The Bishop and the Butterfly: Murder, Politics, and the End of the Jazz Age
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    The future as I see it, through someone else's eyes ...

    Today I read an article on the Web that I wanted to share because it jibes pretty much perfectly with my vision of the near future for this country, particularly in relation to its economic, social and political status. It's not a pretty picture. But it's what I see ahead.

    The piece was written by Doug Kass, a hedge fund investor and contributor to, who is one of the stock market and economic commentators I admire the most. At the end of every year, Kass fearlessly gives out his predictions for the following year, and they have proven to be eerily accurate (despite the fact that most of them are what I would consider somewhat extreme). He correctly predicted the current economic crisis, the rise in commodity prices, the fall in the dollar as well as the crash on Wall Street. He's not always right (earlier this summer, he called for a trading bottom in financial stocks that was waaayyy too early) but his track record is amazing.

    Enjoy ... (well not really, but read it anyway)



    D, the link requires non-subscribers to sign up for a free trial. I'd rather not enter my credit card info mainly because I'll forget to unsubscribe. Can you offer us a summary and/or excerpts?

    oh darn ... i will def try to put up an excerpt/summary very soon. i didn't realize that it was from the paid section of the site ...

    oooh, never mind. I found a link to the same article off the free part of the site. ill change it in the post.


    Dman, I got the link free and well, thanks.  So here is two little c & ps

    In summary, my vision of the next three to five years is one of less economic clarity, more economic conservatism, rising populism, a more youthful government and muted investment expectations and returns.  (Mr. Kass)

    A dystopian society is one in which the conditions of life are miserable, characterized by human misery, poverty, oppression, violence, disease, and/or pollution.   (Wikipedia)

    It is going to be a change no doubt and that is always uncomfortable.  But I don't think conditions of life will be miserable.  I will probably have to move back to the farm, mainly to help my elderly parents and other than the misery of having to listen to Country Western Music it won't be filled with violence and oppression. 

    I googled 'Go shopping Bush' before I commented here - looks like at least once a year since 9/11 (the first time he said it) Bush told the American people to go shopping and shop they did.  I remember reading how the rich were griping because there were too few consumer goods availble to them alone therefore they came up with goldplated eyelets in their Topsiders (true that).  I guess I'm old enough and poor enough already to say - and so? I suffered a financial disaster 8 years ago and have lived without credit cards for 7 years and boyo am I glad now.  It is okay, it is doable.  The people I really feel for are the near to or already retired.  This is going to be really rough on them and they are left with very few solutions. 

    I should take a different tack here - I have been told my attitude about money is pertty different from most people.  So I would like to encourage people that read Kass and are concerned (and rightfully so) about their jobs - look to and help the ones you love, listen to the birds sing - they do that everyday and for free - and remember you are not the job you do. 

    Jeeze, forget what I said about moving back to the farm being okay with me.  I just remembered DIAL-UP, oh god!  I will go INSANE.  Nevermind!

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