The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Richard Day's picture

    Stuck Inside the GOP With the Lincoln Blues Again!

    A guy named Mark Levin is another radio personality in that grand tradition of conservative demagoguery symbolized by rush and savage. The other day Mark had a delightful tete-a-tete with a caller:

    CALLER: I just wanna say, Obama is a lot smarter than you folks give him credit for. You guys were on a roll, I have to admit, with all those tea parties. Everything was rolling along, the Republicans were gaining momentum. And he managed to change your entire conversational focus. And you let those three hundred thousand people -- 

    LEVIN: My God. He's so smart. His own party voted against him on GuantanamoBay. How stupid was that, Cindy? His own party refused to fund the closing of GuantanamoBay

    CALLER. Yeah but you know he can just move those people over here anyway. He's already doing it with the one guy. 

    LEVIN: Yeah, sure, he can do whatever he wants. Let me ask you a question. Why do you hate this country? 

    CALLER: No, I love this country.

    LEVIN: (angrily shouting) I SAID WHY DO YOU HATE MY COUNTRY?WHY DO YOU HATE MY CONSTITUTION? WHY DO YOU HATE MY DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE? You just said it. He can blow off Congress. He can do whatever he wants, right?

    CALLER: Well, he seems to, he just moved (inaudible).

    LEVIN: Answer me this, are you a married woman? Yes or no?

    CALLER: Yes.

    LEVIN: Well I don't know why your husband doesn't put a gun to his temple. Get the hell out of here. (David Frum


    The radioman creates havoc

    With all sorts of talk

    Callers ask for clarifications

    But all he does is balk

    And Republicans treat him kindly

    Cause his ratings really rock

    What more can they do

    With the wares they have to hawk?

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?


    Well Buckley's in the graveyard

    With his flare and Yale Degree

    Speaking to this George Will

    A baseball devotee

    And I would send a message

    Asking if the pitcher really balked

    But his writings have turned toward Cheney

    And his freedom door is locked

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?



    Colin tried to tell me

    To stay away from rush's line

    He says that all the republicans

    Are not of the radioman's kind

    And I said "Oh come on now

    All the party leaders honor rush

    Anyone who disagrees

    Will be silenced and then crushed

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?


    Gingrich has lost his mind

    But he's still invited to talk

    To hordes of right wing nuts

    Drinking the '50's on the rocks

    But now he takes on Pelosi

    Who has the job that he once had

    But as his hypocrisy abounds

    Moderates just think him mad

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?


    Senator McCain came down here

    Showin' everyone his wounds

    After condemning all this torture

    And condemning bush's goons

    Now everyone's so baffled

    He's preaching against any look

    Into the masters who ordered mayhem

    And those who did not play by the book

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?



    Now the pricks who run Wall Street

    Where the Madoff's used to climb

    Scream bloody murder

    As regulations are back on line

    And Moderates who sat patiently

    Hoping to find out what price

    They have to pay to get out of

    Going through all these things twice

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?



    Conservatives set up tea parties

    Pretending they are grass roots

    The entire comedy is advertised

    And promoted by Fox News

    The hateful tone of bigotry

    Seems to be all that is left

    For Republicans who once ran the world

    And must settle for something less

    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end

    To be stuck inside the GOP

    With the Lincoln Blues again?

    Hats off to B.Dylan

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