by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Look what 30 years of Republican dominance and Democratic "bipartisanship" has yielded the nation on the Supreme Court: a set of hacks posing as judges carrying out not the law but the political program of their extreme, right wing patrons.
In this excerpt from an AP article on the net right now, Supreme Hack Clarence Thomas warns that criticism of the hack decisions he and his fellow travelers make is going too far. And this after 50 years of relentless, baseless right wing criticism of legitimate jurisprudence in this country particularly rulings from the Supreme Court! Thomas himself is little more than a product of the patronage system of that extremist wing of the Republican Party that has specialized in hurling unlimited accusations of "socialist", "communist" and so on for decades at individual judges and the judiciary generally. The hypocrisy and gall of a person so closely allied with those interests piously warning students that criticizing him and his buddies could "undermine" our institutions is sickeningly ironic and typical of the total lack of conscience or any sense of responsibility found amongst the authoritarian Republican Party.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -- Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says some questioning of the court and government is getting out of hand.
Thomas told an audience Thursday at the University of Florida law school that some of the comments "border on being irresponsible" and "run the risk in our society of undermining institutions that we need to preserve our liberties."
"run the risk in our society of undermining institutions" the institution of denying corporations a free hand in fixing our elections?
by JEP07 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 5:45pm
Let's cut to the chase...Clarence Thomas is "UNCLE TOM" on steroids.
by chucktrotter (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 5:59pm
Thomas, for a variety of reasons, should never have been given any credence at the time of his nomination for SCOTUS and even less now.
Thomas is the poster image for SCOTUS term limits. Not to mention one of the more hideous pustules on the arse, if not the face, of the Repubs.
by Aunt Sam (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 6:05pm
When the government gets 'out of hand' it follows that there will be questioning.
The notion that government should not be questioned is not something you would expect to hear from a guardian of our democracy.
by synchronicity (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 6:36pm
After my original post, I remembered an excerpt
from the book "Republican Gomorrah." This book was ably written by Max Blumenthal and gives a detailed description of the far right's efforts to infiltrate and, ultimately, gain control of all us government functions. Islamic efforts to integrate Washington are "bush league" in comparison. From Chapter 25...Boldly Affirming Uncle Tom:
by chucktrotter (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 6:56pm
Uncle Thomas is the best argument yet for SCOTUS term limits.
by new10 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 7:09pm
Uncle Tom with a fierce inferiority complex, a deep and abiding self hatred coupled with a shameful hatred for African Americans, and a massive chip on his sholder. Not a well man at all.
by Schmed (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 7:13pm
So your saying that when you launch an all out viscous smear attack against a man trying to destroy him, and you fail, he might hold a grudge? Gee, who'd a thunk it?
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:02pm
No, Thomas is simply a highly intelligent jurist that is so far the intellectual superior of Obama that you can't stand it. The fact that an intelligent black man is conservative drives you nuts.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:04pm
I hate that guy. I have always hated that guy.
I drone on and on about the good old days when a conservative repub would get on the bench, supposedly free from outside influences. He would survey the country from up high
Thomas and Scalia and Alito awaken every morning and proclaim:
by dickday (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:05pm
Funny you have no problem with corporations like NY Times or CBS trying to influence elections. In fact this pathetic law that was finally struck down made explicit exemptions for certain corporations to be able to participate in elections, giving them rights denied others. You might want to read Thomas's thoughts on this in the recent speech, he is typically brilliant in pointing out that the Tillman rule was motivated by racist politics, and it is ironic that Obama would be defending it.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:08pm
You're refering to President Obama?
by new10 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:09pm
No president has stood in front of the court at the state of the union address and publicly derided them for a decision EVER. Obama was way out of line, but it is typical for the narcissistic egomaniac that he is that he thinks he knows more than the entire supreme court.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:13pm
I guess all the right wing rhetoric of the Republican Presidents on the sancitity of life during those speeches don't count right? As usual IOKIYAR
by oleeb (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:15pm
Obama will be irrelevant in about 9 months and a footnote in the history books two years later. Here is the write up for you: "First African American President, served one term, considered a failure on the order of Jimmy Carter, succeeded by the wildly popular Sarah Palin".
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:19pm
Show me the quote from a state of the union address where a republican president directly criticized and called for congressional override of a decision by the currently sitting supreme court. Go ahead, I'm waiting.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:22pm
Stop humping MY leg, Dog, and go hump mistress Sarah's. It's all that you right-winger males really want with her. No man who isn't jacking-off all over one of her books could possibly believe Palin should be anywhere near the nuclear button.
The gnashing of conservative teeth and the renting of right-wing garments that will ensue on election night as Obama is re-elected will be glorious to behold - heh, heh!
by new10 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:34pm
HA! You'll be lucky if he isn't impeached before then.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:42pm
Which of the accusations against Thomas went unproven? He was appointed "in spite" of his mediocrity. Only after his appointment was his lack of integrity confirmed.
by chucktrotter (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:49pm
Yes it does drive us nuts because he either had a silver spoon in his mouth or is denying his roots! The threat to white privilege is what he is preventing, I wonder how he sleeps at night when I can pretty much say with some certainty he has cousins who live in poverty. But some people don't possess a conscience, I suppose.
