by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Sounds to me like: if all sides don't stop feeding culture warring trolls, there won't be any grownups like this left in Congress -
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 3:23pm
Op-ed proposing that it doesn't really matter that much, that nearly all the reality gets made in statehouses. while people foolishly think Congress's performance artists matter:
I would note: and local journalism is dying!
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 3:22pm
Example of culture wars distraction tactic in Virginia noted by Thos. Edsall, who makes it his business to watch for such things:
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 3:32pm
Republicans are playing white identity politics
They are also creating election laws that make Republican victories a certainty
At the end of the day, there is no bipartisanship.
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 3:39pm
Identity politics, hmm, I wonder where that came from and who invented it. It certainly isn't the same thing as Party politics. Sounds like something to destroy Party politics and replace it. Also I wonder if the inventors of identity politics ever considered that in a democracy eventually the majority identity would be a useful entity, too?
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 5:21pm
For identity politics invention, you might read the secession documents of the Confederacy
The documents made clear that they wanted white supremacy
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 5:26pm
Wow, blame Whitey, blame the South - we invented identity politics, no one thought about it before. 160 years after that secession, to you it's like this morning's cereal. Black Power, black is beautiful - not about identity? "Ain't I a Woman" - not about identity? What did Freud write about? What was Narcissus mesmerized about? "Let's talk about me" - ain't done that in a while.
by PeraclesPlease on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 7:08pm
I put it in a United States context for her
Current day
How The Rise Of White Identity Politics Explains The Fight Over Critical Race Theory
From Slavery
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 7:35pm
Think t more simple fhan that. It's starting to dawn on me that the way rmrd shakes away any cognitive dissonance in his brain, when he actually might understand a challenge, along the lines of "what you are saying is absurd, makes no sense" is to just create his own definition for words. Definitions which change depending upon the situation. Not a Merriam Webster thing where everyone is speaking the same language.
No, this is rmrd's own special language, language continually changing on the go. I.E. Identity Politics, that should be defined as the Confederacy, don't give a damn what the other people or the dictionary says it means. Or bipartisanship should be defined as....who gives a damn what Biden or Obama means when he uses it, rmrd needs it to mean something else right this minute.
(This kind of cognitive dissonance explains why he supported Biden for president even though he agrees with progressive ideology. You could tell him over and over that Biden is a centrist but he didn't care, because the good black people of South Carolina supported him, and rmrd believes in identity politics, and they are of his skin color tribe so, ipso facto, they must be progressive too! And Biden must be progressive too! No worries! We can change definitions back later if necessary. Similar thing recently on your "Black Like We" thread, what i called "strange algebra"....gotta right the cognitive dissonance somehow, fit those square pegs into those round holes. There's this comforting pattern to everything and he's sticking to it, just like a conservative Baptist with his Bible that splains everything.)
by artappraiser on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 8:12pm
I provided links for you
You remain in your bubble, but that is fine, others realize the truth.
Edit to add:
As I repeatedly point out, we are fortunate and your buddy are not in charge of anything important
White identity politics are not to be dismissed
The biggest terror threat is white supremacists
The attempt to suppress votes of ethnic minorities is based in white identity politics
The nonsense about Critical Race Theory is based on fears stoked by white identity politics
It is does not matter that you dismiss white identity politics
by rmrd0000 on Fri, 10/29/2021 - 9:07pm
There you go again talking to Mr. Straw Man. Nobody here "dismissed" white identity politics.
Someone (me) subtly suggested that it is a reaction to other kinds of identity politics which came first.
Just goes to show you to be careful with your choice of weapons, you might not like what you get back in kind.
All of Trump, all of it, the winning, the rallies, it is all a reaction to minority identity politics. Trump understands it at a gut level and uses it to get attention to feed his narcissism.
You pooh poohed warnings from people like Fukuyama about identity politics; they were correct. This is what happens when you base politics on genetic tribal identities. We're lucky that we didn't end up like Rwanda.
