The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    Michael Wolraich's picture

    How to Publish Your Blog on Facebook

    Soon after we launched dagblog, I decided that I wanted to publish my writing on facebook to share it with my friends and family. That's not as easy as you might think. You can import your posts into Facebook notes using an RSS feed, but Facebook changes the formatting, and readers can't see the comments from the blog. Other methods I tried couldn't handle multi-author blogs and would publish every dagblog post without even indicating who wrote it.

    I found a solution in a Facebook app called NetworkedBlogs, which automatically publishes my dagblog posts (and only my dagblog posts) on my Facebook news feed. If you blog at dagblog and would like to share your brilliant insights with your own friends, family, colleagues, and random classmates whom you barely remember, just follow these steps:

    1. Go to
    2. Click the follow button in the middle of the screen
    3. At the prompt that asks for permission to access your basic information, click Allow. (For those who haven't used Facebook apps before, this standard behavior for any app. Don't worry, NetworkedBlogs will not get access to private info such as your email address, and it cannot spam your friends.)
    4. Contact me either at dagblog or Facebook. I'll set up your permissions and send you instructions for turning on Facebook publishing.

    (Warning: Once you start sharing on Facebook, you may discover unexpected fans at your next family gathering or class reunion.)

    For those of you who don't want to publish dagblog posts but would like to read dagblog on Facebook, you can also use NetworkedBlogs for that, but there is an easier way. Just go to our Facebook fan page and click I like. You'll start to see the latest dag posts interspersed with your friends' profound updates about what they ate for breakfast. You can alternatively subscribe to dag posts by RSS, Twitter, or email. Please see our subscribe page.



    Thank you Genghis. This is the first time I have seen any use for me in Facebook and I owe it to you.

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