Perhaps the increasingly popular premise, that to air a belief is to normalize it, renders a society least able to contest wrongheaded ideas precisely when it is most vital.
THERE ARE SOME good reasons to believe Russians had something to do with the breaches into email accounts belonging to members of the Democratic party, which proved varyingly embarrassing or disruptive for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But “good” doesn’t necessarily mean good enough to indict Russia’s head of state for sabotaging our democracy.
Hillary's warmongering was a prob - wanton bombing of civilians in a historic city, not so much. Hey, we're doing gas pipelines in Indian territory this year - maybe we can get you on next year's agenda, though hurry, it's stacking up. Meanwhile, apparently Assad and Putin were just joking about letting civilians leave.
Aleppo's now looking like Warsaw in The Pianist. But hey, Hillary's emails... and Nuland said "Fuck the EU"!!! And American imperialism!!!!!!!
You see, in order to sell the legitimacy of Il Douche and his entourage of madmen, Russian dupes and plutocrats, it has now become necessary for the American Fascist Party to pivot 180 degrees, completely unremember the last eight years, and roll out a new and wholly false narrative about the Obama Administration....
Watch the video, read the summary below from Nabell Azeez, figure out how Trump is manipulating things - not how we want politicians to behave or think he's winning (or think he's losing). (PS - this was all stuff from 10 months ago.)
11 Persuasion tips you can learn from Donald Trump and apply to your copywriting
Here are the 11 persuasion techniques Trump uses most often.
Persuasive Copywriting Tip #1: Sell Benefits, Not Features
Democrat or Republican, in an age where trust in politicians is at a minimum, it is not hard to see the attraction of that blunt aspect of the New York image…It’s a quality that can be profoundly appealing. – Michael Newman, linguist at Queens College
Can you imagine how much support he’d have if he spoke like this?
Persuasive Copywriting Tip #6: Be Funny
Trump regularly uses humour to deflect criticism and win over an audience. It’s extremely hard to dislike or even disagree with someone who makes you laugh.
Here are two situations when he uses humour brilliantly. The first is World-famous.
Notice how Megyn Kelly is right (he even acknowledges it) but by the time she corrects him, it doesn’t matter.
Her point was drowned out and the audience was ready to accept his justification (it was only a joke) because he made them laugh like that.
Next, watch him flip a boo-ing audience into a cheering one.
Persuasive Copywriting Tip #7: Create Conflict
When selling, it’s not enough to push customers towards your product.
You also have to have to pull them away from your competitors product.
What’s a good way to differentiate yourself in a market of same-y products?
Joanna Wiebe, copywriting maestro and IRL Peggy Olson, says that you should start a fight.
Since he announced his presidential run, conflict has been a part of Trump’s identity as a candidate.
Trump is a ‘winner and America will start winning again if they elect him.’
And so on.
Persuasive Copywriting Tip #8: Exaggerate for Contrast
Trump’s uses superlatives and hyperbole to create what’s called an adaptation level.
He’s not just going tackle immigration, he’s going to build a HUGE wall and put a temporary BAN on Muslim immigration.
America doesn’t just have problems, it’s “going down the drain.”
China doesn’t beat America in trade, “they kill us.”
The Iran sanctions deal wasn’t just bad, it was “the most incompetent deal I’ve ever seen negotiated.”
Persuasive Copywriting Tip #9: Use Psychological Hacks
Trump routinely relies on our cognitive biases to generate support for himself and his ideas. Here are three examples.
The Halo Effect – Trump supporters believe that because he is a wealthy and successful businessman that he will be just as successful in the Whitehouse.
Suvivorship bias – It doesn’t really matter that Trump isn’t as successful or as wealthy as he claims, all you see are the towers, hotels and resorts that are still standing.
Seeing Trump use these persuasion hacks in his speeches, debates and interviews is, in my opinion, better than any textbook you can read on the subject.
You can use these persuasion hacks to see significant improvement in your personal and professional relationships.
Your speech will work magic on your family, friends and coworkers.
Caveat: these techniques are extremely powerful, so only use them ethically.
Don’t use them for evil.
One final disclaimer. I don’t support Trump or any other U.S. presidential candidate.
I don’t even care about the outcome of the election.
It turns out Obama -- not the Russians -- was behind those damaging leaks of DNC emails. Why? Well, obviously to smear blame for them on the Trump campaign! I had to check the transcript (partway down) because I thought surely Bolton was being paraphrased. But no, that is what he thinks, and he stuck to his guns as even his Fox News interviewer pointed out what a "serious" charge he was making. The man was a certifiable loon under George Bush, and he seems to have gotten loonier with age. The only up side is that even some Republicans may balk at confirming Bolton for any foreign-policy role. Trump's cabinet is already shaping up as a disaster, but it looks like some GOP senators are starting to feel the same fears sane people do. (See McCain and Graham endorsing a bipartisan probe into Russia's electoral meddling -- something Trump hotly opposes.)
