The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    oleeb's picture

    What War Is Always All About And Why It Must Always Be Opposed

    The aftermath in Hiroshima 1945. 

    The set of photos below is just one very vivid example of what war really is: mass murder and destruction. I am posting them as a reminder to all of what war really is.  It is not an intellectual construct.  It is not a parlor game.  It is not something that should be taken as lightly as we typically do in America. 

    War is an orgy of violence unleashed by one group of human beings upon other human beings.  Most of those it is unleashed on are innocent civilians.  Many of them are innocent children.  Innocent children.  The mass slaughter and bloodletting of war simply cannot be justified morally or legally.

    War is the enemy of all humanity and of civilization itself.  It is certainly the enemy of liberty and democracy.  No republic can long last in a nation constantly at war.  We can easily see the corrosive effects upon our own republic particularly in the last 10 years.  In the name of humanity and on behalf of our posterity we must make sure that war as an instrument of foreign policy is banned forever.  First and foremost that means we must bring our current wars to an end as soon as possible.

    Our military, on behalf of our US government is engaging in this activity in the name of the American people every day.  The United States has been at war for the better part of the last 60 years and our economy has been on a war footing with only brief respite since 1941.

    Mass murder is the sine qua non of war, not just nuclear war: all war.  It must be ended or it will end us.



    Opposed??!! I thought war was the one and only thing the Bipartisan Congressional Chickenhawk Caucus could agree on.

    Corporate control of the MSM has led the cover-up. We should have these pictures in our faces 24/7 until we STOP IT!!
    How can our Dept of Defense call itself that when it is totally the Dept of Offense, big big world-wide OFFENSE?

    "I thought war was the one and only thing the Bipartisan Congressional Chickenhawk Caucus could agree on."
    Posted by bluebell
    Aren't they something else?
    Billions for bombs and murder and NADA for health care?

    I missed where you posted the photos of the Rape of Nanking and the Holocaust. Was that in another thread?

    And what would be your point other than to simply be an asshole as usual? Does it hurt to work as hard as you do to miss the obvious point? It is explicit in this post that ALL war is bad. And yes, all wars include the wars of the United States and particularly the imperial wars waged upon the innocent citizens of foreign lands by our government's armed forces.

    Oleeb, this guy is looking at these photos like violence porn. He wants to see more of them. That is really all he is saying. I mean, two sentences. Read them. It's beyond the minds of compassionate human beings to fathom this primal bloodthirsty sentiment. It really is completely lost on the narcissistic personality overwritten with a nationalistic pride to suggest this was not about the blogger and the country in which he lives. He is unable to see past his Self to the broad concept that war, all war, any war, is wrong. But if he wants more pictures, it's not like he doesn't have web access and can't go find them himself. I mean, in two sentences we know he can type Rape of Nanking and Holocaust, so I'm sure he will find his way to those violent pictures and ease his need for more porn.

    Great post! Yes, it's time for many people to decline to gather and serve the vile desires of the few to extract the resources they desire at no cost to themselves and irrelvant of the cost to others, both the nations these parasites manipulate and the nations they motivate others to invade and butcher.

    In the case of the current wars I completely agree. And I find it hypocritical and ironic that we are willing to rush in to help countries hit by natural devastation while we effectively wreak devastation on others. Its nonsensical. The rationales are all Alice In Wonderland in my view.

    What concerns me most is that they don't make us safer but in fact less safe and weaker...

    And the old phrase what goes around comes around... also sends shivers down my spine.

    I'm not sure if the "sine qua non of war" is mass murder or profit. I suppose it depends on your disposition. Rec.

    Carl Sagan's book "Cosmos" has a chapter about war. He talks about a mathmatician who examined war using statistical systems used for weather forcasting. He found a direct predictive relationship between the incidence in a society of murder and the incidence of war.
    Sagan also examines other predictors of war. Societies inclined to make war are likely to be mysogenistic, prohibit adolesents from engaging in sex, are averse to affectionate bodily contact, have a history of slavery. Sound familiar?
    Sagan finishes the chapter prescribing that a noncontroversial start for America would be for us to hug our children.

    Thanks for posting this powerful diary, oleeb.

    I've been so wrapped up in domestic issues lately that I've been deliberately avoiding the conversations about war. It's not because I don't care; I care deeply. When I think about it at all, I can't help but think about it in terms of the humanity. Innocent people are dying and my country's leaders are sitting in a safe room making life or death decisions based on political arguments. I just can't stand it.

