by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Jonnienohands gave us a link today; a link to the truth; a
link to injustice; a link to the America
I despise.
There has been some outrage over KeithO's outrages recently.
He goes too far some think. Whether it's fascists on Fox or idiot pols, KeithO
seems unrestrained.
Well I become unrestrained a lot these days. What exactly is
the correct manner of approaching rush Limbaugh and his like? When he plays
Barack the Magic Negro and then claims it's okay because some African American
was paid to write it. Do we remain silent when rush calls out Colin Powell--
one of our finest Americans and one of the country's finest repubs--for backing
Barack Obama for POTUS because General Powell happens to be an
Do we remain silent and hopes he goes away along with his
ten million viewer?
Do we just nod and wink at each other and say: "Oh that's
just old rush and he don't mean nothin' especially bad on anyone?"
Do we quote him on MSM and say: "Well, you have heard both
sides--now you decide?"
Jonnie sent me to this:
South Carolina Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, who is running for the Republican nomination for governor, held a town hall meeting yesterday where he argued government should be tougher on families whose children receive free and reduced-price lunches. Bauer said that parents should be required to "pass drug tests or attend parent-teacher conferences or PTA meetings." To make this argument, however, he compared people receiving government assistance to stray animals:
"My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You're facilitating the problem if you give an animal or a person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones that don't think too much further than that. And so what you've got to do is you've got to curtail that type of behavior. They don't know any better," Bauer said. [...]
Later in his speech, Bauer said, "I can show you a bar graph where free and reduced lunch has the worst test scores in the state of South Carolina," adding, "You show me the school that has the highest free and reduced lunch, and I'll show you the worst test scores, folks. It's there, period.
I heard one repub a couple months ago claim that welfare is
just a waste of time. The undeserved poor will just use it for cigs, liquor and
lottery tickets.
That pisses me off.
But this bauer asshole is saying that its contraindicated to
feed poor children. This has nothing to do with the withholding of cigs, liquor
and lottery tickets.
A lot of folks in SC are under the 'poverty threshhold' as
they like to call it.
Now we also know that a lot of rich folks get in trouble.
They fightin' dogs in rings; they drinking too much; they usin drugs too much;
they like straight out adultery; some like serial marriage or no marriage at
all; some beat their wives; some take bribes and give out bribes; and some
feign the good Christian life as long as they aint caught for indiscretions. In
short some rich folks and some fairly rich folks have trouble followin all the
Commandments of The Lord. Of course their attorneys take care of most of the legal hassles related to this activity.
Well, some poor people are drinkin too much, usin drugs too
much, committin adultery too much, beaten the mothers of their younguns and
just not carin for their littleuns as they should.
But if you have a program available at local schools
throughout the school year and into the summertime to provide children with ONE
PROPER MEAL A DAY....well something is accomplished here. The kids find
themselves in better physical shape, in better mental shape and in better
spiritual shape. There is no shoplifting in the schools. With some help and
caution, there can come a time when there are no guns or knives in school. With
some help and caution there might be less gangland killin of young folks as
long as they are in a safe school. Even if the school lunch program can keep
the kids off the street for an hour, lives are saved. Permanent health issues
evaporate. Why the kids might even stick around for a little basketball or even
attend a little musical exposition.
Bauer would, of course, vote against any provision that might
save the mother from real health risks or even death by abortion. Hell, let us wait until the mother is dead, the child born...and
we can kill the tot later; in a more legally satisfying manner.
But bauer would take even this away from them. AND HE IS NOT
Remember, South Carolina
is the home of some of the most tyrannical and racist and fascist pricks in the
history of this country including John C. Calhoun and Strom Thurmond. And if
there is anyone listening out there, both of them were goddamnable fascists.
Lindsey Graham
Well ole Lindsey is about the sanest politician in ole SC,
but he wishes to build more prisons, incarcerate more people for longer periods
of time, cut Social Security Benefits, cut benefits to the poor, increase
military spending.
Oh and his last famous interjection involved his belief that
SC is being punished for having to many Black folks and that means they have
more poor people of course. Not because of any latent--let alone patent--discrimination
that may go on down there. It's just the African-Americans have more difficulty
getting with a game plan.
