The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age

    The Message Challenge - PLEASE REC!

    Some of us -- maybe all of us in favor of real reform -- think our messaging has been scattershot and poorly defends the multiple fronts on which health care reform is under assault.

    So what should the core message of pro-reform advocates be? Can we put together one central message that will resonate widely, that makes the case, that is loon-resistant and lie-resistant? Don't leave comments questioning my premise. Just say "Yes we can."

    The Message Challenge

    Your comment must include: The positive Message of Health Care Reform in 25 words or less. It must a) make the case for real reform, b) be compelling to moderates, and b) speak to the issue of trust in government.

    Your comment may optionally include: A separate Counter-Argument Message (25 words allowed also) designed to end all arguments from the fringe. Here's where you can have fun.

    Ready, set, GO!!!