Cavaet: I'm always going to decline to participate in discussing American history with you because you approach it on such a low common denominator level, a mix of distorted Kendi-ism, distorted CRT-ism and distorted Afro-American history day for 4th graders. I'd rate your links nearly imbecilic.You might be able to punch PP's buttons on history but you can't punch mine, I've got plenty of other people elsewhere that I admire to discuss such things with.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 12:50am
P.S. keep baiting and I'll keep insulting you. I've had enough of it after 5 years of being respectful. I am not interested in being your debater or your teacher or being "instructed" by you. When you post straight news without political or personal agenda with honest desire to learn, it's great. But don't be fooled that others here as well as me can't see it when you have an agenda, i.e. are trying to "prove" something to someone here as if you could change their mind. It's actually laughable that you think the targets can't see your pedantic intent. What's mystifying is why you do that, in that you yourself seem to enjoy things like just reading on Afro-American history to your interests rather than trying to "educate" others. Don't kid yourself, we can tell the difference.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 1:12am
The links point out that white identity politics came long before Black identity politics
Edit to add:
Fukuyama begins his timeline with Martin Luther King Jr.
King supposed created the fear that created white identity politics
That is a true strawman argument
King was responding to Jim Crow
Jim Crow was white identity politics in action
I am not bothered by your rejection of the simple and clear truth
White identity politics existed before Black identity politics
Withot white identity politics, there was no need for Black identity politics.
Remain in your bubble.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 9:44am
Teaching critical race theory isn't happening in classrooms, teachers say in survey
An NBC poll of K-12 teachers
96% say that CRT is not being taught in classrooms
The CRT fear compaign is led by white identity politics
Those who would believe that white identity politics was just a reaction to Black activism cannot be convinced otherwise
Fortunately, people will fight back against white identity politics
There will be pushback against voter suppression and refusal to address police reform despite those who dismiss white identity politics.
by rmrd0000 on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 11:36am
Fukuyama's point is the Democrats started focusing on black identity, both relief from racism &seeking equal opportunity, but a significantly smaller group than its prior economically challenged, which spurred major support from unions and could easily house whites, hispanics, & blacks under 1 philosophy.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 3:16pm
Sometimes just demographics and how people move.
(as noted, new Cobb County stadium is diverse, just not black.)
I was also amazed to hear black baseball players peaked in 1981 - gone my era of Hank, Lou Brock, Bob Gibson, Richie Allen, Willie McGee, Ozzie Smith, and the famous Doc Ellis, only pitcher to throw a no-hitter tripping on acid (by accident/schedule mixup)
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 2:48am
Indian War Dance & ritual music as inserted into sports events (and in background, the mother of all natives as peaceful vs all as warlike, ignoring the various subtleties, diversity and horrifica of native people's across the America - as usual no simple answers, but we'll go with the simple answers anyway.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 3:04am
Blame $$$ & Supreme Court
(can any public initiative survive the onslaught of money to the controlling few? A rather pertinent question, considering Citizens United - which in the narrow case i agreed with Green Greenwald that free speech supports citizens pooling money to run an anti-Hillary presidential ad, but as so much was actually a proxy sockpuppet campaign by the well-connected - and on and on it goes)
It was obvious that Joe owed his career to Delaware insurance and credit cards. His compromise was never going to be revolutionary. But still the way voting is overtly stacked from state & municipalities on up makes a tough road to solve any actual citizen-facing problem. Ironically if citizens actually voted their own interests this might be solved, but between innate foolishness and external propaganda, they're committing electoral suicide by a thousand cuts, if I can mix metaphors so freely. The press largely frames critical issues in a way that takes the sting out of them, pushing horserace and personal interest/cattiness over actual benefits vs damage analysis and other useful lenses. The independent internet-driven-and-funded press struggles to keep up, as even the Facebook behemoth works against them.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 2:38am
Kinzinger's leaving too! After 6 terms. But not to retire! In his announcement video below, which I watched, he complains about nearly exactly the same things as Yarmouth, that Congress has become a mess and doesn't work, within exactly the same time frame as Yarmouth, 2009 and after. PLUS he stresses the money problem that Peracles does in a comment here. Mentions the impeachment, that he is proud of the other GOP members that voted for it as well. But is simply not clear what he is going to do about it after he leaves besides What stood out to me as notable, that he doesn't talk about the political parties at all, doesn't mention them. Just implies politics is broken and things got to change. Not at all what he's going to do about it, but still implies he's going to be working at fixing it, it's like a "stay tuned" thing. Not negative or defeatist tone at all.
