The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture



    File:Official Portrait of President Reagan 1981.jpg
                             HAPPY HANDSOME MAN




    I was thinking about this today as I listened to old FOX rantings.

    Oh it is magic!!! They say

    Economists will simply say its magic, no one knows how it works.

    Not Krugman or Reich of course, they are too sophisticated for all that bullshit.

    In 1980 I watched a Sixty Minute soft soap lob to the single dumbest man to ever sit in the White House—not w bush-- but Ronald Rayguns.

    The arsehole just sat in this fucking four season porch (which means a room for chrissakes since it means that you can be safe sitting in the fucking room all year) and he was drinking Coca Cola; for which he was paid immense sums no doubt.

    And he held up this fucking piece of asbestos formed into a can and announced:



    What kind of garbage does our electorate eat?

    Well the answer is that our citizenry will eat whatever horseshit you feed it.

    And some arsehole from 60 Minutes just smiled and said oh my good ness der furher.


    Oh Ronny had a real FEEL for what America is about.


    There is a famous discussion that occurred half a century ago related to this very subject.

    Whitey Ford had met with his fellow Yankees at a local bar prior to dinner which was a ritual.

    Yogi and Mickey were there and everyone was smiling.

    Whitey whispered to Mickey, watch this!!!

    Hey Yogi, do you realize that the Irish just voted in a Jew as President of Ireland?

    Yogi looked up and sighed: ONLY IN AMERICA!!!!

    There is wisdom in what Yogi said as there is always wisdom in the most remembered lines of Yogi or Casey.

    Wall Street magnets receive billions of dollars a year. And in order to keep the order necessary at these fucking banking/brokerages (following deregulation who the fuck can tell anymore the difference between a banking institution and a brokerage) give their minions tens of millions of dollars to keep their fucking mouths shut.

    I swear that I have actually heard some asshat on FOX respond when the news was let out that some idiot won a lottery: ONLY IN AMERICA.

    This is pure horse manure; of course.

    Hell, all it takes for one to understand what an incredible lie this is would be to force the individual to watch Ned Divine.

    In Ireland, you pay no taxes on your winnings in their lottery.

    And there are lotteries all over the fucking world.

    What the bastard repubs will do is show some asshat who has a thriving business and say:


    Hell they bring out a guy named Joe The Plumber, and say:


    And then we all find out that Joe is not Joe and that Joe is not even a fucking plumber and that Joe never made over 60 grand a year in his entire fricking life!!!!

    This stuff makes me so goddamn mad sometimes I think I wish to be Samson and tear the entire building down.

    A great picture on TPM shows Boehner protected from the public with two lobbyists like they were his personal bodyguards.



    You simply take some anecdote like ronny might render unto the masses and then you build this incredible lie that belies every goddamnable thing you ever learned in elementary school, and you buy it; lock stock and barrel.

    And then as you look at your monthly statements from deregulated credit card companies together with your monthly statements for that mortgage that was supposed to be paid for years ago; and you cry bloody murder and NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU. EVER!!!

    I recall my poor demented father speaking of truths: IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE!!!

    This was taken from the Honeymooners but I am sure he had that thought instilled with him before Gleason ever did.

    The idea was that the world is offal, but America was not to blame.

    So the oligarchists personified by rush and FOX and the rest of the propaganda network that rules our lives tell us:


    Just think about it sometime. We had a president who was shot and who ended up with senile dementia and we are supposed to think that he somehow represented all that was right with the world.

    I mean, this is nuts!  This is nuts by any sane measure and yet, we have to listen to this propaganda every single goddamn day.

    And not only are the people in this country fooled, but the people in our country worship that kind of horseshit.


    Oh we have voices who certainly attempt to inform us of the ‘truth’.

    I mean what the hell is the ‘truth’ anyway?

    I don’t have it. But I certainly can discern a lie when it is published.


    Should we read the Nation? Or should we read Huffpo? Or should we log into Crooks&Liars?

    The NYT, with all the news that’s fit to print will not longer print.