A key House Republican on the issue of Social Security introduced a bill Thursday that would impose major cuts to the program. The bill, the Social Security Reform Act of 2016, was introduced by Rep. Sam Johnson (R-TX), the chair of the House Ways and Means subcommittee on Social Security.
... authorities say there has been a spate of hate crimes targeting libraries, their books or patrons — offenses officials said they had rarely seen before. These crimes coincide with a recent report by the F.B.I. that attacks against American Muslims surged last year.
You know, it can be pretty boring and unoriginal to shout “fascist” at your political opponents. At a certain point, though, it’s no longer a strained comparison.
Two Ku Klux Klan leaders charged with attacking another KKK member at what should have been a happy occasion for white supremacists - a North Carolina parade celebrating Donald Trump's election. Perhaps the thrill of voting for the Great Narcissist Groper in Chief is already wearing off?
I was pretty amazed by 1 district in Alabama that stretches 100 miles or so from the famed "Black Belt" up into Birmingham. Apparently North Carolina is just as creative. But this article also brings up the "majority vs. influence" quandary - electing 1 rep is better than not quite electing either of 2, but this difference changes according to party preference, migration of populations, et al., not just gerrymandering. However, at the moment, gerrymandering and other obstruction seems to be high GOP strategy, so it's worth revisiting in terms of that context in terms of what would the black electorate like.
It's science - you'd think there'd be some capacity for uncertainty. Even with gravity we just measured the first gravity waves for the first time, a few months back. We just discovered the assortment of planets in our solar system is *very bizarrely* ordered (though balanced, just more peculiarly than we thought). How quickly can a new science move to completely untouchable doctrine? The point of the guy's work wasn't even to deny manmade global warming - he's in - it was to assess accuracy of predictions and such. As Trump would say, "Not good enough!"
"The Americans loved our stories and we make money from them," he boasts, making sure I see the designer watch he's fiddling with. "Who cares if they are true or false? one of scores, or probably hundreds of Macedonian the small city of Veles which churned out fake pro-Trump news during the US election campaign." If Trump can scam them, why not Macedonians?
Worth rememberintrememberin the "Hillary'll take away your guns" meme despite fairly little talk from her. How critical was that? These NRA guys are gonzo and organized.
I mean, why else would he get the position aside from growing up in the inner city until he was 18 (though I hear the pharoah may have been black, so perhaps that explains it. Or perhaps big cities are like one big brain with people like cells....
The Wall Street Journal corrects some of Donald's brain farts re: inner cities, employment and poverty, but what the fuck, we might as well be shouting at a wall - nobody gives a goddamn about what the facts are, and if it's beyond the length of a tweet, you've lost Trump's attention.
The intra-Palestinian meeting in Moscow has precedent
Russia's hosted such meetings in the past, most recently Feb 2019
Russia has long lamented the US' "monopolization" of the peace process & tried to carve out a niche for itself: mediating among the disunited Palestinians/2
Events: Heavy gunfire is occuring around the area of the U.S. Embassy and residential compounds adjacent to the Trutier area of Tabarre. All Embassy personnel have been instructed to remain indoors and shelter-in-place until further notice. All others should avoid the area.
Actions to take:
Avoid the area;
Avoid demonstrations and any large gatherings of people;
Do not attempt to drive through roadblocks; and
If you encounter a roadblock, turn around and get to a safe area.
All eyes on #Chad right now
Chad has two internet trunks coming into the country: One from the Red Sea via Sudan; the other from Cameroon. Not possible for the totality of the country's internet network to be shut unless done centrally. A lot of rumors swirling; few facts.
BREAKING: Three loss prevention employees in Macy’s across the street from Philadelphia City Hall stabbed, one of them has died from stab wounds, @PhillyPolice sources tell me. Police converged on the store as the three workers were rushed to Jefferson Hospital.
You don’t get it.
It’s not about an UNRWA teacher who held an Israeli kid hostage in his house.
It’s all about how for 75 years you have destroyed the future of generations of Palestinians, including my family.
My cousins in Arab countries are still not citizens - not even the…
It's wild that Venezuela is now holding a vote on whether 2/3 of Guyana actually belongs to them! Analysts suggest that Modoru may want military action to pump up his sinking popularity.
The lack of a cohesive delegation has allowed attention-seeking lawmakers to act on their own.
McCarthy: “You have [Rep. Matt] Gaetz, who belongs in jail…”
Gaetz: “Tough words from a guy who sucker punches people in the back. The only assault I committed was against Kevin’s fragile ego.”
"Both the AU and the intl community place more weight on whether elections are held than whether they are free and fair. Sanctions/expulsions occur when there is a coup but not necessarily when elections are rigged or if an “institutional coup” occurs."