The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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                                                              STEVE KING'S HERO

    I just came upon some secret correspondence between that namesake of that guy who likes to write about zombies and talking cars addressed to Sharron Angle, the current repub Senate Candidate in Nevada. I SHALL NEVER DIVULGE MY SOURCE!!!

    U.S Representative Steve King

    RE: Confidential

    To: Ms. Sharron Angle

    Dear Ms. Angle:

    I applaud you on your achieving the nomination for U. S. Senator from the great state of Nevada.

    You hearten me greatly in this, my hour of despair.

    I go to work every morning knowing that some Italian socialist princess is setting my agenda. I mean Pelosi? What the hell kind of name is that? Sounds more like some sauce you need to put on bratwurst when it has 'turned' just to make it palatable.

    When you look at this administration, I'm offended by Eric Holder and the President also, their posture. It looks like Eric Holder said that white people in America are cowards when it comes to race. And I don't know what the basis of that is but I'm not a coward when it comes to that and I'm happy to talk about these things and I think we should. But the President has demonstrated that he has a default mechanism in him that breaks down the side of race - on the side that favors the black person.

    I mean the official numbers indicate from our last census that 12.1 % of all Americans are categorized as being Black or African American.

    Yet I know for a fact that 12.7% of all Obama appointees are of African American descent.  

    You see? You see the bias here? Of course you do. I mean how could we be safer from this bias than with someone named Angle.

    I know you agree with me, especially with your past affiliation with the Independent American Party.  Our chapter, here in the heart of the Midwest is known as the Iowa Chamber of Commerce.

    And if you include the Asian Americans (many of whom include people who actually killed our soldiers in three separate wars) as well as Hispanics or Latinas (or whatever the hell these mongrels call themselves nowadays) any sane person can see that there is an undeclared war against our White Heritage.

    I recently heard you say this on the radio:

    If this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and saying my goodness what can we do to turn this country around? I'll tell you the first thing we need to do is take Harry Reid out.

    As that former leader of the IAP put it: "If Guns Are Outlawed, How Can We Shoot the Liberals?" His rhetoric would not be out of place at a 2010 tea party.

    A criminal element has taken over this nation, an element of miscreants and genetic freaks who threaten the innocent hard working whites who built this country. As I have stated:

    " My wife lives here with me, and I can tell you, Mr. Speaker, she's at far greater risk being a civilian in Washington, D.C., than an average civilian in Iraq."

    In this day and age ANYONE CAN BECOME AN AMERICAN:

    A soldier, man or woman, could get drunk in Bangkok, wake up in the morning and be married, as will happen sometimes in places like Las Vegas or Bangkok, be killed the next day, and the spouse who was a product of the evening's celebration would have then a right to claim access to come to the United States on a green card.

    And liberals actually claim that some illiterate 'picker' can come up here, across our borders and after consummating some unacknowledged 'marriage' drop a bundle in the fields and that bundle is supposed to be acknowledged by us as a full-fledged American Citizen.

    And that just refers to the pickers who are up here 'legally'. My son is ready willing and able to construct a wall for our borders that will work and if we all could just join together to enact legislation to give him the thirty billion dollars he needs, we could once again be safe from the illegal immigration of the infidels.  I know it's family and all but that never stopped Dick Cheney!!!

    If we must have immigrants, why not make them all Angles for chrissakes!!!!

    And the supposed war on terror?

    I predicted this sometime ago:

    "I'll just say this, that when you think about the optics of a Barack Obama potentially getting elected president of the United States, I mean, what does this look like to the rest of the world? What does this look like to the world of Islam?... And I will tell you that if he IS elected president, then the radical Islamists, the al Qaida and the radical Islamists and their supporters will be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11th... It does matter. His middle name does matter. It matters because they read meaning into that and the rest of the world, it has special meaning to them. They'll be dancing in the streets because of his middle name. They'll be dancing in the streets because of who his father was ... So there are implications that have to do with who he is and the positions that he has taken ... There will be dancing in the streets if he's elected president and that has a chilling effect on how difficult it will be to ever win this global war on terror."

    And my predictions have come true; 100% true. The world just loves this socialist fascist communist Muslim without a birth certificate.

    I swear he gets his direction directly from Mecca.

    We must surely work together or we shall all hang together!!!


    Yours in Christ,
