Blog Posts

Cash & Curie - curieosity & opening up the past

I'd originally been looking at Rosanne Cash's comments on #MeToo,
but came across her tribute to a tribute to Marie Curie (yes, recursive,
or recuriesive depending, in this case Adrienne Rich as the midpoint)

But is it Art? Paint by Numbers dude dies

Did he popularize, democratize art, or simply debase it?
Well, Dan Robbins will no longer be around to answer that question.
But I hear he left some kind of Da Vinci Code to the truth -
a sequence - simple yet sublime - 1 thru 50.
Palettes ready?

Food Review: LA Dishes on New York

What can I say that hasn't been said...?
(except St. Louis Bread Company seems to be nailing the vaunted trending "sliced bagels" niche -
both coasts must be jealous as all hell - or so they at least think)
Meanwhile, back to the Big (Candied) Apple - let that one stick.

Super Mario Bros: down so long, still feels like up

Hard to say why so many hate this movie - charming sweet, funny lines, over-the-top performances, and a vibe that's a cross between Bladerunner and Running Man. That it came out the same year as Jurassic Park (which I hated) is even more perfect. Dennis Hopper is the ultimate reptilian reprobate - no longer confined to sodomizing cupie dolls in a tiny shack by The River's Edge, but as a real live Kooper reliving his Blue Velvet "I'll fuck anything that moves!" rages. And this is bad?

The Art of the Hustle

Hearing ab​out a working girl who trades her life up should make us happy, right? Especially at the expense of Wall Street vultures... when metoo becomes Me Too...

What's for Lunch? Lydia vs. the Cultural Vampires

Just a link, a pointer to a world that once existed, that still exists but is lost under a global sea of daily pablum.
She may not be *it* - nobody is - but she's part of *it*, part of the growth underneath, the bugs in the grass in a David Lynch movie, incessantly moving, foraging, moving earth, devouring and splitting and splintering. When we get tired of the nothingness, they will still be there, waiting to take it all down, not to build it over but to keep it in its place. That *is* underground.

On Breaking up Google - this is not your Grandma's Monopoly

Another election and another round of liberal posturing - "how do we beat down the corporates, how do we dismantle their power?" "Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple...," exclaims Elizabeth Warren, "along with their little subsidiary acquisitions". Let's call these The Big Four.

So let's tear this down - first, are these the monopolists you're looking for? Back in the day of the Robber Barons, we had goons showing up to beat up the competition - quite a bit of heat brought down on anyone who was in competition. This kind of activity is pretty rare these days - mostly it's just that customers are flocking to the big boys, and that's just tough on the rest.

The IT age truly hit when Microsoft ended up with a practical monopoly on the desktop. Sure, Apple could scrape out 4 million laptop & desktop sales a quarter with a huge comparative margin, and techies could go for Linux or lately Chromebooks, but in terms of units at home and in the workplace, DOS-Windows machines predominated since 1982, and still do. Microsoft went on to do quite well in the Office software and database business - and people howled to break them up. But in the end, they went from a dominant consumer company to a dominant enterprise software company, with the whole industry resigning itself to the fact that the OS is boring, and is best off boring, and all the OS wars in the 70's and 80's mostly led to things not working with each other, whereas the Windows behemoth solved that problem. Until the Web came along and made everything interoperable in a different way, so the Windows monopoly became a "who cares?" We got a little flurry of excitement when Steve Jobs decided to put a knife in the heart of Flash and Adobe itself, pretending to go to a new standard that was far from market ready - and suddenly we saw what we'd avoided for 2 decades - having to choose when we really didn't care. Sure, Excel rolled over Lotus-1-2-3 and M$ killed some other fine mail & database software companies, but it was the 90's, baby - the Internet Age, and if things hadn't just worked, that would have harshed our mellow. 

Jong at Heart: Everything is Copy

Kids of famous people - kind of makes you jealous, all those advantages, and then you realize it's usually not an advantage, just the typical mixed kettle of fish.

Molly shares some of that constantly reflexive view with us. Suddenly I have this curious wonder if Carly Simon wrote "You're So Vain" about herself. I don't meant that meanly - I mean it like she means it, "Everything is Copy", you're always on stage, or for book writers, soon to be a character in a book.

To be the daughter of The Zipless Fuck - how you you go to Kindergarten with that on your name tag?

2020 Rejects & Remainders

Ok, was trying to stay out of this, but so far the "no way Jose" list:

- Tulsi Gabbard (Fox hawk if not Russian asset in Hawaiian hulu skirt with jackboots)

- Howard Schultz (latte corporate vulture with an odd sense of "centrist" looking more like "blame the Dems for asking for nice things" misguided conception of "independent", while pitching a well-tarnished "businessman saves America" deficit-scold message. 15 years ago maybe - plus a business run only on young hipster easily-exploited youth hardly seems like it offers a breakthrough message for the rest of us)



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