The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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      Lucas Cranach the elder


    Okay, so now we have the LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE. salon

    Praise the Lord and pass the communion cup!

    1990 Gingrich's political action committee, GOPAC, sends out a memo titled "Language: A Key Mechanism of Control" to several thousand Republican candidates running for state and local offices. It includes a list of words they should use to describe Democrats:

    decay, failure (fail) collapse(ing) deeper, crisis, urgent(cy), destructive, destroy, sick, pathetic, lie, liberal, they/them, unionized bureaucracy, "compassion" is not enough, betray, consequences, limit(s), shallow, traitors, sensationalists, endanger, coercion, hypocricy, radical, threaten, devour, waste, corruption, incompetent, permissive attitude, destructive, impose, self-serving, greed, ideological, insecure, anti-(issue): flag, family, child, jobs; pessimistic, excuses, intolerant, stagnation, welfare, corrupt, selfish, insensitive, status quo, mandate(s) taxes, spend (ing) shame, disgrace, punish (poor...) bizarre, cynicism, cheat, steal, abuse of power, machine, bosses, obsolete, criminal rights, red tape, patronage.

    The Newt amended this memo in 1996, evidently.

    I think that if you listen enough to repub propaganda you would have to amend Newt's list to include the words unAmerican, nonAmerican, anti-Christian and Muslim.

    So Coulter writes a book entitled Traitors. All dems are traitors, all dem Presidents are traitors, all liberals are traitors...

    So Cheney tells us that Obama gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

    So Krauthammer claims that President Obama is shallow, hyper-partisan, a liar, a disgrace and he is intellectually dishonest.

    So Issa claims that President Obama is the most corrupt President in History.

    So the National Review says Obama is pathetic.

    So Mort Zuckerman tells us that Obama is incompetent & amateur.

    And of course, Sarah Palin claims that Obama is unAmerican.

    There are so many ways to bear false witness.

    So Donald Trump just takes Newt's rule book one step further, President Obama is not just unAmerican; he is not an American at all!

    Real estate mogul Donald Trump suggested in an interview Monday that President Barack Obama had been a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted to the Ivy League universities he attended. Trump, who is mulling a bid for the Republican presidential nomination, offered no proof for his claim but said he would continue to press the matter as he has the legitimacy of the president's birth certificate.

    "I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records.

    Matthews has dealt with the latest of Trump's smears on the character of our current President for weeks.

    So as of today, what is there still left to argue about?

    Well good ole Howard Kurtz hedges his bets on this question.

    Well Trump had already predicted this development by making these points.

    Nobody ever witnessed him growing up in Hawaii.

    Nobody ever remembers him at the schools that he claims to have attended.

    Nobody even remembers his mother.

    And now, the master of propaganda is claiming that our current President never deserved the education he had; if in fact he ever did receive that education.

    Trump is either claiming that Obama was accepted at Columbia University and Harvard Law School based upon his race or because of some conspiracy by communists or progressives or Muslims or....

    And sure enough Mother Jones and Salon demonstrate that questions concerning the authentication of Obama will never go away even in the face of the LONG FORM:

    In an interview with Mother Jones, Martin says he is still not satisfied:

    Martin, however, says that the birth certificate doesn't put to rest other questions about Obama's past and rise to power. Echoing Donald Trump's recent demands to see Obama's college grades, Martin said he wants to see the "admission files and the transcripts" of Obama’s college years. "The pressure for his college records is going to become relentless," he vows.

    You have to be at least 35 years of age and a natural born citizen to become President of the United States. Are they now saying that there is another Constitutionally mandated qualification involving proof of an ivy league education?

    The logical conclusion to all this bullshite would be that our President is an idiot because he is a Negro who was just given his education, given his grades, given his degrees based upon his race and his race only!

    Or, the next logical conclusion is that President Obama never went to school at all and his college records have been forged as part of some vast conspiracy.

    It will do no good to compare Obama's education to W Bush's educational opportunities. Junior was accepted to Yale and Harvard based upon affirmative action programs dedicated to rich white folks. You must recall that before Trump called President Obama the worst president in our history he called bush the single worst President of all time!

    And whose own background matches W Bush's background the best? Why Trump's bakcground of course.