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:56pm
Isn't that the point of checks and balances? That one branch of government cannot make decisions that are blatantly bad for the nation? I think what he did was entirely appropriate and on the minds of A LOT of Americans. He is supposed to be the POTUS not the ambassador to the Corporations on behalf of the peasants. He is supposed to protect the power and dignity of a single vote that is not undermined and actually makes a difference. He is supposed to prevent a plutocracy. He is supposed to stand for us, elected by us, our voice on the national stage.
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 8:58pm
Read his biography, he grew up desperately poor. He worked for everything he achieved.
As far as having a conscience, Obama is a multi millionaire who has an illegal alien aunt living in public housing and a brother living in a mud hut, and he is doing nothing to help either of them.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:04pm
Wait I thought we were talking about Clarence Thomas so why are you trying to change the subject? If he grew up desperately poor and is taking up for the interests that cause people to be desperately poor that is far worse than anything Obama has done. In fact I doubt he knows or knew any of those relatives and before going to the Senate and his book sales after 2004, he didn't have much to show for anything but being a community organizer, actually helping people not Corporations. So, before you go trying to compare, get your facts straight since you are trying to "correct" me.
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:07pm
Funny how evidence from numerous women presenting detailed information about Bill Clinton's actions was deemed unreliable, but the testimony of one woman who followed Thomas from job to job despite his alleged harassment is somehow unimpeachable.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:09pm
Oh and in Thoma's case it was a remark he was accused of making, while Clinton was accused of rape, assault, and indecent exposure.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:11pm
It is the well meaning but wrong headed liberal policies that trap the poor in their position.
As to Obama, I grant you that he had accomplished nothing prior to being elected and his only experience running anything was in running his mouth. Also that he is a typical politician who has used his 'public service' to enrich himself greatly. Without being elected to office he would have had nothing. However, he is now a multimillionaire, and it's been 6 years, and his brother still lives in a mud hut.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:19pm
Jurist? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NO, STOP, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, really, you're killing me with this! Jurist? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by oleeb (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:28pm
So he kissed ass all the way to the Supreme Court! Awesome!
by oleeb (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:29pm
So, we get that you don't like Obama, how are you defending Clarence Thomas again? Why is it right for him to go against his roots?
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:34pm
Thomas since the "Legal lynching" of him at his hearings, sees himself as a victimized quantity. No doubt he employs this whenever his decisions are labeled or attacked as GOP propaganda.
I don't think much of him, and if he was the best HW Bush could come up with, he should have spent a longer time looking. This was of course a political token move by Bush to in his mind appease the African American community, which in of itself is ridiculous and infantile, as though that's all they need is a black face.
That is why most African Americans should be insulted by our political system--because as Malcolm X said 40 years ago, every 4 years the white man gets together with the least militant black leaders and holds their hands, and invite them to the wite house for "coffee and ideas."
BS. Thomas was a political compromise, and if the Republicans could have felt safe puttinganother white face on the bench, they would have happily done so.
by Joe Wood (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:40pm
And if not an arse carbunkle, then certainly, according to Anita Hill (and I believe her) the purveyor of "p*bic hair on a Coke can" -- Ye gods; no one, no one would or could make that up.
by wwstaebler (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:46pm
I thought we were evaluating Justice Thomas! Wanna' read about my Uncle Jeb? He poked sheep. Quit ranting...I'm dozing off!
by chucktrotter (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:49pm
Where do you get this idea about going against his roots? Thomas is proof that with hard work and a good education there are no limits in this country to anyone, regardless of race. It is offensive to assert that he is 'ignoring his roots', which is the same as calling him an oreo, or that he is not black enough. Black Americans have a variety of opinions, and there are a number of black conservatives. Thomas believes that the conservative ideology is the best way for all to reach prosperity.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:56pm
Yet you adamantly refuse to believe the numerous women that accused Clinton of rape, assault, battery, etc. See anything wrong with that?
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 9:59pm
Just pointing out your glaring double standard.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:01pm
How would you know? He asked a total of one question during the entire last session!
I know how smart he is; (not) I watched hours of his skanky hearings for confirmation, and saw him sweat under the glare. He is a sexist, woman-hating loathesome man.
by wendy davis (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:02pm
Well I don't see many on the right fighting for equal opportunities, equal education, economic equality in fact I see the opposite. Those poor folks can just starve and who cares if their schools are falling apart, the parents should do more. But even if they cannot afford the children, they better give birth to them even though our foster system is bursting at the seams gumment should control a woman's uterus. Once that fetus is born though don't ask me for shit. Unless you can find a church to help you I don't care oh and no only the Black churches need help the inner city, they do enough already. Us white folks out in the sticks don't need to go in and lend a hand. Have you ever seen real poverty? Have you ever seen the inner city more than just driving through? Have you ever known people who have to sell their bodies to feed their kid? I DO! I grew up in that and I'm not Black or Hispanic. I've been shot at, I've been jumped, I've been broke and hungry. I got lucky that someone was in my life that gave a crap and it wasn't my parents, it was my teacher. I got lucky that I went to a private school, I got lucky that I got pregnant when I did because I'd probably be dead if I didn't. You don't know poverty, if you did you wouldn't feel that way. I don't care what you say after this, unless you've been in our shoes you have no room to judge or say how it needs to be fixed. You haven't lived the problem, you haven't breathed the problem, you haven't bled the problem. The problem is we treat young, talented Black children as though they ARE expendable and they don't get a chance. They are surrounded by drug dealers and pimps instead of doctors and lawyers. They dream of being ballers or rappers because they don't see any other way out. Their education is laughable at best. If an adult takes the time to believe in a child they are 50% more likely to succeed. When was the last time you mentored a young minority? When was the last time you got your hands dirty building a Habitat for Humanity house? You have all the answers but I doubt you truly understand. You may think you do, but I promise you probably really don't.