Jim DeMint
Since the dawn of time, traditional marriage - the union between one man and one woman - has been the building block of civilization, and at no point in our nation's history has that foundation been under more severe attack than now.
I do not think he was referring to his own
Health care will be Obama's Waterloo.
"Unfortunately the president has been downplaying the threat of terrorism since he took office. He waited eight months to even nominate someone for this position, and then he wanted him approved with no debate or no vote," DeMint said. "Senator Reid could have done that months ago, but the fact is they've been working on other things and have not seen airport security as a priority."
Just look at his goddamn voting record. He would not hand a dollar to a
starving child or vote for funds that might provide lodging for the homeless.
Joe Wilson
Well, what can anyone really say about Joe Wilson that has
not already been said. YOU ARE A LIAR MR. PRESIDENT!!
This fascist bastard represents again, just about everything
I hate about America. If the bill keeps money going to the Department
of Defense, or to keep wars going and armaments flowing...if the bill gives money
to the rich; well this jackass is for it.
If the bill would help the struggling masses, he would nix
that legislation in a second.
The other three repubs from SC in the House are these
musketeers and you can just find their voting records easily enough:
J. Greshem Barrett
Bob Inglis
Harry Brown Jr.
CAROLINA? You might ask me.
Of course there are. There are a couple of wonderful
Representatives since the bastards who rule could not gerrymander the dems out
of there.
But how exactly is SC doin? Well its poverty rate boggles the mind When working-class people are isolated to specific geographic areas and sections of major cities, a negative stigma can make matters even worse.
With a poverty rate of 15.0%, South Carolina
has the 9th highest poverty rate in the United
States, a position that it shares with the
state of Tennessee.
Read more at Suite101: Poverty
Rates in South Carolina: Isolation of the State's Poorest Multiplies the
And what exactly is SC's literacy rate?
• One-third of South Carolina students reading below state standards in eighth grade (in 2002).
• The third-highest adult illiteracy rate in the United States.
• Illiteracy rates higher than 40
percent in five counties -- Allendale, McCormick, Williamsburg, Clarendon and Lee
Again, There are wonderful people in South Carolina. And there are lying cheating bastards like Guiliani toward the northern part of our great country.
But this state attempted secession twice...the only state in the Union to act in this manner. Compare SC's illiteracy rate or poverty rate to Minnesota's illiteracy and poverty rates. And regardless of pricks like Coleman and Pawlenty, we have a progressive state based upon progressive value. Hell, we have universal health insurance up here. Every frickin time one of these fascists starts talking out of his butt telling you progressive legislation does not work, show him the statistics and compare places like Minnesota with South Carolina.
But is KeithO so out of it? Because if he is, I am. I cannot sit with these types of people, eating crumpets and sipping tea and politely discussing the issues of the day. bauer is a pig and he should be treated like one. So is Dimint. So is smokin joe wilson. People like this must be harangued, shouted out, and contradicted by all evidence available at every opportunity.
It is therefore difficult for me to sing any lilt concerning South
Carolina, but I will try:
In my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
That's Fort Sumter
Can't you hear the thunder
Can't you see the hypocrisySeparatin' you from me
Yes I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind
Bauer, he's a Southern SonYou best talk his way, ignore the sinnin'
Watch him bemoanin' these timesNo silver tears appearin' now
Cryin' aint for him
Goin' to Carolina in my mind
There ain't no doubt in his own mindThat hates the finest thing around
Never whisper things soft and kind
Listen not to what babes require
They're dyin', he's lyin'
Gone to Carolina in my mindIn my mind I'm goin' to Carolina
That's Fort Sumter
Can't just you hear the thunder
Can't you see the hypocrisySeparatin' you from me
Yes I'm goin' to Carolina in my mind
Stark, defiant hate fills the nightI think I might have heard the Christ Child calling
I might have heard the small one's bawling
Cowards in flight and Bauers that bite
Signs that might be omens say I'm going, I'm going
I'm gone to Carolina in my mind
With a holy host of others standing around meWe'll fill the streets, we'll howl at the moon
We'll make them think the howlin's on forever
You must forgive me
But there's little love for Carolina in my mind