NYTimes says he implied he might be running for something higher, but I didn't hear that, was more cryptic, I'd say one can't be sure, could also be trying to do an Andrew Yang type of thing or an organization working for campaign reform somehow, it was just a "stay tuned". Again, was being notably non-partisan, not that "the GOP is broken" or "Trump ruined it" but that Congress and politics is broken.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 9:28am
I just watched his video again. It is STRONGLY nonpartisan, almost anti-political party. "Country over party" is the whole theme of his organization. He stresses that we lack leaders who want to unite, not divide. He talks about tribalism-actually uses the word "tribe", mentions the role of social media as further causing tribalism and making people want to dehumanize the other. Overall stresses the importance of uniting as Americans, not dividing and not dehumanizing others. Just finding solutions together. Almost oddly doesn't really talk about the political parties AT ALL, as if they are part of the problem, but he doesn't say that. He DOES however very much imply that politicians finding money for campaigning is a big part of our problem.
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 9:38am
Was thinking of AOC a millennial leading a group of 5 younger GenX'ers, only 1 of 6 having a JD, 1 with no degree. It'd be interesting to compare with education levels in the rest of Congress the last 15 years. While i expected fewer JDs, I'm curious about how it jibes with the growing anti-education sentiment, degrees as "elite".
Forbes details a bit:
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 9:54am
That point is interesting. After all, it is the founders' design that the House actually be made up of "non elite" representatives of the people and the Senate is for The Elite edjumacated and politically experienced types. I always thought the narrative of AOC going from barkeep to the House, and rousting a hidebound political machine guy via shoe leather knocking on doors, was exactly what they were thinking of for the House, i.e. "Mr. Smith goes to Washington"
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 10:23am
Historically the # of college-educated members was small until recently, say post-WWII GI Bill days?
So maybe this is reversing a bubble - on the other hand, education in 2021 should be easy to access - we're not talking a majority of rural farmers w/o electricity in a pre-computer age - we're talking most people working with some form of IT on a daily basis. So while the populism of it is somewhat admirable, the partial Luddite nature (no, the Luddites weren't anti-tech - they were anti-worker exploitation in the industrial age) is concerning.
by PeraclesPlease on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 11:22am
odd coincidence, same message! just ran across now -
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 10:50am
P.S. says product of @BraverAngels, went to their Twitter page, same message as Kinzinger
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 10:54am
no shit sherlock?
by artappraiser on Sat, 10/30/2021 - 8:27pm
by artappraiser on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 6:19pm
2 years before Yarmuth took office, O'Reilly Factor launched its 1st (but not last) "War on Christmas" attack.
That entire year (2004) the Right had been smearing John Kerry with their Swift Boat Vets sock puppet org.
17 years on, all that propaganda has taken hold from the prime propaganda org & organizer.
Murdoch I guess should be proud or so deeply ashamed, but the reality is he's a self-righteous schmuck who will never get any come-uppance. But the extent of this divide surely owes a fair amount of credit to him. not that there weren't divisive idiots before, but he provided the video and the nightly immersion.
by PeraclesPlease on Mon, 11/01/2021 - 8:52am
Copy of a tweet I just put on the old Virginia governor's race thread, because it applies here even moreso
Also hearing lots of pundits on CNN right now that Democrats need to run on something beyond "against Trump." That the majority of voters in off-presidential year elections really do want policies,not just a personality that kicks ass.
by artappraiser on Wed, 11/03/2021 - 1:53am
by artappraiser on Thu, 11/04/2021 - 1:16am