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:05pm
I've read his writings, which quite obviously you have not.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:13pm
You know, I'd really like to listen with respect and hear the views of conservatives. Even engage in reasonable dialog with them. But you can't actually believe that. Either you're a complete moron or a right wing propagandist liar. I'm pretty unhappy with Obama but there is absolutely no possibility that he will be impeached.
Its crazy shit like this that makes it impossible to dialog with right wingers
by oceankat (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:21pm
"Funny you have no problem with corporations like NY Times or CBS trying to influence elections."
That's not how Clarence "Hck" Thomas expressed it. (And you fail to attribute that comment to him, in order to pretend you came up with it by yourself).
The "NY Times" is news media -- and actually manages to be that much of the time. By contrast, FOX is nothing more than propaganda for the far-right lunatic fringe ignoramouses such as you falsely believe is 'mainstream".
Asshole: learn the difference between FACT and OPINION -- between NEWS and EDITORIAL. The "NY Times" knows the difference, therefore it is able to critically evaluate SC decisions without implicating its corporate interests.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:25pm
Thomas is not especially bright in terms of IQ. In addition, he got where he is as result of Affirmative Action -- which, after he got to where he is, he has worked to eliminate in order to minimize competition.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:28pm
My dad grew up in the ghetto. His next door neighbor was murdered in front of him. Police killed a man in front of his house. He saw people shot, stabbed, ice picked, or scalded, on a regular basis. He grew up to become a firefighter and worked at an inner city firehouse for most of his career -including during the 68 riots. He saw to it that I got a good education, that I worked hard in school. I got a good job, worked hard, and yes had some good luck also. I made more money in one year than he did in his entire career. I grew up with not much and now there is not much I don't have. I helped on a habitat house in the mid nineties, I mentored a young minority and helped him get started in his career on my last job. Don't think you know me, you don't.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:28pm
No, it wasn't a remark. It was a long history of sexual harassment that the remark about a pubic hair was just one incident. Clearly you don't have a clue what you're talking about. Never looked at the evidence at all and are just spouting talking points, or more correctly, a talking point.
One can certainly argue whether Anita Hill was or was not credible. But to do that one would have to look at the evidence which you have not.
by oceankat (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:30pm
Again, you didn't live that experience, your dad did. Unless you've actually lived it, you won't understand.
by Packerfanchick (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:32pm
Well that's one puppy's opinion anyway.
I however was proud of him for doing it because it is a serious threat to our democracy. I would like to think that I were president I would have done the same.
by synchronicity (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:34pm
I see: Thomas pulled himself up by his own bootstraps, without anyone else's help, as Republicans demand everyone do it.
But by hypocritical contrast Obama is to be faulted because he isn't helping his aunt who lives in public housing, and isn't helping his brother, who lives in Kenya, in a mud hut.
"Mut hut" = racism.
Get it through your stupidity, Cowardly Bullshitter: you are not a judge of the law, or of the judiciary, or of the difference between jurist and hack. Thomas is an anti-Affirmative Action Affirmative Action beneficiary.
And as for the freeing of corporations from "discrimination": the 14th Amendment requires EQUALITY before the law -- not that a minority of sociopathic corporations have more rights, more speech, than the vast majority who don't own media, microphones, and lobbyists.
You can think (I doubt it), or you can borrow your beliefs from others, and then repeat those beliefs like a brainwashed parrot. You do the latter becaseu you have nothing to offer but phony horseshit which has nothing to do with fact or reality.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:34pm
First of all, I've never addressed the Clinton issue and see none here either by Wendy here and this is a post about Thomas.
Apples v. Oranges.
by Aunt Sam (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:36pm
Well as usual you respond with nonsensical gibberish. NY Times is a corporation, it papers report 'news' (as it sees fit), but they also have editorials which allow them to express their opinions and lobby for their causes - actions which other corporations are prohibited from.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:37pm
But a Repub Senator can scream out 'You Lie' to POTUS during SOTU which is worse because...
Obama did not deride the court as a whole but stated his belief that the majority decision was incorrect and harmful to the democratic processes and not in adherence with our founding father's belief that We, The People and individual rights defined human beings not corporate entities ...
Curious, do you believe the decision was 'just' and warranted?
by Aunt Sam (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:41pm
First, you have no idea what his IQ is. Second, your assertions about affirmative action are baseless. Third, you are an idiot.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:44pm
I won the lottery J. Fuck you and everybody else who did not win that lottery.
I stole my money fair and square.
Forget that bastard right now.
Bribes. I hate these people. With all my heart and soul.
by dickday (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:46pm
You are an asshole, and illiterate, an ignoramous, an ignorant, and an ideologue who holds a view properly spelled:
R-A-C-I-S-T. And, in the alternative:
In other words: you don't know what you're talking about.
