The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture


                                   A MEMBER OF WHITE CITIZENS UNITED

    I just wished to speak about anonymity.

    I don't care, personally. I think you could spend some time and brand me as a no nothing.

    It's okay.

    I did more than a few blogs about the people that anonymity protects.

    We have had many people open  up their life stories here and then had someone just crucify them.

    I am left. I have been left out really all my life. But I am left.

    You know Jason is a friend of mine. I never met him. We battle on the internet from time to time. But Jason is a kind wonderful man.  Jason would never hit below the belt and yet some people end up making ad hominem arguments against HIM. That is not fair. And it pisses me off.

    I have witnessed my friends open up and bare their souls.

    I have seen women, especially; speak of the pain of divorce and attempting to raise their children with all odds against them. The odds? Well women make less than men. It is not as bad as 1954; but damn.....I mean who does not realize all of this. And some women here have even forgiven child support obligations out of some semblance of fairness. Damn that makes me mad too.

    And when they do so, when some women open up their hearts and souls, somebody keeps score and then uses old stories about these bloggers whom I love and stabs them in the heart.

    Oh sure, but if you had kept your marriage together you would not need this help from the government.

    Yes I have seen this occur at this site and I went nuts of course. But leaving this aside:

    I could have been stabbed in the heart hundreds of times here. I never killed anybody. I spent no time in prison. I have never been arrested for anything. But my life is one big representation of a loser. And as much as I get mad at the right or whatever, nobody has attacked me. Maybe they should. Maybe it would wake me up.

    But you know what? Jason, again, would never ever do such a thing. I don't know. I just feel that there are really honorable people at Café; And I always enjoy exchanging ideas here.

    I am the socialist. And that is what I am. I am not going to spend six pages here talking on this issue after 600 blogs. It is a waste of time.

    But some people here work for some corporation and if their blogs or comments were published they might be punished and punished hard.

    But that is one side of the argument regarding anonymity.

    Speaking on a panel at the event, Schmidt argued that anonymity on the Internet is dangerous. "In a world of asynchronous threats, it is too dangerous for there not to be some way to identify you," he said.

    Schmidt took the stance that governments may eventually put an end to anonymity. "We need a [verified] name service for people," he said. "Governments will demand it."

    He expanded on his thoughts in a separate interview.


    Let us think about this for a minute.

    Lisb and Dickday hide little. LisB has opened up her heart and I do not see ad hominem attacks against her. And Lisb did not lose her job because of something exchanged here.

    I have nothing to lose. And soon I will discuss this mishap.

    But I have other friends who have been unfairly attacked and who could lose everything if their real persona were revealed.

    And so I worry about this. I have friends here whom I have never met who have given me their true persona through emails and such.

    We have exchanged so many stories about our personal lives, our personal failures and our personal victories.

    Nobody, out of fifty or more people in our chat rooms has ever violated one sentence with regard to those exchanges.

    When I first arrived here, 20 months ago, there were always emotional exchanges, but it had to do with the fight between Hillary and Barack. Some left and others stayed and some of those who took off come back from time to time.

    I love this. I love Café more than I can ever relate in one little blog.

    But the subject of this little post concerns anonymity.

    People here are professors at universities, doctors at hospitals, teachers at schools, nurses in training, truck drivers, engineers, ham radio operators (who are nuts, I know this from personal experience), government workers (I like the word worker rather than employees), machinists, 'retired' which can mean anything, writers, never ends.

    We have the most wonderful eclectic group you could imagine; or you could even fantasize about in some screen play.

    Do we really wish the government to mandate against anonymity?

    Then I ran into this little example of 'openess':


    Does the pope shit in a gold toilet?

    You betchya.

    RNS) There are moves afoot to unleash clergy as political commentators. The aim is to let clergy use their pulpits to endorse candidates and political views.

    Clergy, like all Americans, already have that right. The issue isn't the freedom to voice political views, but rather whether clergy can wax political while their congregation retains its tax-exempt status.

    The heart of the current system is a package of tax benefits historically awarded to religious institutions and other nonprofit community organizations. Those institutions avoid certain taxes, and their donors can treat tithes and g

    Now, we have 'Christian organizations' funding all sorts of things. And you run into the issue of tax deductions and credits for organizations that claim tax preference....

    Well, if any of the anonymous people here are claiming fake deductions for sending out their message, I suppose we should know this.

    But these organizations that go ahead and create not only churches but PAC'S as well as other political shells that have nothing to do with the God I learned about as a child.

    Nobody at Café is taking advantage of some damn IRS ruling. And I could get into some discussion of Franklin and his Poor Richard's Almanac and blah blah blah.

    I have nothing to lose. I really do not. I have only gained my sanity from writing here. Believe me!!!

    But others feel they do need some protection. And I do not think that I wish a corporation or the government to institute some law or rule whereby we must all take down our masks.

    We all have masks whether or not we hide our names after all.

    Ad hominem arguments against any writer at Café should be abolished, now.

    Of course, that should not apply to me making ad hominem arguments against beckerhead or whatever. Hahahahahaha

    Because I SHOULD BE ABOVE ALL RULES. Hahahahahahah

    No because these leaders deserve it. They have asked for it.

    But others at Café, just wish to espress his or her opinions with regard to some rule or election or political argument.

    I just want to stress that I do not like it when people attack someone like Jason personally. It is not like anyone has said that he works here or makes this amount of money or works in his part time as ....

    But this shite about Jason or me wishing to see babies die or whatever is crap.

    Of course I ignore the fact that Jason hates democratic babies. hahahaahahah

    Now rush Limbaugh is a fuck head. Just so that I am clear on that point. I make ad hominem arguments against all these folks.

    My intent here is to just discuss the importance of the individual's right to remain anonymous within the TPMCafe. I think we need this choice. 

    We need anonymity as a protection folks against the power of government and the power of the corporations.

    Let's not screw that up.

    I think we have to fight out loud against this Google asshat.

    But I cannot go without my own outrage at the following story that made me nuts (okay, I already was nuts, but let us not split hairs):



    Texas Republican state legislator Rep. Debbie Riddle was not prepared for Anderson Cooper Tuesday night.

    Riddle appeared on "Anderson Cooper 360" to discuss the threat of "terror babies" -- a supposed threat in which terrorist organizations send pregnant women to the United States to have their children, who would be US citizens but trained and raised abroad to be terrorists and could enter and leave the US without raising suspicion.

     This has nothing to do with the subject at hand. How can I not make ad hominem arguments against someone who this goddamanably stupid? hahahaha

    I mean there are limits to rationality. hahahahah