The growth of the Federal Government equals... tyranny. During Ike's America, the Feds took 15% to 18% of GDP. But now? They eat 20%, 23% of what the nation produces - maybe even 25% or more in the next few years.
Socialism on the march.
And I donno about you, but I'm frightened.

But now, a new group is roaring through our economy, devouring the product of our daily labors. More secretive and - in recent decades -
even more successful than the Feds.
Look at this. From the late 40's through Ike's 50's America... through JFK and LBJ in the 60's... even up through Nixon and Ford and Carter in the 70's... this group was kept to just 10% to 12% of the national lunch.
But today? They eat over 23% of the national spread - and are picking up speed. Unleashed.
Who is the group?
The Top 1% of Incomes.
Compare. Their 20%-25% versus the Feds 20%-25%.
And since 1980, the share of this Top 1% has doubled. DOUBLED. While everyone's been worrying about the Federal Government, this is the group that is eating more and more of the national pie. Forget the Military-Industrial Complex or the growth of Health Care, it's this Top 1% that is outrunning them all.
(Note. GDP versus pre-tax income is not strictly comparable. But it's useful enough for our pyjama-clad purposes. Someone can correct the 1% of Income to 1.6% of GDP or whatever. The points still hold.)Now. If I showed you these two trends, for these two groups, which would appear more frightening? The growth of the Federal Government... or the Richest 1% of Americans?
In 1980, the Feds were twice as big as the Top 1%. Now? The Top 1% has caught up.
Which is the social force that truly looks to have been unleashed, and is racing toward social, political and economic domination?
The Top 1% of Income-Eaters.
And their friends, of course. Since the borders between the Top 1% and Top 10% of Income are fairly porous, and the two groups happily intermarry, let's take a look at how the wider 10% Nation is doing.

My my.
50% of all income, going to the 10% Nation.
And look at that trend! Through the 1940's 50's 60's and 70's, the income share of the Top 10% was pretty much flat. But since then - they're on a rampage.
They now take down an additional 15% of total income, and all in all, take in 50%.
Like I said, the US worries a lot about how to pay for Health Care. While the Richest 10% of Americans are now eating an extra 15% of Income -
roughly equal to total spending on Health Care.

The Right loves to tell us that the Feds have extraordinary powers, that enable them to dominate these 1% and 10% of richest Americans. It can levy taxes on them, for instance.
Fair enough. The Feds can tax them.
But, as a strategic counter, the Top 1% and 10% Nation can..
. buy politicians, campaigns, policies, votes and the media.
Seems to me that's a pretty good neutralizer.
I'll bet you can't guess which way Federal tax rates on the Top 1% have been going.

So, that's income. The Federal Government has an income roughly equal to the income of the Top 1% to 2% of Americans. While the income of the Top 10% Nation is massively larger than the Federal Government.
how do these two groups spend their ill-gotten gains? Well, the Federal Government rather has its hands tied, in that 80%-85% of what it takes in, HAS to be spent on a specific item - Interest, Social Security, Medicare, Defense. While it can refine these programs, the Feds can't just rip them down and spend the monies on something completely different.
Which means the Feds retain a relatively free hand in how to spend about 4% of GDP.

And the Top 1%? How much of their 23% share of National income do they have a free hand in spending? Let's say they're taxed 33%. And hell, let's say they need another 33% just to keep them in the manner to which they've just recently become accustomed.
Which leaves about 8% of National income for the Richest to... spend as they wish.
Twice as much as the Federal Government.
You can shape an awful lot of the country with that kind of money. Exert influence on the way cities grow and communities decline... on which consumer goods and tourist destinations are seen as being most desirable... on which sports teams succeed... which politicians gain favor... how the media unfold... what kinds of medical research is pursued... which new technologies gain investment and begin moving toward the market....
So many things you can do. Or rather,
they can do.
And they ARE a nation, you know. This Top 1%. A Nation within a Nation. I probably shouldn't say that - they've told us that certain phrases are impolite.
Still. They just
ARE... a Nation.
Look. The Top 300,000 American families make as much as the bottom 150,000,000. The New York Times says that, not me.
The Top 300,000 American families make as much as the bottom 150,000,000 people.
That's a Nation.
The Top 300,000 American families make as much as the bottom 150,000,000 people.
That's a Nation with Power.The Top 300,000 American families make as much as the bottom 150,000,000 people.
That's a Nation with Power. The one that's been taking over YOUR Nation.
Want your country back?