This is how the judiciary is REQUIRED to function, asshole:
1. Parties, usually a plaintiff, brings a question before the court.
2. The judge/s applies the law to the question.
3. The "answer" to the question is the HOLDING.
Instead, in the "corporate oppression" decision, the SC 5 took it on themselves -- this is at very least an ETHICAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST --
1. To go BEYOND the parties' question before the court,
2. In order to drag in ITS objection to the law,
3. Formulated as question --
4. Even AGAINST the position of the PLAINTIFF --
5. And then rule on ITS questions.
THAT is the DEFINITION not only of JUDICIAL ACTIVISM but ALSO of TYRANNY. The court is REQUIRED to comply with the Constitution, and with precedent/stare decisis, AND to LIMIT ITSELF to the question before the court brought by the PARTIES.
Either conform your comments to those STANDARDS, or STFU.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:46pm
Thomas is an intellectual? This is the doofus who says that the reason he never opens his pie-hole during the Supreme Court time for questioning and answering is because he has already made up his mind?!?!
How did this low-life get into this life-time sinecure? Oh, that's right, a BUSH appointed him.
by CVille Dem (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:49pm
To be fair, Thomas then went on to say that if people wish to exercise their 1st Amendment rights, they can always incorporate themselves.
by Constantinople (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:50pm
You don't have a good education -- which is why you're a dupe of the far-right lunatic fringe.
And why you uncritically presume to speak knowledgeably on subjects about which you not only know nothing, but about which are dead wrong. See again my statement of the facts concerning the SC 5's JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, in disregard of all standards, beginning with the Constitution.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:51pm
Without a doubt, corporations should be able to participate the same as individuals, labor unions, or environmental groups. Why should only their rights be limited?
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:51pm
Did you read this one? "Who left this pubic hair on my coke can?"
He left that one more than once. DEEP!
by CVille Dem (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:52pm
Once again you insist on demonstrating to the world how stupid you are, and how delusional as well as you now claim to be more knowledgeable of the law than the US Supreme Court. Rave on lunatic.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:56pm
I've read sufficent of Thomas' writings to know that he is an ideological hack who wouldn't recognize the SEPARATE category of human endeavor categorized as LAW if "God" "Himself" grabbed Thomas by the collar and shoved it down his eyes.
Get it through your rancid America-hating stupidity:
"Justice and the rule of law are to be ABOVE politics." -- John Adams.
No matter the topic, all you ever spew is rabid far-right lunatic fringe ideological claptrap. That is not a legitimate substitute for L-A-W.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:58pm
Citation for rape, assault, battery, etc. re Clinton. Otherwise STFU!
Thomas got a life-time appointment!
It is time to change this! 20 years is long enough!
by CVille Dem (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 10:58pm
I'm speaking to YOU, asshole: I have an education in law. YOU DO NOT.
Any NOTHING presumes an SC justice -- a LAWYER -- knows more about the law than any other lawyer. EXCEPT for those who SUPPORT the ACTIVIST decision which is UNFOUNDED IN LAW, BEGINNING with the 14th Amendment.
Eithe rLEARN the proper functioning of the judiciary -- as I detailed it -- or STFU, moron.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:02pm
By this rationale, then corporations should be able to vote too. Labor unions are on record stating they would gladly relinquish what this ruling allows as it means individual's rights for democratic election processes will be perverted and grassroots efforts by individiuals will be greatly diminished.
You ask why should 'their' rights be limited - because each 'person' that makes up their entity all have individual rights - so entities such as Goldman, AIG, Sony, et al. in essence their employees and employers get 'double rights'?
CB, I am surprised that you honestly tout this ruling as fair and what's best for our country.
by Aunt Sam (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:05pm
The evidence was the testimony of one woman, a woman who claimed harassment yet followed Thomas to at least 3 different jobs.
Again, I ask about Clinton, who was defended endlessly by liberals who attacked Thomas despite it not being the accusations of just one woman, but of numerous women in different states. Accused of rape in Arkansas, of indecent exposure and battery there as well, of battery in DC. Funny that the people that were eager to believe the word of just one woman somehow discounted the testimony of multiple women.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:06pm
FOX is a corporation which does ONLY editorializing for far-right lunatic fringe/corporate interests.
That is NOT the same as the "NY Times" which actually DOES report news.
Again, ignoramous: you are not qualified to speak on matters of law -- even as concerns the basic standards of how the judiciary is REQUIRED to function.
Get it through your ignorance, asshole: if the judiciary can make up ITS OWN questions, then rule on those in keeping with the ends IT wants -- instead of in keeping WITH THE LAW -- then NO ONE neede EVER take a case to court.
And THAT, asshole, is TYRANNY by the UNELECTED. EXACTLY as happened with Bush v. Gore. Have you read the Constitution -- which is ABOVE the SC -- yet on that point?
No, you haven't: you're a stupid-assed sucker for hate pumped down your gullible gullet by such as FOX.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:06pm
Your knowledge of the law does not compare to Roberts or Scalia, you delusional little fool.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:08pm
I've read sufficent of his writings to recognize that he is a pseudo-intellectual mediocrity -- which is why he mistakes IDEOLOGY for LAW.
And, yes: he got where he is as result of Affirmative Action -- which you, RACIST, HATE, because you HATE the 14th Amendment/Constitution.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:09pm
Juanita Broderick (former Miss Ark) accused Clinton of rape.
