by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
Welcome to Med Grow Cannabis College, a new institution of higher learning where, for $485, you can receive a six-week education on medical marijuana--a curriculum combining law, horticulture, and history. "This state needs jobs, and we think medical marijuana can stimulate the state economy with hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars," said the school's 24-year-old founder. According to The New York Times, the Michigan program is emblematic of what's happening throughout the country as legalized medical marijuana expands. Botanists talk about recipes and growing patterns, and one class attendee told her co-workers, "'I'm going to grow medical marijuana. I'm a gardener, I've always dreamed of having a greenhouse, I think it would be great.' And then I suddenly thought, 'Hey, I really am going to grow medical marijuana.'"
Read it at The New York Times Posted at 7:27 AM, Nov 29, 2009
My buddy C was discussing the issue of inappropriate and unacceptable conduct or words yesterday.
Remember, C is quite a ham. If you do not believe me, ask him about his radios sometime. But that is another matter.
Med Grow Cannabis College (known as MGCC to those who do not like to spend a lot of time typing Med Grow Cannabis College) has a problem. I am absolutely sure that it will be demonstrated that MGCC depends upon state and federal funds for its very existence. AND THE INSTITUTION IS TOO 'IN YOUR FACE' ABOUT THE ENTIRE MATTER.
First, I have it on good information that water is going to be delivered through pipes and other mechanisms to this socialistic college campus. And I am almost certain that the State and Federal EPA's have tested that water to see if it is fit for human consumption directly and indirectly. And that means that STATE AND FEDERAL FUNDS ARE SUPPORTING THIS COMMIE DRUG TRADE.
Second, I have it on good information that the MGCC is 'hooked up' so to speak to the electrical grid. And that electric grid is monitored and most probably delivered to these drug dealers through State and Federal agencies.
Third, I have it on good information that public transportation is available for those wishing to attend this venerable institution of learning. And that public transportation is most certainly subsidized by State and Federal taxes.
Fourth, I also have it on good information that if any of the students attending this anti-family college get some 'bad weed' so to speak, that student will be able to take advantage of the services of an emergency facility within a mile or so of their class rooms.
So we know that right from the start, OUR TAX DOLLARS ARE FINANCING THE DUDE and his attempt to keep our children from working at fast food franchises.
You watch. Soon these students will be filing for monies
from this new health care package under the guise of helping procure LPN
licenses for THC heads. THIS IS AN ABOMINATION. Next they will be seeking tax credits for tuition paid.
On the other hand....
I am attempting to establish a center of learning that will provide a new approach to our welfare problem. I shall call my curriculum:
HOW TO GET ON THE DOLE AND STAY THERE FOR A LIFETIME.I will offer courses on the following subjects:
How to bug, beg and bother your doctor to sign your quarterly disability statement.
How to speak to your social worker by properly avoiding eye contact, drooling at the most optimum times, donning your worst pieces of wardrobe, keeping the proper colored cardboard in the hole ridden soles of your K-Mart shoes, making sure your zipper is closed, proper misspelling in the essay portion of your yearly report and leaving your roach clips at home.
How to refrain from requesting any undue help from the maintenance section of your subsidized housing program and yet keep the toilet from running all the time.
Remaining on welfare is an art and a science bringing to bear all the talents God has provided to each and every American Citizen.
Upon completion of all studies--along with the full tuition payment of $3,976.00 plus applicable tax--the student will receive a MSOW Degree with a full plaque demonstrating completion of all studies.(MSOWFL: A Masters of Staying On Welfare For Life)