    George W. Bush never graduated Magna Cum Anything. George W. Bush took the easy way out and received an MBA rather than a JD saving two years of hard work and never received more than just a gentleman's C.

    As I stated before, inconsistency is not something that would rattle a man like Trump.

    If this were 1918 and Trump was attacking Wilson like this during a time of war, he would have been thrown in prison for a decade on the charge of supporting the enemies of the people.

    Now I might be reminded that there are some repubs who will eschew this issue of provenance for our President. The Mitt and Pawlenty, the head of the RNC and other repubs have refused to get into the fray.

    They still will use words and phrases out of The Newt's campaign book.

    Obama is a socialist, Obama is sympathetic to our enemies, Obama is incompetent....

    Trump and the other birthers and most teapartiers just add two new words to their repub dictionary:non-American and Muslim.

    Maybe Barack Obama is a Muslim.

    After all of the obscenities thrown at Reverend Wright along with Obama's association with his church, now we must contend with the claim that Obama is a Muslim.

    Oh they cannot have it both ways, some reasonable person might respond.

    Well repubs always get it both ways.

    Now I just have to take detour from my main argument and discuss the reaction of the Christian Right to the birther claims.

    In order to buttress your arguments as a repub birther teabagger, find someone who claims to head a 'church' but is really nothing but a politician making a glorious living seeking alms. And Trump found himself a minister of The Christ to do just that.

    Franklin Graham is a hypocritical, Jew-hating, minority hating prick. I watched him with Lawrence O'Donnell the other night fully prepared to bash Obama and support Trump!

    If you recall, his daddy was nothing but an alms seeking hypocritical racist anti-Catholic, anti-Jewish prick who made millions peddling this unschooled ill-researched religion. He escaped the revival tents of Elmer Gantry and built a faux Christian capitalist model of hypocrisy that was copied by Falwell and Robertson and Baker and hundreds of other faux Christians. See:

    Of course all of these bastards will print out reports showing you how their organizations (read businesses) provide sick children with medical care.

    But so can the sponsors of golf tournaments for chrissakes.

    And like the sponsors of the tournaments, these 'ministers' rake in their personal millions off the top before any income goes to charities!

    It may be that a rich man needs to ride his camel through a needle to reach the Kingdom of Heaven but fellows like the Grahams just figure they can buy bigger needles.

    These people are just repubs who make their monies off of alms rather than oil or stocks although they all have investments in companies that are part of our ruling economic oligarchy.

    Anyway, the Most Reverend Franklin Graham has shown his true colors as nothing but a goddamn shaman!

    Was President Obama born an American?

    Is President Obama a real Christian?

    Is President Obama a real American?

    Franklin's real message is:

    Blacks are never real Americans unless they are on the repub campaign trail and Democrats are never real Christians nor real Americans.

    Now the day after Franklin said that Trump has some good points, the day after Franklin said there is something wrong with the President's birth certificate and the day after Franklin noted that he has records of his own birth demonstrating the hospital room number where his mother delivered him into the Christian World: Franklin has the gall to complain that he was misquoted.

    You look at this tape and tell me where Franklin was misquoted:

    This man of God has borne false witness, he knows that he has borne false witness and now he wishes to walk it back!

    Oh and check out O'Donnell's show at the link provided. He gives his own sermon after listening to the hypocrisy and the lies communicated by Graham.

    A good Irish Catholic always knows his Bible!

    Just remember, the religious right and the repubs all sermonize from the Holy Book of Newt!

    Just throw in this Newt's amended list of words into a computer with the right software and you can print out an editorial in about five minutes on any serious subject facing this nation.


    What's the point of being open-minded, if the alternate option is always a tinker-toy construction of words rather than actual thoughts?  It's like that construct-a-haiku novelty item that lets you use a limited assortment of words on magnets to put together a refrigerator-magnet haiku every morning, thus reducing poetry to an assemblage, or in this case, political discourse to interchangeable auto parts.  I think that offends me even more than bearing false witness. You can refute lies, but how do you argue against tinker-toy grammatical syntax?

    True story. Part of it is the 60 second sound bite--when you are lucky!

    But my favorite dems can get so much info into that soundbite, tell me something new.

    Teabaggers and birthers can only take so much info in at once! ha