundering?
Oh my... The things that Andrew McCabe knows...
by oldenGoldenDecoy on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 8:26am
I see everything.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 10:16am
Ah the great Eckleburg of Montauk Highway. And then there's what Nick concluded after having watched the whole situation for a long time:
I couldn’t forgive him or like him, but I saw that what he had done was, to him, entirely justified. It was all very careless and confused. They were careless people, Tom and Daisy – they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 3:48pm
Yes, that's the money quote. Don & Ivanka and all the rest.
by PeraclesPlease on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 4:23pm
Pence cancels interview with PBS
BTW, The Hill's big dramatic home page headline story right now is
Comey’s dramatic account on Trump rocks Washington
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:22pm
The Hill also has this: DC bar to offer free drinks for every Trump tweet during Comey testimony They're calling it a "Covfefe" party.
And this: Ryan: It was 'obviously' inappropriate for Trump to ask Comey for loyalty
by artappraiser on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:40pm
OMG, they're gonna go broke. If everyone drinks that much I see massive puking and people passed out on the floor.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:58pm
No free drinks. I'm thinking conspiracy. The bar owners figured out how to temporarily jam his wireless access or bribed a White House staffer to hide his cell or something like that.
by artappraiser on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 3:58pm
I think all these attacks on Trump for tweeting are very unfair. With his tiny little hands he's genetically predisposed to tweet. The rest of us would probably tweet just as much if our normal sized hands didn't make it so difficult to hit those small keys on our phones.
by ocean-kat on Thu, 06/08/2017 - 4:02pm
WaPo's Daily 202 makes an interesting point I haven't seen elsewhere (their bold)...
And it just so happened ...
by barefooted on Fri, 06/09/2017 - 11:57am