    I came here this morning because it was your post, oleeb, and I looked at the pictures, and I'm remembering a powerful book I read when I was young: John Hersey's "Hiroshima".

    It started out as a long story in the New Yorker in 1946 and then became a best-selling book. I read it some time in the late 1950s, I think, when we were at peace for a change, and I was sure after reading it that we would never again allow ourselves to get wrapped up in war unless the issues were so pressing and so obvious we simply could not avoid it. I was naive enough to believe that, even then, even if that were the case, we would remember the humanity.

    I was wrong.

    That made me tear up, fpie. I read Cosmos years ago, and don't even remember the chapter you speak of.
    Thank you for bringing it to light.
    And thanks, Oleeb.

    Thank you for posting this.

    The most disturbing part of all this is how we are enagged in 2 Wars, and absolutely nothing is asked of us as a Nation.

    Think about it. We could basically eliminate the need to be anywhere near the Middle East just by getting better gas mileage. By carpooling, biking, driving hybrids, telecommuting, etc., we could literally save thousands of lives. So do we? No.

    It's heartbreaking. Our way of life murders people thousands of miles away.

    We are an empire. We are a war mongering empire.

    This will never stop. There will always be an excuse to keep on keepin' on in our never ending struggle to keep the world 'safe' for us.

    U.S. against THEM.

    War is about money. It has always been about money. The propaganda to sell war to the masses can run along religious, political and ideological lines but the real reason is alway money.


    And resources, and ethnic cleansing, and religion.
    Nial Ferguson looks at the world at war with different eyes; I wish there could be a discussion on what he presents. I tend to be a bit gullible when watching a documentary.

    I will say I didn't buy into Ferguson's The History Of Money or whatever it was called, though.

    Eugene Jarecki's fim Why We Fight was good, too.

    Thanks, oleeb.

    Yes DD, but it's time for the common people to understand that the "us" doesn't include the common people of this country any more than it does the common people of Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere else for that matter.

    The "us" is the same class of people who destroyed our once mighty economic structure, gambled away the pensions of hundreds of millions of people along with their own fortunes and then stole the money they lost from the common folk leaving us with 15 million unemployed and climbing and no relief in sight. It has become clearer than ever these past few years that the interests of the common people here are not those of the "us" being served by the government we pay for, who own the defense industries our taxes enrich, whose international interests are protected and subsidized by the US military that the common folk pay for. It's time to rise up, restore the republic, and bring those forces that profit from perpetual war and inequality to heel once and for all.

    And remember that the people responsible for this always ghave our best interest in their hearts.

    The one constant element of war is that it's alway right when our side wages it. We battle nobly, against the forces of darkness, whether they be Japanese, Nazis, Confederates, counter-revolutionaries... or Palestinian children playing on their rooftops. Here's a post and story that sums it up for me.

    Thanks SF Curt!

    I agree with you completely and highly recommend the link in your comment to one and all!

    Nahh...Always about money. Back in the hey days with the Goths and Visigoths and the Huns it was a bit more honest and above board. The reasons were spelled out pretty clear. "you have what we want and since we a bigger and stronger than your are...we're going to take it." Nice and to the point.

    Now we try to cover it up with nationalism, patriotism, religion, name it. But it boils down to "You have what we want and since we are bigger and stronger than you...we're going to take it."


    Forgot to add this, oleeb: Great post.

    WW II was a just cause. When you are attacked, you must defend or it will be your family in those pictures.

    Like when Mexico attacked the Alamo. Yeehaw, we showed them!!

    Sagan was quite the peacenik. He believed that war is one of two things 1) a disease of youth for developing intelligent life forms. OR 2) an inevitable limiting factor that destroys all or most developing civilizations when they reach an advanced technilogical stage.
    His cause was to try to get all humans to reason togeather to end warfare because the alternative is unthinkable.
    Someplace around here I have my paperback copy of Cosmos that is in tatters and strapped togeather with duct tape. It's probably time for me to read it again. Dragons of Eden is great too.

    Try to touch anyone in a corporate environment and the HR police will bring you into custody! I've always felt that prohibiting contact was a way to keep people separate. Watch all the managers shake hands and then slap yours if you gently squeeze someone on the shoulder having a rough day, after a nasty phone call, or being released from their own time in the HR.

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