The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    'Rethink Afghanistan. com' Offers Facebook Meet-ups to End the War

    "Want to do something about ending the War?" they ask.

    Here is a link to their Facebook page allowing people to make or meet groups this weekend to watch this Brave New Foundation video, and discuss 'What's Next?'

    This is their main website, with links to various organizations you'll recognize...

    And this is a nice page with a blog comments by Agoniste, Down with Tyrrany, and more.

     From CBS News July 9, 2010:

    General George Casey, the Chief of Staff of the Army, said today the United States could face another "decade or so" of persistent conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    In two months, the U.S. will have been at war in Afghanistan for nine years.

    The four-star general said the U.S. military moved beyond conventional warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan "long ago," and that the focus is now on the people. Casey highlighted job, education and economic growth as essential to success in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    His aid later hastened to add that the General didn't mean the US would be in Afghanistan or Iraq for another decade, but meant involved in similar conflicts that long. 

    In other news, the President, in his weekly radio address, announced plans to streamline the applications for veterans to receive help for PTSD.  This is very welcome news, Mr. President!


    General Petraeus and Hamid Karzai, in a series of meetings this week, clash over strategies for local populations' involvement in security.

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