    I love the internet so I could really give a dam.

    But I never trusted the NYT anyway. I mean the damn newspaper would somehow concede that there are two sides to every issue.

    FOX maintains that there are two sides to every issue.

    Should we just shoot our President or just yell at him a lot?

    You cannot, and I mean nobody can, prove that our President is Christian. Hell you could not prove that w was Christian. It is impossible.

    I mean w does look kind of like a cross between John Goodman and George H. W. Bush, but I have seen no DNA results have you?

    And how am I supposed to believe that McCain was somehow born in Panama while under U.S. control or whatever. And how the fuck do I read in the Constitution that being born in Panama makes you a U.S. citizen?

    The lies are so atrocious and so baseless, that there is no way you could ever argue against them.

    If someone wins the lottery, then we say America works.

    If someone loses the lottery and we broadcast that fact, we are somehow committing CLASS WARFARE.

    Every single minute, upon every single street in America, the CLASS WARFARE IS BEING WAGED.

    Oh there is collateral damage of course. I mean someone makes it in the florist business, or some schmuck earns a couple hundred grand in the stock market….but this is pure chance. These winners have nothing to do with a system that continually strikes innovation in the balls.

    And most of those minutes, the bad guys win. The bad guys win with hidden cards up their sleeves, the bad guys win with tiny print in silly contracts nobody reads (and if they read that tiny print, they are not ever the wiser for it), the bad guys win with a legal system that protects only them, the bad guys win because they have the big stack, the bad guys win because they have the software to tell them what the odds are and the bad guys win because they wrote the rules to begin with and they own the umpires and the referees.



    Hey Richard! (Ha!) Not used to looking down in the lower right of the page for the full readers blogs. They're gonna need to do something so these are easier to see. 

    What's up today??? 



    If you can flip your monitor upside-down the reader bogs show up at the top left. Helpful tip.

    I tried that but it is hard to read. Of course being dyslexic and all...

    Not much, I was working on something about rush and fatwas. I am afraid I languish.


    Sunny and autumnish. How about you?

    Sunny and Autumn'ish up here as well. Am packing boxes for the big move in 2 weeks. "Packing" seems to amount to looking at books and magazines and papers, and figuring out what I can now easily access on the web, then throwing the rest of the crap out. 


    Hey folks. I agree that the reader blogs are too hard to find. But do you have any suggestions on where to put them? I feel that the menu (top-left) and comments (top-right) are both critical, so I'm hesitant to push them down. A fourth column would be possible though a little hard to implement, and I worry that it would make the site two busy.

    i think it's okay as it is.  people will get used to where things are eventually.  for now, i think it's just that old habits thing. 

    and by the way, thank you again for letting everyone set up camp the way you have.  i, for one, wish i'd come around here long ago.  it's a good place. 


    Hey G. I'm no blog wiz (stating the obvious), but the left column is, for me, redundant.

    1- "Recent blog posts" - well, they're all right there down the center of the screen.

    2- Most popular? again, we can see how many comments are coming in.

    3- List of main bloggers? I just find your names at the top with the pics.

    4- The "My Account" stuff is useful, but could be tucked anywhere. 

    I donno what that column could be used for instead, but maybe to pull the Readers Blogs titles up and list them more prominently.

    Remember. You guys are there at the top of the page and are guaranteed to have your blogs make the center page, so I don't think the Readers stuff will bury you.

    And I actually suspect that because of the nature of the place here, people are gonna blog slightly less. It feels more "personal" - TPM got to feel fairly large, as a site - and because of that, I suspect some people are gonna blog on their own "personal" sites, right?

    But this way, you could play up those Readers who DO choose to blog more here, give them a bit more profile, reduce that Right Side versus Left Side thing that grew up at TPM.

    Or.... maybe use it to publish photos of major events in the lives of, or happening to, bloggers. "The Savage & Terrible Death of Wolfrum" for instance, pics at 11:00. I know I'D want to see that.



    Fair point and good suggestions. I'll play with the layout tomorrow.