Paula Jones accused him of sexual battery / gross sexual imposition by his exposing himself in front of her.
Kathleen Wiley accused him of batter/assault for fondling and kissing her against her will.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:11pm
Which, of ocurse, you have no way of knowing, as you DON'T have an education in law. I DO.
Go back and READ AGAIN my statement of the facts of how the judiciary is REQUIRED to function -- as contrasted with the "coporate oppression" actions of the SC 5.
And, again, asshole -- as reminder for the moron you are:
The US Constitution EXPRESSLY STIPULATES WHICH branch has SOLE authority to resolve election disputes such as that in 2000. That SOLE authority belongs to the ELECTED CONGRESS -- it concerns ELECTIONS, asshole -- NOT to the UNelected SC.
With that decision Bush v. Gore -- the SC 5 DEMOLISHED its credibility by having UNCONSTITUTIONALLY and SUBVERSIVELY USURPING that EXCLUSIVE AUTHORITY. That was only worsened with its anti-Constitution/-historical Second Amendment decision.
And your constant denial of the STANDARDS of law, including those which gvern adjudication, based upon your America-hating stupidity, changes NONE of that.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:16pm
Oh, yeah! The genius who never asks a question because he would make an ass out of himself if he did. He's going to sit there for the rest of his life making moronic right wing decisions and collecting his paycheck. What an insult to the legacy of Thurgood Marshall to replace him with a nonentity. Another gift to the USA from the infamous Bush family.
by tlees2 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:19pm
And I accuse George W Bush of going to war over a bunch of lies that his buddies put together. Neither of us went to court over it, but still...
#1 Which is more serious, considering the costs to our country in blood and treasure?
#2 Which is documented by facts?
Bill Clinton most likely had sex with people other than his wife; I will stipulate that. Why do you right-wingers waste so much time on that, since you do it all yourselves, and often in a way that you overtly condemn?
Why do you also seem unable to comprehend that it is worse to start a WAR on bogus reasons than it is to get naked and have sex with someone? The facts are clear and documented, that the Cheney administration wanted war with Iraq, and 911 was a "convenient" excuse -- although a false one -- but one that was manipulated effectively by our very own regime.
by CVille Dem (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:22pm
Oh,brother - that must have been thrilling.
by tlees2 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:24pm
Nice try at changing the topic because it's awfully hard to defend the indefensible.
by tlees2 (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:27pm
No, he was Courageous! He was right! You are wrong!
If nothing else would make you realize that, it should be Alito's political, "Not true." response!
This is a mess that you right-wingers have created. Deal with it!
by CVille Dem (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:29pm
NONE of those allegations turned out to be true, though, correct? Else Clinton would have been charged, tried, etc.
In addition, though impeached by the Republican-controlled House -- the Republican lynch mob being lead by Henry Hyde, who was at the time having an adulterous affair with a MARRIED woman, and which affair BROKE UP that marriage -- Clinton was ACQUITTED of the charge of perjury by the Republican-controlled Senate.
So your groundless smears against Clinton -- who is not the topic of this thread to begin with, and it is INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST to attempt to change the subject away from the issue -- redound to YOU as concerns questions of character.
LYING is IMMORAL, MORON. And that includes your intellectual pretense -- your intellectual dishonesty -- that you know law, without bothering with getting an actual EDUCATION in law -- that you can determine whether the SC 5 are hacks or not.
"Justice and the rule of law are to be ABOVE the law." -- John Adams.
And you CONTINUE to IGNORE the fact that LAW and POLITICS are NOT THE SAME THING. And it is only by means of THAT dishonesty that you and your fellow America-haters can assert the bald-faced bullshit that the SC 5's "corporate oppression" decision is a POLITICAL LIE which makes a mockery not only of LAW but also of the basic standards of adjudication:
The PARTIES bring question/s TO the court; the court DOES NOT PROPERLY raise ITS OWN questions about the case SEPARATE FROM THE CASE, AND CONTRARY to the law.
Do the math, asshole: 100 years ago was BEFORE FDR, BEFORE the "New Deal," BEFORE the ascendancy of the Liberalism you stupidly hate with the same degree of vitriolic vehemence by means of which it was demonized by HITLER.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:31pm
Methinks the SC 5 live the right-wing Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land, in which perosn's could "discorporate".
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:33pm
And NONE of their allegations EVER rose to the level of ACTUAL case based on those charges.
Moreever, moron: they wree first "represented" by Ted Olsen's "Arkansas Project".
At least one of their "cases" was then passed to a Kenneth Starr -- who, when he was officially appointed to investigate Clinton, including those claims -- a conflict of interest, as he'd already represented one side of the "case" -- passed that "case" on to another set of lawyers. And that set of lawyers "fired" the client becaseu her story kept CHANGING.
But we get it: whenever your horseshit is yet again demolished -- refuted for the specious and false bullshit it is -- you retreat into changing the subject to --
Lying is IMMORAL moron -- even when YOU do it.
By contrast with the lying:
Torture is defined IN AND BY LAW, NOT by such as the Bushit criminal enterprise --
"A system of laws, and not of men." -- John Adams.
The LAW defines as torture, among others, WATERBOARDING.
Torture is ALWAYS illegal, under ALL circumstances, for EVERYONE. It CANNOT be made LEGAL.
