by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Sigh, so now the real horse race crap begins. I am reminded of 2008 @ TPMCafe, being informed by Obama partisans that Michelle thought Hillary a bitch, couldn't stand to be in the same room with her. And that she didn't know how to make coffee. And that Palin should be arrested for abuse keeping that baby up all night. Now those types have a world of social media, not just one little Cafe.
By Josh Lederman @, April 23
SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Caught off guard by his sudden surge, Pete Buttigieg's rivals are scrambling to find vulnerabilities and lines of attack that can be used against him, five officials with opposing Democratic primary campaigns and Republican political groups tell NBC News.
The situation is different than with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden, Democrats who have long been on the national scene and were widely expected to run for president. Potential rivals and GOP campaign groups have spent years hunting for dirt — known in political parlance as "opposition research" — that could be deployed against them. Major political groups had entire books of "oppo" ready to go by the time those candidates entered the race. Biden is expected to enter formally this week.
In contrast, Buttigieg was on nobody's radar as a serious presidential contender until a few weeks ago. As a millennial who has never held an office higher than mayor of a midsize town, his record is largely unexamined. Now his competitors are rushing to file a flood of Freedom of Information Act requests, according to officials [....]
Buttigieg faces a challenge in gaining support from black voters. Early polling suggests his support is in the single digits among blacks and Latinos.
There is also a report about a lack of enthusiasm among black voters in South Bend.
This was a problem also faced by Bernie Sanders. His black voter problem may grow when Biden enters the race. South Carolina will be a test to see where African Americans voters support early in campaign season.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 10:47am
I read both articles and found them depressing and pitiful within the context of:
Mayor Pete is such an Obama-type character, the similarity is incredible
plus he's not been at fhe forefront on hiring people by their skin color
What buck? The buck with the "community"? Too bad the "community", it's breaking up and spreading out, unfortunately integration is happening?
Probably he should have hired a Sheriff Clarke type guy? Would that have made them feel better? He has black skin after all.
by artappraiser on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 2:19pm
South Carolina and California are going to be important in determining who will be able to contribute to compete to represent the Democratic Party.
WaPo on South Carolina
Different groups have to feel that they are given respect, it is called thymos.
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 2:35pm
It is what it is but it is depressing that the pandering to identity politics based on race or ethnicity has to be done and that it is especially expected of Democrats. It one big reason why people become Independents and I am proud of those that do it for that reason. It's racist at the core for a politician to pander to a Polish festival or an Afro-American festival, as if by simply showing appreciation of that ethnic or racial heritage, the voters will be stupid enough to all vote for them. (I am disgusted to this day that the rebbe of Hasidic communitie s in NY tells everyone in the community who to vote for and that they do it. It's un-American, contrary to what this country is about. As my devout immigrant grandfather once said "no priest tells me who to vote for.") It's racist and vote buying and insulting to the voters to promise "I'll hire more Poles". There's no concept of common good, just inspiring racial and ethnic tribal rivalry with that. No doubt there's going to be competing tribes in a party in a non-parliamentary system, but they should at least be ideologically based, not on skin color or ethnicity.
by artappraiser on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 2:48pm
Tribal is normal. Tribalism says on group is superior to another. Because we are tribal, politics do have walk the tightrope of creating programs that appeal to a variety of tribes. Tribalism insist that they have the best ideas and things would be great if only everyone agreed with them. Tribal people realize that there has to be give and take. Bernie Sanders, did not compete well with black voters in 2016. He has done more serious outreach to black communities in 2020, that is a good thing. Bernie came to realize that economic policies alone were not enough to address issues in some minority communities. He realized that he had to fix gender bias issues within his own campaign. Addressing different tribes makes Sanders’ stronger.
As the great prophet Oprah Winfrey noted, “If you can’t see race, you can’t see me”. If you dismiss complaints of bias, you are not worthy of consideration. Independent candidate Howard Schultz said that he no longer sees race. He was promptly laughed off the stage.
Politicians are going to have to attend the Polish events and the African-American events. They will also have to show up in Hasidic communities. The politicians serve the tribes. Politicians respond to their communities. Tribalists serve the leader who says that he has all the answers.
*edited to change “they have all the answers” to “he has all the answers.”
