Now Heracles is tendered his third labour (as the Brits might spell it)
And Artemis (no not Wild Wild West guy) Goddess of the Hunt ordered THE
evil king to give Heracles this next labour.
Heracles should be ordered to capture and procure (alive) the Magic Hind protected
and loved by Artemis.
Now I am sure that Artemis had a fine, fine hind. Except this Magic Hind
was not of her body so to speak, but a stag of sorts. I mean I am sure this
fine mammal might find a date
on any specific occasion; but none the less we are talking about a mammal.
Anyhow....Heracles always did as he was told to do (cause he was an idiot)
and so he spent a year running after this Hind all over Greece.
You see, the Hind was so swift that he would actually
outrun an arrow. I am speaking of course, about an arrow sent per a
bow. I mean try to throw an arrow at a local deer sometime and see
how far you get.
So our Hero Heracles, following a full year of drudgery actually caught
the Magic Hind and he delivered it to the evil king.
It seems though, that once our Hero 'dropped it off' the king could
not hang on to it.
Kind of like that first baseman in the Boston massacre back in the
But the Gods just figured that Heracles had finished the labour and
that was that.
Anyhow, Our Esteemed Leader of the 'so-called' Free World has been
seeking his own hind for decades.
I mean, Donald is not and has never been as good as Heracles.
It seems that the gods have ordered President Trump to seek out live
Hinds for decades.
Well, Our Esteemed Leader has been seeking Magic Hinds his entire
Donald Trump always likes the hind most, so to speak?
So the Esteemed Leader of our 'Free World' has been seeking the Golden Hind for many decades.
Oh and how our Hero likes dressing rooms:
Except our current hero never delivers the goods to the King?
Look I am just reporting the goddamn facts here folks.
I just came back here and saw Ducky's blog and felt I should add this tidbit concerning our Esteemed Leader.
So some hooker (read Porno Queen) received $130,000 as blackmail just prior to Don's election.
I do not know why but this got to me. And guess what? The hooker said fuck you and told the story anyway.
by Richard Day on Sat, 01/13/2018 - 10:05am
You know Richard, I've been thinking on the paid-off-porn start story since yesterday and I think this now: it was just basically to keep Melania from freaking out, it wouldn't have hurt him in the election if the "pussy grabbing" tape didn't. Melania freaking out might have hurt him, though. But the tape was just right out there, no question about it, and didn't hurt his vote with the Christian right. They already knew this about him with all the beauty pageant type history, that you cite on this thread, he actually sold the playboy image. Who it angered was already not going to vote for him: the many women who got so angry that they protested his election in great numbers. But the conservative morals cohort, they've got the double standard thing built into their whole shtick, the boys will be boys and women should be barefoot and pregnant madonnas or else they should be whores. This is also where one gets confused by the Roy Moore vote. Though that gets complicated by the issue of underage, that's where some of the "boys will be boys" Christianists get upset: hands off the kiddies.
by artappraiser on Sat, 01/13/2018 - 2:03pm
AA, I will never understand the Christian Right!
I always think about Sam Kinison.
Here was this eight year old? and son of a preacher who took the stage and
ranted about God Almighty at his parent's request and ended up a stand-up
comic with a drug problem.
I will sleep on the couch with the tv running and wake up with some preacher
telling me to send him a hundred bucks so I might receive a thousand from
by Richard Day on Sat, 01/13/2018 - 3:27pm