In addition: the Bushit cirminal enterprise, behind the drive for revenge for the 3,000 9/11 murders, LIED the country into ILLEGALLY invading and occupying a country -- Iraq -- which was never a threat to the US. And, there, not only did that criminal enterprise replace Saddam as Toturer-in-Chief, but also got MORE THAN 3,000 US troops KILLED in so doing.
And yeah: you "Support the troops" -- so long as tied to support of that criminal enterprise, which ensures that those troops you "Support" are needlessly, pointlessly, and permanently KILLED in service to your America-hating ideology.
So go on defending the anti-Constitutional lawlessness of the SC 5, and your self-hating Thomas -- so long as they "Support" your rejection of Constitution/rule of law/your country in favor of America-hating treason.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:46pm
President Obama has as much a right of free speech as do liars such as you. As much as everyone else. As much as those PUBLIC SERVANTS who are PRIVILEGED to be ALLOWED to sit on the SC.
And has every much a right to EXERCISE his right of free speech.
The reality, America-hating asshole:
President Obama did NOT "deride" the SC -- though you constantnly DERIDE Presient Obama. He challenged their DECISION -- and he is not the ONLY LEGAL/CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SCHOLAR to do so.
Tell us, America-hating hack: why is it acceptable to DERIDE the President (including Clinton, even though he isn't in office -- and wasn't on 9/11 when 3,000 US citizens were MURDERED), but NOT acceptable to DERIDE OTHER public SERVANTS such as SC justices?
We know why, don't we, moron? In YOUR view the law ONLY -- or SHOULD -- allows DERIDING DEMOCRATS. Republicans are to be not only ABOVE THE LAW, but also ABOVE CRITICISM FOR BEING ABOVE THE LAW.
You, moronic punk, are a TOTALITARIAN ENEMY of your country.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 11:56pm
Then are you admitting your claim that it was one remark was incorrect? Were you just lying to make your case stronger?
This blog is about Clarence Thomas. If you care to write a blog about Clinton I might weigh in. If you wrote that blog it would be kinda stupid if I cited Thomas' alleged sexaul harassment in defence of Clinton.
If the evidence that Clinton behaved inappropriately was believable it wouldn't have any relevance to a discussion of Thomas' alleged sexual harassment of Anita Hill. Just as if the evidence about Thomas was convincing it would not have any relevance as to whether the evidence against Clinton was convincing.
by oceankat (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:18am
The subject "was" Clarence Thomas. There is nothing you could say about Bill Clinton that would make me hate him more. My point is, with all due respect, is that I hate Republicans even more. I would hate my mother if she were Republican. Every time you trollers start to lose an argument, you go to the Willy Clinton comparison. That's not fair. I know of no Republican slimier than Willy...Oh, maybe a few!
by chucktrotter (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:19am
The three branches of our gov't are CO-EQUAL. NO branch is the superior of any other.
Got that? (I know that's virtually impossible for you to grasp because you oppose EQUALITY in any form.)
That results in what is called checks and balances.
And it is precisely checks and balances by means of which one or another is checked by the other two.
As for calling on Congress to overturn the SC -- it is a co-equal check against the UNelected judiciary, asshole. And it is not a rare occurrence. See "The Civil Rights Restoration Act" (1985) by means of which Congress overturned a line of cases -- authored by right-wing hack Rehnquist -- concerning disability rights law, the express language of which he IGNORED in order to falsely narrow its express scope in order to find against victims of disability-based discrimination and in favor of corporations engaged in discrimination. See Grove City for an example of his falsification of the express language of the statute.
On top of which -- pay attention, law-/history-illiterate --
During the 1980s -- while the above "Restoration Act" was being debated and enacted by Congress, and signed by President REAGAN -- Robert Bork, crackpot and SC wannabe, who claims to have been a "constitutional law professor," combined pushing his latest book all over the US with "argument" in favor of amending the Constitution in order to make it legal for Congress to overturn the SC.
Got that, jackass? --
WHILE Congress was overturning the SC -- which it has the Constitutional authority to do -- Bork was "arguing" that the Constitution needed to amended so Congress would have the authority to overturn the SC . . .
Got that, moron? --
The SC, and those afforded the PRIVILEGE of sitting on it, are NOT ABOVE the Constitution. And they are NOT ABOVE being criticized for their actions -- any more than is any other public SERVANT. And, yes, Congress has ALWAYS had the Constitutional authority to OVERTURN the SC -- it's a CHECK AND BALANCE, law-illiterate.
Bottom line:
Were you not so stupid a moron you'd have learned by now to STFU instead of constantly making a fool of yourself by boldly asserting your arrogant ignorance.
And you have the gall, specifically, to delude yourself that you are qualified to speak on matters of law -- simply because the law-illiterate ENTERTAINERS on FOX's fraud on America give you law-illiterate anti-Constitutional America-hating talking points to repeat like a dumber-than-dead-rocks parrot!?
I'll make it real simple, simpleton:
Neither FOX nor Limbaugh or their fellow overpaid ENTERTAINERS is any more a legal authority than is the NRA. Moreover, they are not qualified to speak competently on matters of law. As example:
The SC -- which you consider exempt from criticism so long as America-hating far-right lunatic fringe -- held, in the habeas decision against the America-hating Bushit criminal enterprise, that foreign nationals held in US custody are subject to all the laws of the US including the protections in the laws. And that is only the most recent instance of the SC upholding that fundamental principle of law.
