The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
    tmccarthy0's picture

    My Comicbook City - Performance Art in a New Millenia

    Seatroplis don't you wish you lived here. Everyone does.  Deep dark, green, Seatropolis, between Cascadia and the Pacific where an epic battle between righteous zealotry and snark is taking place as I type each and every letter of this short story.

    Meet Phoenix Jones, a man in a mask, Seatroplises self appointed crime fighter armed with mace.

    Now meet Rex Velvet, "The People's Villain" arch nemesis to Phoenix Jones.

    As Velvet says, there is no super hero without a super Villain.


    I live in a live action millennial performance art project. This is really damn fun! So far I give Velvet more points, he has pizzazz and style and a great videographer! Pick your side, nerdz.