Here's this week's heap of haikus:
When feeling lonely,
don't sit in your room and sigh ...
Go start a parade!
Both Summer colds and
crazy ex-girlfriends remain
Our own impact can't
be known to us. For we've touched
lives and don't know it.
You should not complain
that no-one understands you
if you never speak.
As one might suspect,
Ray guns needing batteries
pose problems on Mars.
tanka haiku: I'm not against you.
I don't think the way you do,
but you're still my friend.
Vehement accusations
seldom clarify one's thoughts.
Don't feel discouraged
when your back's against the wall ...
you've found some support.
I'm down on my knees.
Tell me what I want to hear ...
How do I get up?
Angels still sing as
we carry on with our lives.
(They're paid a flat rate.)
"Haberdasher's Hi-jinks!"
"Picnics in Cluttered Canoes"
(Plays closed out of town.)
He wore funny shoes
because he had funny feet.
So why funny pants?
A friend, who's a professional clown, responded: 'You haiku-ing about us clowns?'
Clown feet are funny,
but not always 'funny' ... If
you know what I mean.
To which my friend responded: 'Especially when they're sweaty!'
How sweaty was he?
That clown was so sweaty that
the seltzer sprayed him.
While you sleep at night,
miracles tiptoe past you.
If only you'd wake.
In a quiet room,
far from all the excitement,
plans were being made.
Dispositions change.
Mindsets frequently evolve.
Never close a door.
Even when alone,
in my heart and my mind, you
still reverberate.
In a lonely room,
a writer pounds his keyboard ...
inspiration's struck!
As the dusk draws nigh
chickens roost and dogs bark at
approaching shadows.
Eighteen coffee cups
cluttering the countertop;
broken dishwasher.
Don't look to robins
as the harbingers of Spring ...
they eat worms, y'know.
We'd be out of luck
if amoebas got stuck in
primordial muck.
You've fought long enough,
You may put your sword down now
and rest, simply rest.
(For my older sister; the caregiver for both our parents, 40 years apart.)
She entered, wearing
a sweatshirt and dungarees
which left him breathless
To friends, be loyal,
to enemies, forgiving ...
Siblings? Persevere.
(Just kidding, Sis!)
Talking politics
has become, (it's sad to say),
'screw you, you're a jerk!'
Feel irregular?
Take Fletcher's Castoria!
('Mad Men' Ad copy!)
According to the Center for Disease Control, there are 2.7 million Americans with some form of Spondylitis. In other words, it would take nearly 54 Yankee Stadiums to seat all 2.7 million American Spondys.
But what does 2.7 million of something actually look like?
I've started a new AS Awareness Project determined to give people
a visual demonstration of what 2.7 million looks like.
For the next 9 months, the online AS Community, their friends and neighbors,
will be collecting bottle-caps and bottle-tops for a cause; a visual demonstration.
On the next World AS Day, May 4, 2013, we're going to show the world
2.7 million bottle-tops, each one representing one American with some form of Spondylitis.