It is also the reality -- you abhor reality -- that international law -- to which the US is subject -- stipulates the same:
When a person is in the custody of a given country, that person is subject to the laws of that country including the protections in those laws.
In addition, international law -- to which the US is subject -- stipulates minimum basic protections of such individuals -- any nation's laws to the contrary notwithstanding.
Tell us, asshole: Why are you against treating human beings decently, based upon the fundamental principal of democratic due process, presumption of innocence? Might it be because then there's a risk that the person might be found innocent, instead of being ineluctably "offed" for being brown and or having a "wrong" religion?
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:27am
You mean telling the truth against a far-right lunatic fringe mediocrity, it's 'vicious" and a "smear"?
But when you maliciously make false allegations against such as Clinton and Prisent Obama, that's acceptable?
Well, I suppose, as concerns character, you imply that the latter is acceptable -- because the Clarence Thomas' become embittered by such attacks -- even when, or especially when, true. But when such as Clinton or President Obama are attacked in exactly the same way, they have the character to rise above it, instead of becoming embittered -- even when the attacks are FALSE.
You're a foul-mouthed moronic thug who has no regard for morality or truth -- while you lyingly pretend to stand on morality and for truth. And yet you constantly lie, even though lying is IMMORAL.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:33am
Are you saying that corporations, before this decision, were unable to hire innumerable lobbyists, which We the people don't have?
Which you don't have?
Are you asserting, with a straight face, that before this decision a lobbyist didn't afford a more-than-equal advantage over those who didn't have lobbyists?
Which lobbyists you don't have?
Are you saying that having greater access to the legislature and legislative process, and therefore having a greater-than-equal advantage, is acceptable?
Which greater access you don't have?
If you are saying that it is acceptable for corporations to have a greater-than-equal advantage -- even though that leaves you out and behind -- then why are you an enemy of Affirmative Action, which is FALSELY said to give a greater-than-equal advantage?
Is it because you stupidly believe you gain an advantage because corporations hire lobbyists who lobby against your interests?
Which lobbyists you don't have?
There's a simple fundamental you don't get -- and you don't get it precisely because of your racism combined with the brain-dead pseudo-philosphy "Libertarianism".
"Libertarianism" falsely assumes that reality is perfect, therefore there is no need for that you racists see as "special" or "extra" "rights". Thus you oppose Affirmative Action as a "special" or "extra" right. Thus you oppose all civil rights laws.
Why do you oppose them? Because, you disingenuously insist, they are "racist" because "race-based".
And, of course, you would oppose "anti-lynching laws" because they would be "race-based" -- er, they would afford one "special" "group" protections instead of providing the same protections to all "groups".
They would be "race-based" -- which is, in your perfect world, a no-no -- because they would protect only African-Americans.
That view leaves out the actual reality, of course: the history of lynching is this:
It was only applied to African-Americans. And it was applied by those who were not African-Americans. Therefore, the only "group" needing that "special" protection -- in order to secure for them equality of right to life (at very least) -- were African-Americans.
Yet the racists -- they deny they are that of course -- like to sound as if they aren't racist by opposing all "race-based" laws. Yeah: and in the case of anti-lynching laws, the lynchers would be opposed to laws which constrained them against engaging in lynching.
They would argue against those laws because "race-baed" -- because they don't exist to also protect non-African-Americans from lynching; such as those who have a history of being lynchers.
Got it? Reality isn't perfect.
Therefore, in some instances laws are necessary -- pursuant to the 14th Amendment -- to "level the playing field". Just because you don't need protection from lynching doesn't mean those who do need that protection shouldn't have it.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 12:59am
Stay on topic. You were talking about Thomas and the allegations against him. I compared that to the numerous allegations against Clinton (in both cases the allegations centered on sexual harassment). Jumping off to talk about Iraq and Bush is not relevant.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:00am
"So your saying that" it's acceptable to "launch an all out viscous smear attack against a man trying to destroy him," -- but only if that man is a Democrat, and President?
And you contend that doing so is MORAL, moron -- but only when the target is a DEMOCRAT?
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:07am
Shouldn't there be a REASON to impeach other than the fact that the President is a DEMOCRAT?
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:09am
It as the integrity of the person making the accusation, and the quality of the evidence.
None of which applied to those who, dug up by the far-right "Arkansas Project" specifically to make allegations, made ever-changing allegations against Clinton.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:17am
Double standard? You mean like when you can't defend Thomas, who is the topic of this thread, smear Clinton, who isn't the topic of this thread?
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:20am
Clinton isn't on the SC. Thomas is. Thomas voted to support an activist deision which is contrary to at minimum the 14th Amendment.
Stick to the topic of STFU, moron.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 1:24am
It is clear from your lunatic, profane, ravings that you not only do not understand the law, but that you are an idiot.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:08am
Look idiot, the Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice wrote in his dissent opinion that the Florida decision would be overturned and documented exactly why it would be. The US Supreme court agreed with him. But I guess you are the true expert. Ha!
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:13am
WOW you are so insane it is really scary!
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:23am
"Thomas told an audience Thursday at the University of Florida law school that some of the comments "border on being irresponsible" and "run the risk in our society of undermining institutions that we need to preserve our liberties.""