    PS If you can get the pics of Wolfrum's violent demise, I'll print 'em. Megashark attack?

    I was going to suggest something along the lines of what Q says above.

    Just as a general principle the top of the main page should both give new readers an idea of what this site is about and give regular readers a snapshot of what is going on today. With the readerblogs buried in the lower left-hand corner it will be weeks before new visitors even know they exist - if you don't pay attention it looks just like an extension of the comments. So they aren't getting the idea that reader-produced content is any part of Dag at all. As for regular reader-readers, it would be convenient just when refreshing the site to see quickly if, say, someone has put up something new. And I don't know the click-through rate on your 'series' links on the upper left-hand side, but I'd guess it is more of a less regularly used access to your archives. So that could go below the fold, maybe. Also, there is no reason to have readerblogs that have been promoted to the center of the front page anyway mentioned twice.

    You could then have, below the Dagbloggers on the left hand side, a 'from the readerblogs' column with a list of the stuff in the backpages. It's nice for regular reader-readers, and makes it clear for new visitors the very interactive nature of your blog - that there are headline writers and an editorial filter as well as an active content-producing reader-rabble.

    A further thought: you have been great at promoting reader content to the front page, but a lot of the shorter, informal posts that got produced over at the Café - the 'here's-an-interesting-link' type stuff or brief comments, the kind of thing that is more conversational than Official Presentation of Information - just won't exist here if it's buried at the bottom. Of course you may not want that kind of content, which I could understand if it were the case. But in my experience it is the kind of stuff that can serve as a stepping stone for new intimidated readers having a first shot at blogging, and enlivens the conversation, so something worth encouraging even if it produces a lot of dross...

    Just some half-baked thoughts...

    a lot of the shorter, informal posts that got produced over at the Café - the 'here's-an-interesting-link' type stuff or brief comments, the kind of thing that is more conversational than Official Presentation of Information - just won't exist here if it's buried at the bottom

    I totally agree. I would like readers to share that material here, as well as personal anecdotes, lets-get-motivated posts, and angry venting, but a lot of it doesn't fit the front page. Unfortunately, it seems like posts that don't go to the front page aren't getting traffic right now. I'll implement your suggestions and Quinn's later this week.

    What is Capitolism?

    - an economic system whereby you take a suitcase full of cash to the Capitol, look for the bright orange guy, and lob it at him. In exchange he gives you a truck-full of cash back. And thanks you for your service.

    Greatest system since Rape-and-Pillagism.

    Have a good sunday, Dick!

    You have a nice Sunday too Obey!!

    Capitalism (on the American plan):  Never have so few taken so much from so many.

    Well I must hereby render unto TJ the Dayly Dagblog Line of the Day Award for this here site, given to all of you from all of me!!! ha

    I think you need a special name for the best daily line at DagBlog.

    Something like The Dayly Dagnabbit. 

    Truth is, they shoulda called this site the Dagnabbit, and were damn fools to oppose my excellent suggestion. Personally, I blame the "Gang of 3" - Genghis, Articleman and Deadman. If you feel as strongly about this as I, go to and use their "poster builder" art to construct a little visual of your feelings.

    Mine was quite simple, and involved a tank, plus 3 prone bodies. 

    Well how about this? I hereby render unto Q the Dayly Dagnabbit Comment of the Day Award for this here site given to all of Q from all of me!!!


    3 prone bodies and you can bet your arse FIMA just recorded this. hahahahah

    Well Dick, I'd just like to give all thanks to my Lord and Master, MEGA-SHARK.


    Awesome. Now it's just like the Cafe except that your award has a better name.

    Hey DD, how would you feel about showcasing your line of the day award? We could stick it in the left column next to the reader blogs?

    reagan wore plaid shirts and had a RANCH, dick.  don'cha know that's all it take?  well, that and making white people feel very very good about being american.  and white. 

    mr. rogers gone bad.

    it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.  provided it's a gated community and has a friendly neighborhood citizen's patrol squad.


    Officer Smith and Logan here Maam. We had a report of some cat caught in a tree?