by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
I have thought for many months now that Bush's sick mind would prepare for and then launch an attack against Iran after the election but before the next President is sworn in so as to make permanent war a fait accomplis that the next President will have no choice about other than to keep fighting. Today's idiotic provocation in Syria is a transparent set up for further "cross border raids" to stop the alleged foreign elements of Al Qaeda from entering Iraq. This is such a transparent lie it is rivaled only by the prewar lies of BushCo before illegally invading Iraq.
Never mind that "Al Qaeda in Iraq" is a nearly nonexistent organization tha tplays a minor role, at best, in what is going on in that country today. Never mind that the negative effects of Bush's illegal and immoral war in Iraq, if widened, could conceivably lead to the complete, permanent downfall of the United States and the west. This is recklessness and irresponsibility on a scale unheard of since World War II.
People need to understand that our alleged President is the biggest war criminal of the young 21st Century and that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gen. Franks and many other top adiminstration officials should be tried and then given what was called in the old west "a necktie party". All of them should be swinging from the end of a noose for the crimes they have committed that have led directly to the deaths of thousands of Americans and Iraqis. All of this needless bloodshed and barbarity has crippled the nation, perhaps permanently both economically and militarily. The behavior of Bush and his henchmen since the theft of the election in 2000 has been that of people who know well that their power is illegitimate and that they must do all the damage to the nation they can because they will not have another chance.
No sane nation could ever again trust a rogue nation such as the United States. Why would they? We don't abide by treaties we are signatories to, we don't respect human life or private property if it stands between us and "our" oil. It is absolutely shameful that this criminal tyrant in DC is allowed to widen this ill conceived and unwinnable war. And where is the opposition to this tyranny and the crime spress overseas and at home that accompanies it? Silent as a church mouse. All of them. It is time that people think long and hard of Jefferson's famous quote:
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is indeed, just."
First thought: Bush is trying to give McCain another reason to suspend his campaign and show his FP leadership skills. Get ready for a "my friends we must act" speech.
Second thought: Bush/the Republicans are manufacturing an internatinal crisis by picking on the "most likely to respond by invading Lebanon and inviting war with Israel" country...all the while provoking Obama to take a calm posture in the face of this crisis rather than a bellicose one. Remaining calm will in effect be some sort of campaign secret code for "he's really a Muslim" or some such crap.
Third thought: Bush is definitly drinking again.
If the reports are true (as they appear to be) then the US has only added gasoline to the fire.
by Abroadabroad (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 7:48am
SERIOUSLY, You have to really tink about why this is happening just 8 days before te election.
by theone718 (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 12:04pm
how does this incident specifically point to a planned attack on Iran?
I do understand that since Iraq wants our troops out, history tells us that the U.S. government needs to find another place to park our army. When we got kicked out of Saudi Arabia, we moved to Iraq.
by tpmgary (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 12:30pm
I think right now they are simply establishing a policy of crossing borders to ostensibly get at "foreign" fighters with Syria. The real purpose is to set the stage for bombing Iran sometime prior to the end of the year depending upon the scenario they choose to manufacture as justification for the attack.
Iran has always been the target to follow Iraq. They won't be looking for another place to "park" the army. They are looking to attack Iran from Iraq. This attack is most likely to come in the form of extensive and ongoing air raids on a wide variety of Iranian "targets". They don't have the manpower to invade Iran but they do have airpower that can easily attack from bases in Iraq and carriers in the gulf.
by oleeb (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 12:38pm
It is more likely a provocation, to begin a scenario with Iran's staunchest ally in the region that would perhaps justify action against Iran.
Honestly, I think Iran and Syria will recognize the politics involved and calculate their response accordingly. Remember, about a month ago Putin claimed that US advisors were present in Georgia during the military engagement and it didn't even register on the US public's radar. This will likely be the same. Americans generally don't pay much attention to foreign policy matters. The current economic worries only intensify the national pasttime of navel-gazing.
Whether this is an attempt by the Bush administration to change the topic from the economy to foreign policy is really irrelevant. Nothing is going to get voter's attention away from their individual economic peril. Most Americans, sadly, will just view this incident something like the Syrians deserved it. The facts or implications will get little consideration.
by Abroadabroad (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 1:30pm
Where is the EVIDENCE?
There are also doing cross-border attacks in Pakistan.
Note that it was Obama who said that should be done -- over against the less-agressive posture by more-Macho McSame.
Those evidence only that they are happening, not the why. I am really fed up with the lame speculations that galvanize so many into wasting their time with them.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 3:25pm
I have thought for many months now that Bush's sick mind would prepare for and then launch an attack against Iran after the election but before the next President is sworn in so as to make permanent war a fait accomplis that the next President will have no choice about other than to keep fighting. Today's idiotic provocation in Syria is a transparent set up for further "cross border raids" to stop the alleged foreign elements of Al Qaeda from entering Iraq. This is such a transparent lie it is rivaled only by the prewar lies of BushCo before illegally invading Iraq.
Where is the EVIDENCE for ANY of that?
Oh -- you haven't any? I not only thought that but noted that.
No matter: Obama would respond with the same calm, the same thoughtfulness, while McSame would run around with his self-important head cut off, and it would have the same result as his running around with his head cut off over the economic crisis.
Stick a fork in it: it's horseshit.
Stick a fork in McPalin: they're done.
Stick a fork in Bushit: his criminal enterprise is done.
by JNagarya (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 3:28pm
It is more likely than prelude to attacking Iran, a consequence of the 'Sunni Awakening' turning against us because of our unconditional support for al-Maliki.
We have to stay in Iraq long enough to ensure that there is no civil war, and make al-Maliki indebted to us again. The UN mandate is about to expire and there needs to be some leverage we can hold over him to justify an indefinite stay.
by diachronic (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 4:11pm
Stick a fork in JNagarya's comment: It's done!
by readytoblowagasket (not verified) on Mon, 10/27/2008 - 4:43pm
Have you read anything Seymour Hirsch has been writing in the New Yorker for the past year? If you had, you would not have written from a position of total ignorance. Go to the New Yorker and start reading up. Hirsch has the best and most reliable sources of any journalist in America and is seldom wrong.
by oleeb (not verified) on Tue, 10/28/2008 - 1:53am