He was referring to the majority opinion in the Citizens United case, right?
by brewmn61 (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:38am
Get it through your ignorance, asshole: if the judiciary can make up ITS OWN questions, then rule on those in keeping with the ends IT wants -- instead of in keeping WITH THE LAW -- then NO ONE neede EVER take a case to court.
If you really believed this, you would agree that Brown v. Board of Education was wrongly decided.
by Glaivester (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 3:05am
I've shown six ways from sunday that you aren't competent to comment on law.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 9:39am
In other words, law-illitertate, you don't have an answer so you abvoid those facts enttirely by slinging insult.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 9:44am
That didn't happen with Brown. But it DID happen with the "corporate oppression" decision.
And it happened with Bush v. Gore.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 9:46am
by Jon Wisby (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 10:41am
by Jon Wisby (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 10:41am
His skin tone seems a little off.
by Jon Wisby (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 10:44am
If you honestly beleive he's that smart, you're dumber than I thought.
by Dorn76 (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:38pm
" Don't think you know me, you don't."
I don't think I know you. But I also don't think you've represented yourself honestly. Your comment about making more money in one year than your father made in his entire career smells like bullplop to me, and casts your entire polemic into question thereby.
by Signalman (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 2:40pm
Well, believe what you want. I stand by what I said.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 4:28pm
Whether you stand by it or not is irrelevant. I simply do not believe you, and you have no way to substantiate your outrageous and unbelievable claim.
Given that, as well as your boorish attitude and posting behavior, I see no reason to give credence to anything you have to say here.
by Signalman (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 4:31pm
Well, as usual mediamatters research is flawed. First, in the cases of Reagan and Bush cited, they were either not criticizing the current court, or were not referring to the Supreme court at all. In the case of Harding, his comments were not a criticism of the court but a statement of fact. In none of these case were the judges present. Obama openly declared their ruling to be WRONG, to their face, while they couldn't respond, and sought applause from Congress to show them he was right. That WAS unprecedented.
by theCleverBulldog (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 4:43pm
Very poor form, you lie about something that is so easily refuted.
"With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I'd urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems."
by Jon Wisby (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 5:10pm
You say that it "didn't happen" with Brown because the Court accomplished the ends you wanted. Considering either precedent and the origianl intent of the 14th amendment, there was no way that the 14th amendment banned segregated schools. The court ruled as it did because it wanted to desegregate schools, and decided to keep with an interpretation that accomplished the end it wanted, rather than the law. You don't see it in that case because it accomplished the end that you wanted.
by Glaivester (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 10:31pm
No, jackass, and I didn't say that.
The Brown court didn't go beyond the question before the court in order to rule on their own objections to the law at issue.
And I'll say it again so you and your fellow anti-Americans totalitarians GET it:
A case is brought to court by PARTIES, usually the plaintiff -- NOT by the judges IN the court. A case presents a question needing "answer". The court applies the facts and law to the question and arrives at a decision -- an "answer" to the question, which "answer" is called the "holding".
In short: if parties take a case to court that asks the color of grass, but doesn't ask the color of the sky, then the court does not go beyond the question about the color of grass.
ACTIVISTS, such as those who usurped Congress' EXCLUSIVE authority to resolve election disputes -- go BEYOND the limits on their role and actions.
ACTIVISTS, such as the SC 5 in the "corporate oppression" case, go beyond the question being asked in order to answer questions NOT asked BY THE PARTIES. In order to provide answers to the ACTIVISTS' questions.
Even the PLAINTIFF in the case -- beyond EXPRESSLY STIPULATING in their filings that they weren't asking ANY OTHER QUESTION than that in the case -- OBJECTED to the SC 5's ACTIVIST action.
In other words: ACTIVISTS will begin with a goal they want to achieve, and then make up the "law" in order to arrive at their goal. That is not only NOT legitimate adjudication, it is INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST. And, being INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST, it is UNETHICAL.
In short, jackass: the judge is to be constrained by and limited to the question in the instance case. Oherwise, as said, there isn't any need for parties; all the JUDGE need do is rule on his own wishes, and as result always arrive at the conclusion the JUDGE wants. That is TYRANNY.
"A system of laws, and NOT of men." -- John Adams.
As for the 14th Amendment, which mandates equality before the law -- and which is why "separate but equal" is UNCONSTITUTIONAL:
1. The US Constitution expresssly stipulates that the US Constitution is the SUPREME Law of the Land. That means that NO law is either EQUAL TO OR ABOVE it.
2. NO branch of the gov't is EQUAL TO OR ABOVE the US Constitution.
3. Constitutional provisions are implemented by means of STATUTES -- which STATUTES are SUBORDINATE to the Constitution.
4. The branches of the gov't are co-EQUAL.
5. The SC's decisions are no more equal to or above the Constitution than are Congress' statutes.
NO branch of the gov't is exempt from either the Constitution and rule of law, or from criticism by ANYONE. The question is whether that anyone -- YOU in this instance -- knows what he's talking about; and or whether he is substituting political ideology -- in this instance racism -- for Constitution and rule of law. The two -- politics and law -- are NOT THE SAME --
"Justice and the rule of law are to be ABOVE politics." -- John Adams.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Fri, 02/05/2010 - 11:56pm