MrSmith1's picture

    You Write The Punchline! ...


    Choose any or all of the following set-ups and then ...




    1) Paul Ryan walks into a soup kitchen ...

    2) Mitt Romney just released his tax returns and ...

    3) How many Republicans does it take to voucherize your grandmother?

    4) A priest, a rabbi and Mitt Romney were playing golf ...

    5) At the Pearly Gates, Big Bird meets St. Peter.  St. Peter says ... 


    examples:  Paul Ryan walks into a soup kitchen ... and privatizes the soup.

    Paul Ryan walks into a soup kitchen ... and everyone pans his visit.


    Now come on, I know that you Dagbloggers can do better than that!


    Have fun!



    Mitt Romney just released his tax returns and ... if you can't see them it's not his fault.

    Mitt Romney just released his tax returns and commanded that nothing shall be returned!


    How many repubs does it take to voucherize your grandmother? Four....

    One to get the 'spin' right.

    Two to make sure they got the 'spin' right.

    Three to make sure that all repubs have or had grandmothers.

    Four to make sure we get rid of all grandmama's who have no insurance!

    Enough for now, I must contemplate this!

    Got it, Richard.

    It doesn't add up, right?


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