by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
by PeraclesPlease on Sun, 09/03/2017 - 3:36am
Nice argument but fat chance it is going to register with Texans or with this president or vice-president if he takes over or most of this Congress.
Strikes me that this is the overall ethos he is arguing against:
Let the market do its magic free of federal government restraints including environmental ones! Let the people and companies build where they want subject only to the regulations and zoning etc. that their own local governments decide. Because: jobs jobs jobs! (Even jobs for workers from outside the state! Just no Mexicans, that's something the Feds will help insure!) The local corporations and people are wise and know what they want and need in the area of environmental clean up and future regulation, profit will guide the way
Further, there is also this one: god gives us natural disasters in order for us to use our brains that he gave us to continually overcome them and not only that, get rich doing so! Prayer faith and gumption are all you need....
I'd even venture a guess that most Texans believe these kind of things more strongly than the current people in power in DC.
by artappraiser on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 12:08am
p.s.: I did not know the governor was in a wheelchair until I saw him on TV during Harvey. I looked up the reason. From wikipedia, offered without further comment about possible lectures about relying on the gummint when misfortune occurs instead of gumption, prayer and good lawyering
by artappraiser on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 12:15am
Would be awful if normal people tried to get real health care, rather than suing someone for $10 million the way real independent types handle it. God works in mysterious ways - first strikes you down, then lifts you out, or at least gives you a huge lifelong subsidy.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 09/04/2017 - 6:47am