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    A Drizzily Friday Afternoon at the Haikulodeon



    Here's this week's heap of haikus:


    A sleeping dog guards
    the pumpkin harvest while the
    leaves sneak from the trees.



    (The rest of the photographs on this page were taken by my collaborator, Tom Contrino.)



    Red and white onions,
    Forced together by fate ... and
    Color blind grocers.



    Living on the streets,
    I slip into a dream world
    to escape my life.




    Pulsating rhythms,
    Echoing through Central Park,
    The joy of bongos.


    What did Mantle's knees,
    and a drummer's fingertips,
    have in common? Tape!




    How do you get to
    High Street Rehab? You inhale ...
    (It makes sense to me.)




    I locked my bike up
    when I got to the market ...
    Good thing I wore shoes.



    Stiff and discarded,
    old paintbrushes wait, hope and
    pray for turpentine.




    Though his hand was out,
    his spirit needed kindness
    even more than cash.




    A Mannequin Zoo;
    Please Do Not Feed the Housewives ...
    (and if they move, run!)




    Sure, she stares blankly,
    and she has no fashion sense,
    but she listens well.




    I whispered to her,
    'What is a nice girl like you,
    Doing behind bars?'



    Confused park benches
    still wonder why people look
    for seats on buses.




    What sub-species of
    human fakes a service dog?

    I'm too blind to see.





    Willows in the wind,
    gently swaying back and forth,
    like sleepy dancers.




    He tried to please her,
    he tried to reason with her,
    she tried his patience.



    double haiku:

    He wrestles demons,
    which doesn’t pay as well as
    praying with angels …

    But ... it’s a living.
    And the fact is, he prefers
    headlocks to halos.




    Cunning conundrums,
    thoroughly mixed metaphors ...
    twisted conclusions.


    The bejeweled collar
    he wears, undercuts his claim
    he wants to be free.


    When it's dinnertime
    in the cannibal village,
    stupid shows up first.


    Soft hands on rough stone,
    grasping for crevices, will
    soon form calluses.


    "I 'felt' it was true" ...
    has been the rationale for
    most of our blunders.


    Let me ask you this ...
    If it is all in God's hands,
    why is He all thumbs?




    Finally, just for fun, check out my old pal Davis Cone's paintings in this article on The Huffington Post:


    Have a great week. 



    I can't explain this

    But manikins freak me out

    Is this nuts or what?


    It is not like they

    Intentionally scare me

    They have no spirit


    Manikins aren't dead

    You must have first lived before

    You can in fact die?



    As some 'doll' once said,
    "It's not the man in my life ...
    it's the manikin."




    Having no spirit

    does not mean you aren't alive ...

    look at Dick Cheney.





    works in middle management:

    A doll drives his car.


    Tea Party Death Wish:

    I will witness your demise:

    Pass the nachos, please.


    Stupid called for help

    and then shot the intruders.

    He wears his own chains.



    Don't be so silly

    Dolls cannot drive on the roads

    They're there for the ride!

    The chauffeur is real

    but the passenger is not?

    Two dolls in a car.




    Don't be so silly?

    Let me sew this one one right up ...

    You're in the wrong thread. 


    I'm not needling,

    I'm tailoring my post and

    laughing in stitches.





    Tea Party Health Care:

    We got the Rapture and the

    Emergency Room.


    Socks on before shoes.

    The safe ones laugh at the damm'd.

    Laughing last is hate.


    I like that.

    Please prioritize;

    carts go before horses and

    socks on before shoes.

    Good one Oxy!


    Tea Party Health Care;
    Give me my gun and I'll give
    myself a flu shot.



    Thanks, Smith.


    Give me my rifle

    And I'll shoot up some health care

    and a few mandates.


    Tea Party Health Care;

    Don't take away my gun, 'cuz

    I need a flu shot.

    Excellent! Nice to keep the 'stupid' theme going from last week. lol


    Tea Party Death Wish;

    Who knew that holding your breath

    would turn Congress blue?



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