by Michael Wolraich
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MURDER, POLITICS, AND THE END OF THE JAZZ AGE by Michael Wolraich Order today at Barnes & Noble / Amazon / Books-A-Million / Bookshop |
It's official — the government has fallen from power, clearing the way for a spring election.
The opposition Liberals, NDP and Bloc Québécois came together Friday afternoon in a historic vote to say they no longer have confidence in the Conservative government.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper addressed reporters after the vote and said he would meet with the Governor General on Saturday "to inform him of the situation and to take the only course of action that remains," referring to the dissolution of Parliament and an immediate election campaign.
Harper began his remarks by saying that while Canada's economic recovery has been strong, the global economy is still fragile.
"The budget presented this week by the minister of finance, the next phase of Canada's Economic Action Plan, is critically important," Harper said.
"There's nothing — nothing — in the budget that the opposition could not or should not have supported. Unfortunately Mr. Ignatieff and his coalition partners, the NDP and the Bloc, had already decided they wanted to force an election instead," Harper said. "The fourth election in seven years. An election Canadians clearly don't want."
"Thus the vote today that disappoints me, will, I expect, disappoint Canadians," Harper said.
[I love Canada's politics. They are oh so much saner than anything in this country.]
Don't know about our politics being sane. Saner than the tea partiers, perhaps, but then we have yet to see how Harper's Conservatives would govern if they won an actual majority of seats. Not something I want to see, either.
But our electoral process? Yeah, it works; both fast and cheap. We campaign, vote and install a new government in the time Americans take between electing a president and swearing him or her in. None of this two years governing, two years campaigning shit.
No corporate or union campaign donations allowed, just limited amounts by individuals. Oh, and the govt. doles out a few bucks to each party for every vote it won in the previous election. After the election, each party and candidate has to submit a complete tally of revenues and expenses. That's about it. We like it.
by acanuck on Sat, 03/26/2011 - 4:14pm