Edit to add:
Tribes voice their opinions. Gays fight for their rights. There have been some recent gains. The Trump Tribalists are trying to roll back gains made by the LGBT community. I suspect that those who are concerned about tribes might view the transgender bathroom issue as unworthy of support because it is “ too” tribal. Similarly, calls for reparations were ridiculed for a long time. Castro now has reparations as a major plank in his campaign. I suspect that both the Trump tribalists and those oh so concerned about demands being too tribal would not support reparations. At the end of the day, why should the tribalists or those concerned about the too tribal be in charge? Isn’t the big mess created by ideas competing in the political space, as opposed to being criticized for being tribal by arbitrary decision makers, better?
by rmrd0000 on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 5:03pm
Tribalism in it's "normal" form as "designed" by evolution was a group of a few hundred people at most. Everyone in the tribe know everybody. A large part of the advances in civilization are due to our ability to expand the concept of what a tribe is. Poles, and all nation states, were at one time many competing tribes. Many of the blacks brought to America were from competing tribes at war with each other. Some even took slaves so it wasn't a stretch to sell some of them to the whites for shipment to the Americas. In the face of oppression in America they were able to put aside those conflicts and imagine themselves as all African American. Expanding their concept of what a tribe is. The same thing happened with Native American Indians. All these Indian groups had hostile relations with the other Indian groups. Most engaged in constant low level warfare. For a time they gave up their identity as Lakota, Apache, etc. to identify as Native American Indian. That's beginning to break down. The spiritual practices of many tribes were lost while the Lakota practices were mostly preserved. For a time the Lakota tribe allowed any Native tribe to use it's sweat lodge rituals while fighting against white man appropriating it. It's become more common for Lakota leaders to complain about Cree or Cherokee etc appropriating their traditions. There are other examples.
Looking at history one has to wonder if a return to tribal subdivisions is the best way forward.
by ocean-kat on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 5:06pm
I would just add that tribalism by genetics, i.e. skin color, ethnicity is not "normal" biologically either. It's called being inbred, it's physically unhealthy. Successful "tribal" groups always sought out fresh genes, mix it up.
by artappraiser on Wed, 04/24/2019 - 5:29pm
Trump plays to his tribalists. Democrats will address issues that impact various tribes. Biden latched his campaign with an ad that was heavy on Charlottesville and Trump’s pathetic response. It is a tribal message.
Democratic candidates showed up at a forum for women of color, making clear that they wanted their votes.
Democrats will appear at events held by multiple tribes as they seek the Presidency. Tribes will form coalitions to elect the Democratic candidate.
Claire McCaskill rejected appealing to tribes. McCaskill is now the former Senator from Missouri.
The United States is a diverse country. Celebrate the tribes. Defeat the tribalists.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 6:33am
Warren gets very tribal in attacking the black maternal mortality rate
Why would black voters cast a ballot for someone who labeled black concerns a pity olympics?
Edit to add:
Buttigieg and all the other candidates are going to be attacked for their views on ethnic minorities, women, and LGBT issues. It is thymos. The bulk of the attacks will come from activists groups rather than the other candidates.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 8:24am
Buttigieg and the other males in the race are going to face questions about gender bias.
Welcome to 2020
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 8:30am
Welcome to 2020
Where we repeat a lot of the things that happened with Hillary? Including bots picking up on any whiff of this identity politics stuff and stoking the divisiveness it causes in the important swing districts as to primary election? (I.E.: hi centrist guys in the suburbs, are you really really sure you want a woman as president if we can manage to brand her as talking pro-militant feminism and anti-male?)
Psst: ever think Mayor Pete is gaining popularity precisely because he refuses to play the game? But unlike Bernie, in a smart way. Same as Obama.
by artappraiser on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 2:22pm
The tribes are not going away. This is especially true when tribes are told that are playing pity olympics. Democrats are looking for a win. Some groups may criticize Centrists or candidates they deem less Progressive, the majority of Democrats simply want to win. This is precisely why Symone Sanders joined the Biden campaign.
We will see where Buttigieg stands after South Carolina and California.
The pity olympics tag simply encourages the tribes to recruit more people to their side. The tribes are winning. We are discussing reparations, black maternal health, etc. Georgetown just approved funding reparations for descendants of people who were enslaved.
The bots can’t counter the outrage the tribes feel about the election of Donald Trump. 2020 will be about “Anybody but Trump.”
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 2:23pm
As it stands now, most Democrats feel Biden has the best chance to be elected. Obviously it is too early to tell.
Edit to add:
The beauty of tribal coalitions is seen in the friendship of Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley working together on a variety of issues while still representing their tribes.
by rmrd0000 on Thu, 04/25/2019 - 2:39pm
doh, gay money:
by artappraiser on Sat, 04/27/2019 - 11:53pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 04/28/2019 - 12:01am
Far-Right Smear Merchants Try to Slime Pete Buttigieg with Bogus Sex Assault Claim
The mayor was briefly accused of assaulting a young man. A GOP source says right-wing operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman approached him to make similarly untrue accusations.
Exclusive @, 04.29.19 7:56 PM ET
by artappraiser on Tue, 04/30/2019 - 12:05am